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OPINION                                                                  JUNE 21, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 11

            Malaysia’s call for a security ar-
        chitecture that promotes coopera-
        tion while preventing fragmentation
        and exclusivity among member states
        is a crucial step towards a more uni-
        fied ASEAN.
            Singapore advocated for prac-
        tical  measures to  prevent  further
        conflicts in the South China Sea and
        stressed the need to resume US-Chi-
        na military exchanges. It also sup-
        ported  signing  agreements  in  fish-
        ing and hydrocarbons and endorsed
        Germany and the EU as observers in
        ADMM Plus.
            Cambodia emphasized prevent-
        ing escalation in the South China
        Sea, upholding the five-point consen-
        sus on Myanmar. To allay ASEAN’s
        fears,  it  clarified  that  China’s  role
        in the Ream Naval Base is strictly
            Timor-Leste called for trans-
        parent maritime security agree-
        ments in the Timor Sea to counter
        illegal, unreported, and unregulated   China, in a display of power, reiterated that peaceful reunification with Taiwan is its paramount goal, sternly warning that “whoever dares to split
        (IUU) fishing. It reiterated its goal of
        achieving “2025 Formal Admission”                   Taiwan from China will be crushed to pieces and suffer their destruction” (File photo/Agency)
        as an ASEAN member.
                                          over China’s behavior in the  South   lack of dialogue between the two na-  Zealand, India can collaborate with
           Fundamental Datapoints         China Sea, particularly regarding   tions, and contentious issues related   AUKUS on Pillar II, enhancing its
           from an External Power         Taiwan and its growing closeness   to Taiwan and the South China Sea—  cybersecurity,  artificial  intelligence,
                                                                                                              and undersea operations capabilities.
                                          with Russia. It rejected the notion
                                                                            fuel concerns about an inevitable
                  Perspective             of an order based on “containment”   confrontation in the South China Sea   The scene has been meticulous-
              he United States emphasized   and highlighted the interdependence   over Taiwan. On the second day of the   ly set, with the region’s key players
              the need to strengthen region-  of all strategic theatres. The Europe-  dialogue, Secretary of Defense Lloyd   poised to execute their defined roles.
        Tal defense industrial bases, in-  an Union underscored its role as a   J. Austin III delivered his remarks   The outcomes of the dialogue are
        tegrate Australian and Japanese air   “Smart Security Enabler” in domains   titled “The New Convergence in the   apparent, as the discussions, which
        and missile  defense  architectures,   such as cyber, disinformation, and   Indo-Pacific.” This convergence em-  were rich and diverse across various
        and launch an ASEAN Future De-    maritime security, maintaining vigi-  bodies a series of overlapping and   sessions,  were  filled  with  political
        fense Leaders Initiative. China’s   lance over China’s support for Russia   complementary initiatives and insti-  platitudes: China’s “display of pow-
        stance was marked by a strong rebuke   amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  tutions driven by a shared vision and   er,” the USA’s “balance of power,”
        of the Philippines for destabilizing   Japan advocated for advancing   mutual obligation, emphasizing the   and the “hedging through coopera-
        the South China Sea, a call for the   Multilateral cooperation with the   free choices of sovereign states.  tive mechanisms” by the middle pow-
        expedited implementation of a Code   United States, Australia, and the   Notably, China, in a display of   ers. The dialogue pinpointed the fric-
        of Conduct (CoC), concerns over   Philippines, enhancing Intelligence,   power, reiterated that peaceful re-  tion fueling regional insecurity, yet
        Taiwan’s situation, and a highlight of   Surveillance, and Reconnaissance   unification  with  Taiwan  is  its  par-  the discourse on remedial measures
        China-led forums globally.        (ISR) capabilities, and developing   amount goal, sternly warning that   leaned heavily towards  “crisis  man-
            South Korea’s stance includes   critical technologies to counter grey   “whoever dares to split Taiwan from   agement,” lacking a direct reference
        its apprehensions regarding Russia’s   zone activities. New Zealand aimed   China will be crushed to pieces and   to the underlying issues they were
        acquisition of weapons from North   at reinforcing the Five Power De-  suffer their destruction.”     meant to address. Thus, the endur-
        Korea, the escalating tensions on   fense Arrangements, provided an     Amidst these geopolitical ten-  ing  question  from  Shangri-La  2024
        the Korean Peninsula, and the need   overview of the completion of the   sions, potential opportunities arise   remains  whether  the  Indo-Pacific
        to uphold  the existing rules-based   P-8 mission related to North Korea   for India to re-engage with ASEAN   is genuinely prepared to confront
        international order. On the other   and highlighted potential opportuni-  countries. It may be recalled that a   its regional security challenges in a
        hand, France’s stance emphasized its   ties in Pillar-II of AUKUS. Canada   recent survey by the ASEAN Studies   manner that aligns with its implicit
        support for counterterrorism part-  underscored the growing strategic   Centre at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Insti-  claims to leadership.
        nerships, efforts to combat illegal,   importance of the Arctic and prior-  tute indicates  that a portion of the
        unreported, and unregulated (IUU)   itized the Indo-Pacific in its defense   ASEAN populace views India as hav-  Dr Shushant VC Parashar is a Re-
        fishing in the South Pacific, and the   strategy.                   ing little political and strategic influ-  search Fellow at the Centre for Land
        strengthening and protection of unity                               ence in Southeast Asia. In addition,   Warfare Studies (CLAWS). Previously,
        among EU nations amidst the ongo-    Key Takeaways for India        references to MDA, HADR and the   he worked as an Associate Fellow at the
        ing conflicts. It also stressed the im-                             pivotal role of middle powers all add   National Maritime Foundation (NMF)
        portance of not supplanting the roles   he United States and China   to the potential increase in India’s
        of international organizations like     are striving to stabilize their   role at a time when nations in the In-  This article first appeared on
        ASEAN and ensuring the implemen- Trelations,  yet  numerous fac-    do-Pacific,  especially  the  ones  from   the website ( of Centre
        tation of international laws.     tors—such as the upcoming U.S.    ASEAN, are hesitant to side with   for Land Warfare Studies, New Delhi,
            Australia expressed concern   presidential elections, the persistent   either of the big powers. Like New   on June 16, 2024

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