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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline FEBRUARY 07, 2025 | The Indian Eye 15
Chief Guest address (L to R: Past President Vinita Gulabani, Past President Hitesh Gandhi, Special Appreciation to Main Sponsor (Left to Right Founder & Chairman Sunil Shah, President
Consulate General Somnath Ghosh, Founder & Chairman Sunil Shah, President Anu Malhotra) Anu Malhotra, Director Bharat Malhotra, Mayor Rodney Craig))
dance by the Shilzar Dance Compa-
ny, followed by one of the evening’s
key highlights—the FIA Scholarship
Awards ceremony. Led by Chandini
Duvvuri and Vinita Gulabani, five
outstanding students were recog-
nized for their academic achieve-
ments and community service. Nag
Jaiswal and Meghna Bansal shared
heartfelt words, encouraging the
youth to pursue their dreams with
determination and excellence.
Adding to the accolades, service
and media awards were presented,
honoring individuals and organi-
zations who have significantly con-
tributed to the community. Awards
were given to Neha Sobti, A3N Me-
dia, and Outland Media. Awards
of Appreciation were presented to
Dr. Parag Doshi, Dinesh and Pinky
Thakkar, Anu and Bharat Malho-
tra, Harry Mohan, Chintan Patel,
Shrujal Patel, Dr. Asha and Dr. Anil
Oroskar, and Dr. Vishwabharathy Dance Performance by Team Ghungroo
Ganesan. Special service award was
presented to FIA Secretary General
Nilabh Dubey for his tireless service ence with an exquisite repertoire of feels like a celebration of not just In- memorable moment. The stage de-
and contributions in all the events. ghazals and romantic songs. Some of dia, but love and life itself.” On the cor was done with a patriotic theme
The patriotic spirit soared as the standout performances included; gazal ‘Hothon Se Choo Lo Tum’, by Prasuna Moddasani, including
Payel Roy Ganguly and her group Kisi Nazar Ko Tera Intezar Aaj Bhi Atul Wahi said “This reminded me set-up of photo booth based on In-
performed a melodious patriotic Hai, Jhuki Jhuki Si Nazar, Tujhse of my youth days back in Punjab” dian flag theme. Entire Tech team
song, followed by a vibrant dance Naraz Nahin Zindagi, Koi Faryad, The event concluded with a management and delivery was han-
performance by Neha Sobti’s troupe. Tum Itna Jo Muskura Rahe Ho, Tu heartfelt Vote of Thanks by Falguni dled by Kamlesh Kapoor.
Dinner was announced and guests Hi Re, and Bol Na Halke Halke, Sukhadia, FIA’s Joint Secretary, who FIA’s Republic Day 2025 was not
were treated to a spectacular dance The audience was visibly moved acknowledged the tireless efforts of just an event but a powerful histor-
by Fal Rana’s group during the din- during several ghazals, particular- the volunteers, the generous spon- ic marker of unity, talent, and spirit
ner break, ensuring the energy and ly “Tujhse Naraz Nahin Zindagi”, sors, and the support of the Advisory of the Indian-American community.
celebration continued unabated. which drew emotional responses. Board. She expressed gratitude to Under Founder and Chairman Sunil
The evening transitioned seam- Deepa Malhotra remarked, “This the many dignitaries for gracing the Shah’s dynamic leadership, the orga-
lessly into a soul-stirring Ghazal pro- song brought back so many memo- event. Special thanks are extended to nization is poised for a fantastic year
gram, a musical journey of timeless ries—what a beautiful performance!” photographers Jayanti Oza (Chicago ahead with new FIA President and
melodies. Quincy Chett and Payel Manoj Rathod, CEO of Arush En- News Photo-Journalist), Ramesh Pu- her team leading the charge. A big
Roy Ganguly, accompanied by tal- tertainment said, “The voices tonight natar, Asian Media, and Matt Chen- salute to all who made this celebra-
ented musicians, captivated the audi- have truly touched our hearts. This noor, whose work captured every tion a resounding success!