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OPINION                                                           FEBRUARY 07, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 10

             New Heights for India’s Space Program as ISRO

         Successfully Executes Satellite Docking Experiment

           The execution of this SpaDeX mission showcases ISRO’s growing mastery over new technologies, which

        were used during this mission, such as indigenous docking strategy and inter-satellite communication links

                                                                                                              significant private sector participation,
                                                                                                              such as Manastu Space, GalaxyEYE
                                                                                                              Space and Bellatrix Aerospace, mark-
              he article highlights India’s                                                                   ing a pivotal moment for the Indian
              groundbreaking  achievement
        Tin  space  technology  with  the                                                                     space  sector.  These  domestic  part-
                                                                                                              nerships  were  able  to  achieve  these
        successful  SpaDeX  mission  docking                                                                  high levels of performance and simul-
        experiment.                                                                                           taneously save costs, proving the vast
            India takes another leap in the ex-
        ploration of space with the successful                                                                potential for the private space sector
                                                                                                              in India. This success has opened new
        docking experiment for the SpaDeX                                                                     opportunities  for  private  companies
        mission. This enhances the stature of                                                                 to participate in satellite manufactur-
        the Indian Space Research Organiza-                                                                   ing,  space  technology  development
        tion (ISRO) as one of the leaders at                                                                  and future missions, further energiz-
        the world level. On 16 January 2025,                                                                  ing the country’s space ecosystem.
        India became the fourth country after                                                                     Despite  the  remarkable  success
        the USA, Russia and China to have                                                                     of SpaDeX, India must address that
        developed  in-space  docking  technol-                                                                achieving docking with small satellites
        ogy. This commendable achievement                                                                     like SDX01 and SDX02 requires high
        brings India closer to being a global                                                                 precision but scaling this capability to
        superpower. It also presents India as                                                                 larger, more complex spacecraft will
        an  eminent  country  in  world  affairs,                                                             demand  further  innovation.  Devel-
        striding in space technology.                                                                         oping  autonomous  docking  systems
            Space  docking  is  defined  as  the
        joining  together  of  two  spacecraft                                                                is essential for missions that venture
                                                                                                              beyond  Earth’s  orbit,  such  as  lunar
        while  in  orbit.  It  requires  the  first                                                           or interplanetary exploration. Ensur-
        spacecraft, usually called a “chaser,”                                                                ing the reliability and safety of these
        to  make  a  well-controlled  flight  to-                                                             systems, particularly in untested envi-
        wards  the  second  spacecraft,  called                                                               ronments, will require extensive simu-
        the “target.” This procedure is com-                                                                  lation, testing and validation.
        plicated  because  it  needs  perfection                                                                  The  SpaDeX  mission  docking
        to ensure that both spacecraft make                                                                   experiment  completion  is  consid-
        it  through  the  docking  phase  safely                                                              ered to be a watershed for the Indian
        and successfully. The Space Docking                                                                   space programme. This achievement
        Experiment  (SpaDeX)  mission  was     ISRO launched PSLV-C60 with two Space Docking Experiment (SpaDex) satellites    promptly  positions  India’s  ISRO
        launched on 30 December 2024, using   and 24 other innovative payloads into orbit from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC),    alongside other elite international
        the  PSLV-C60  rocket,  carrying  two               in Sriharikota on December 31, 2024 (ANI)         space  agencies  with  advanced  tech-
        small satellites: SDX01 (Chaser) and                                                                  nical and visionary leadership. More-
        SDX02 (Target).                   of BAS by 2035. The first part of the   tion space missions. This provides In-  over, it underscores India’s readiness
            The satellites successfully docked   modular space station is planned to be   dia the chance to reinforce its image
        in a 470-km orbit, demonstrating tech-  launched in 2028. On the other hand,   as an efficient space technology pro-  to seize opportunities in lunar explo-
                                                                                                              ration,  satellite  servicing  and  space
        nologies  crucial  for  future  missions,   as space becomes an increasingly com-  vider, as ISRO is already recognized   station  development,  where  the  po-
        such  as  the  Chandrayaan-4  aimed   petitive and contested domain, India’s   as a low-cost service provider.   tential  for  further  breakthroughs  is
        at  lunar  sample  return,  the  estab-  advancements in docking technology   The  execution  of  this  SpaDeX   limitless.  This  mission  significantly
        lishment  of  the  Bharatiya  Antariksh   strengthen  its  position,  enabling  the   mission  showcases  ISRO’s  growing   strengthens  India’s  space  collabora-
        Station (BAS) and interplanetary ex-  country to actively participate in glob-  mastery over new technologies, which   tions and positions the country at the
        ploration. The docking of spacecraft   al initiatives, such as lunar bases and   were  used  during  this  mission,  such   forefront  of  key  developments  in  its
        in orbit is extremely essential for mis-  deep space exploration.   as  indigenous  docking  strategy  and   governance.
        sions in which individual parts need to   India’s space programme reached   inter-satellite  communication  links.   Keshav Verma is a Research
        be launched and assembled in space.   new heights after successfully docking   Further,  GNSS-based  relative  or-  Associate at Indian Council of World
        For  example,  India’s  Chandrayaan-4   a satellite to another in orbit, which   bit  determination  and  the  successful   Affairs, New Delhi.  Views expressed
        lunar  sample  return  mission  will  re-  also means that ISRO has joined the   transfer of electric power between the   are personal
        quire  the  ability  to  transfer  samples   ranks  of  a  few  other  countries  that   docking  satellites  both  mark  signifi-
        from one spacecraft to another before   have  the  capability  of  space  fusion.   cant  advancements,  paving  the  way   This article first appeared in the web
        bringing  them  back  to  Earth.  This   This functionality is very important for   for a new era in the Indian space pro-  articles section of the website (www.
        method  of  docking  spacecraft  will   orbiting  serviceable  satellites,  space   gramme.  of Indian Council of World Af-
        also serve towards the establishment   stations with modules and long-dura-  The mission also recorded more   fairs, New Delhi, on January 27, 2025

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