Page 6 - The Indian EYE 020725
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EYE ON INDIA                                                      FEBRUARY 07, 2025        |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                            DAM ON BRAHMAPUTRA

         Concerns in Arunachal and among Tibetans as

           China plans the biggest hydroelectric project

          The dam would allow China to control the timing and volume of water flowing downstream,

                       which could have devastating effects during periods of low flow or drought

              runachal Pradesh Chief Min-                                                                     earthquake in Tibet’s Dingri region
              ister  Pema  Khandu  is  con-                                                                   is a stark reminder of the natural di-
        Acerned about China’s refusal                                                                         sasters that could follow,” he noted.
        to enter into binding international
        water treaties and its selective shar-                                                                As part of his second round of
        ing of hydrological data and suggest-
        ed  an  urgent  need  for  cooperative                                                                official visits  to Tibetan  set-
        governance of shared water resourc-                                                                   tlements in West Bengal and
        es  in  Asia,  as  per  a  release  by  the
        CMO.                                                                                                  Arunachal Pradesh, the Sikyong
            Speaking at the inaugural func-                                                                   made a significant stop at the
        tion of a seminar titled ‘Environment
        and Security’ in Itanagar at the Dor-                                                                 Tezu Dhargyeling Settlement,
        jee Khandu Auditorium Hall of the                                                                     according to the CTA. He met
        state Legislative Assembly, the Chief
        Minister drew attention of all stake-                                                                 with local dignitaries and offi-
        holders towards the Chinese plan to                                                                   cials during his day-long tour
        construct the world’s largest hydro-
        power project on the Yarlung Tsang-                                                                   and also paid respects to Kyab-
        po  river,  which  enters  Arunachal                                                                  je Dzogchen Ganor Rinpoche.
        Pradesh  as  Siang  and  becomes  the
        Brahmaputra in Assam before flow-
        ing into Bangladesh.                                                                                      Throughout these interactions,
            The seminar focused on the en-                                                                    he expressed gratitude for the con-
        vironmental situation in Tibet and its   Arunachal CM Pema Khandu (left) and CTA president Penpa Tsering (right) speaking    tinued assistance provided to Tibet-
        relation to India’s security. He point-                 at the seminar  Photo: Tibet.Net              an residents in the area. His engage-
        ed that the dam would allow China                                                                     ments  included  inspecting  projects
        to control the timing and volume of                                                                   initiated  by  the  16th  Kashag  and
        water  flowing  downstream,  which   significant risks to the water security,   dependency on Tibet’s rivers and cli-  visiting all of the settlement’s camps,
        could have devastating effects during   ecology,  and  livelihoods  of  millions   mate patterns, has a significant role   including the site of a new camp that
        periods  of  low  flow  or  drought,  a   of people downstream in Arunachal   to play in global environmental con-  will  accommodate  several  Tibetan
        statement from the release said.  Pradesh,  Assam,  and  Bangladesh.   servation efforts,” Khandu said.  families from Tuting.
            “The mighty Siang or the Brah-  The  potential  disruption  of  water   In a related development, Tibet-  While addressing the public, he
        maputra River would dry-up during   flow, flooding, and ecosystem degra-  an  Government-in-Exile  President   discussed both completed and ongo-
        winters  disrupting  life  in  the  Siang   dation could have far-reaching con-  Sikyong Penpa Tsering spoke at the   ing initiatives under the 16th Kashag
        belt  and  the  plains  of  Assam,”  he   sequences on us,” he said.  Tezu  Dhargyeling  Tibetan  Settle-  and  acknowledged  the  visionary
        cautioned.                            Highlighting that all major rivers   ment on January 27, underlining the   leadership of Tibetan spiritual lead-
            Conversely, according to Khan-  of India originate from the Tibetan   strategic and geopolitical importance   er  the  Dalai  Lama.  According  to
        du,  sudden  releases  of  water  from   Plateau, Khandu was of the opinion   of the Tibetan Plateau, according to   the CTA, he highlighted the contri-
        the  dam  could  cause  severe  flood-  that the Chinese government’s ram-  a statement by the Central Tibet Ad-  butions of earlier generations of Ti-
        ing downstream, particularly during   pant  exploitation  of  Tibet’s  natural   ministration (CTA).  betans, who laid the foundation for a
        monsoon  seasons,  displacing  com-  resources pose a serious threat to the   He expressed concerns over Chi-  thriving exile community and contin-
        munities, destroying crops, and dam-  very existence of these river systems,   na’s proposed mega-dam project on   ue to advocate for Tibetan freedoms
        aging infrastructure.             upon  which  millions  of  Indians  de-  the Brahmaputra River, stating, “It   through the Middle Way Policy.
            Furthermore, the dam would al-  pend for survival.              has serious ecological and strategic   Sikyong  concluded  his  visit  by
        ter the sediment flow, affecting agri-  “Tibet is often referred to as the   ramifications for riparian communi-  thanking the Indian government and
        cultural lands that rely on the river’s   “Water  Tower  of  Asia,”  supplying   ties,” according to the CTA.  the leadership of Arunachal Pradesh
        natural  replenishment  of  nutrients,   water to over a billion people in the   Highlighting  the  seismic  sen-  for their unwavering support of the Ti-
        he said.                          region.  Its  environmental  health  is   sitivity  of  the  Tibetan  Plateau,  Si-  betan community, the CTA noted. He
            “China’s  construction  of  the   critical not only to China and India   kyong warned of the risks posed by   urged  Tibetan  residents  to  maintain
        world’s largest hydropower dam on   but to much of Asia.            large-scale construction in the frag-  harmonious  relations  with  the  local
        the  Yarlung  Tsangpo  River  poses   Therefore, India, given its direct   ile  region.  “The  recent  devastating   population and adhere to local laws.

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