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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                   FEBRUARY 07, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 11

         Getting 20,000 Illegal Guns Off

                 Our Streets for a Safer City

          For three years in a row, the number of homicides and shootings have both declined by double digits:

            homicides are down by almost 23 percent, and shootings are down by more than 42 percent. That

                         means we’ve saved 268 additional lives and seen 1,500 fewer shooting victims

                                                         And last year saw the lowest amount of gun   ing two officers on every single subway during the
                                                      violence  in  the  history  of  Brooklyn,  while  over-  overnight hours to keep New Yorkers safe.
                                                      all crime plummeted by 15 percent in December   That was my promise to you three years ago
                                                      across  the  entire  city.  Because  of  our  steadfast   and  continues  to  be  my  promise  to  you  today.
                                                      focus on eradicating gun violence, New York City   When  others  wanted  to  defund  the  police,  I  de-
                                                      continues to be the safest big city in America.  fended  them,  because  fighting  for  your  safety  is
                                                         As  we  begin  the  New  Year,  our  priority  re-  what you elected me to do. And the NYPD will
                                                      mains  the  same:  keeping  New  Yorkers  safe  by   keep  working  hard  —  seizing  guns,  dismantling
                                                      continuing to address gun violence and removing   trafficking pipelines, and preventing shootings be-
                                                      illegal firearms from our city. NYPD officers have   fore they happen — to make New York City even
                                                      already confiscated over 350 firearms in the first   safer.
                                                      few weeks of 2025. But we can — and we will — go   We are also supporting efforts to stop recidi-
                                                      further.                                     vists from committing more crimes, building stron-
                                                         In the last few months, we have seen random   ger bonds between the police and the communities
                        ERIC ADAMS                    acts of violence that have shaken many New York-  they serve, and creating opportunities for young
                                                      ers.  We  all  know  safety  is  about  more  than  just   people to stay safe and find purpose. With initia-
             rom the moment I was sworn in as your may-  statistics  —  people  must  be  safe  and  they  must   tives  like  our  Neighborhood  Safety  Teams  and
             or three years ago, our primary mission has   FEEL safe. Nothing does a better job in translat-  the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, we will
        Fbeen  to  create  safer  streets,  safer  subways,  ing perception to reality than the presence of that   continue to make the smart, upstream investments
        and a safer city for New York families. That means   familiar blue uniform. So, we are putting hundreds   that dam the rivers of violence and prevent crime
        tackling  the  issue  of  gun  violence  head-on  and   of additional police officers out on patrol, includ-  from happening in the first place.
        working to get illegal guns out of the hands of crim-
        inals before they can cause more harm.
            The numbers are in, and I am proud to say
        that  our  administration  made  significant  prog-
        ress in getting guns off our streets and out of our
        communities. As of last week, we have confiscat-
        ed more than 20,000 illegal firearms since we first
        took office. That is 20,000 weapons that no longer
        threaten the safety of our neighborhoods, our fam-
        ilies, and our children; 20,000 fewer chances that
        a New Yorker is shot or killed; and 20,000 rivers
        of violence dammed up before they flood our city.
        This statistic is more than just a large number —
        it’s a major milestone for our city and a clear shift
        in the right direction.
            We’ve  also  taken  3,000  more  guns  off  our
        streets from 2022 through 2024 than in the previ-
        ous three-year period. And of the 20,000 guns we
        have seized, more than 1,400 of them have been
        identified  as  ghost  guns  —  the  untraceable  fire-
        arms that are far too easy to obtain and assemble.
        We are removing dangerous guns off our streets   Nothing does a better job in translating perception to reality than the presence of that familiar blue uniform. So, NYC is putting
        and  keeping  our  communities  safe  —  and  our
        strategy is working.                                                hundreds of additional police officers out on patrol (File photo)
            For three years in a row, the number of homi-
        cides and shootings have both declined by double   As I said in my State of the City address ear-  play in. Every gun we take off our streets gets us
        digits: homicides are down by almost 23 percent,   lier this month, we must make New York City the   another step closer to that goal. And every day, I
        and shootings are down by more than 42 percent.   best place in the world to raise a family — and that   will continue to work to end gun violence in our
        That means we’ve saved 268 additional lives and   starts  with  safer  streets  for  our  families  to  walk   city and our nation.
        seen 1,500 fewer shooting victims.            down, safer transit to ride on, and safer parks to   Eric Adams is the Mayor of New York City, NY

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