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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 07, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 14

           Federation of Indian Associations

                  Celebrates Republic Day 2025

          as a Night of Unity and Patriotism

                                                                                                              Dignitaries doing the Lamp Lighting Ceremony
        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, IL
                                                                                                              and  Congressman  Raja  Krishna-
              he Federation of Indian Asso-                                                                   moorthi  took  the  stage,  delivering
              ciations  (FIA-Chicago)  host-                                                                  stirring  speeches  that  highlighted
        Ted a grand celebration of In-                                                                        the  Indian-American  community’s
        dia’s 76th Republic Day on January                                                                    achievements  and  contributions.  A
        25, 2025, at the Ashyana Banquets.                                                                    ceremonial lamp lighting ceremony,
        Over  500  guests  attended  the  sold-                                                               symbolizing  hope  and  prosperity,
        out event, immersing the venue with                                                                   added an auspicious touch to the cel-
        patriotic  fervor  and  cultural  pride.                                                              ebrations.
        The evening marked a grand debut                                                                          The event was graced by an illus-
        for Anu Malhotra as FIA’s President                                                                   trious lineup of dignitaries, including,
        for 2025, who flawlessly led the pro-                                                                 Congressman  Raja  Krishnamoorthi,
        ceedings, delivering an event that will                                                               State Representative Michelle Muss-
        be  remembered  for  years  to  come.                                                                 man,  Mayor  Larry  Herman,  Mayor
            The evening began with a heart-                                                                   Rodney  Craig,  Mayor  Tom  Dailly,
        warming  melodic  flute  recital  by                                                                  Commissioner  Kevin  Morrison,  Al-
        Raju  Bankapur  during  the  cocktail                                                                 derwoman Swetha Baid, Nimish Jani,
        hours,  setting  a  serene  and  patriot-    Founder & Chairman addressing the audience on FIA Objectives    Chintan  Patel,  Dr  Parag  Doshi.  Dr
        ic  tone  for  the  night.  Guests  were   (Left to Right Past President Hitesh Gandhi, Consulate General Somnath Ghosh, Founder &   Sreenivas Reddy, Dinesh Thakkar &
        moved  by  the  soulful  notes,  which                                                                Pinky Thakkar, Dr Dilip Shah, Ajeet
        echoed India’s rich cultural heritage              Chairman Sunil Shah, President Anu Malhotra)       Singh,  Nag  Jaiswal,  Harjinder  Khai-
        and filled the air with nostalgia and                                                                 ra, J P Khaira, Gulzar Singh, Meghna
        pride. The program commenced with   National  Anthem  of  India  and  the   ing the organization’s journey and vi-  Bansal,  Asha  Oroskar,  Harish  Kol-
        a welcome address by President Anu   United  States,  filled  the  hall  with   sion. In a proud moment, Sunil Shah,   sani, Pradeep Shukla, Dr Suresh Red-
        Malhotra,  setting  an  inspiring  tone   pride and reverence.      Vinita Gulabani, and Hitesh Gandhi   dy,  and  Lakhvir  Sahota.  Their  pres-
        for  the  spirit  of  unity  and  pride  in   The  cultural  program  contin-  officially  introduced  Anu  Malhotra   ence added prestige to the occasion,
        Indian  heritage.  This  was  followed   ued with a patriotic group dance by   as the President for 2025, heralding a   reaffirming the significance of FIA’s
        by a divine Ganesh Vandana dance   Ghungroo  Performing  Arts,  a  trib-  new chapter of FIA’s impactful lead-  work  in  fostering  community  spirit.
        performance  by  Aashna,  invoking   ute to India’s vibrant heritage. FIA   ership.                       The  cultural  extravaganza  con-
        blessings for the evening ahead. The   Founder and Chairman, Sunil Shah,   The distinguished Consulate   tinued  with  a  mesmerizing  group
        audience then stood in unison as the   then addressed the gathering, shar-  General  of  India,  Somnath  Ghosh,   Continued on next page... >>

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