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North                       The Indian Eye


         12                                                                                                            FEBRUARY 07, 2025

                             NYC Mayor Adams Celebrates

         New All-Time High Total Jobs Record, Again

          Milestone Follows Mayor Adams’ 2025 State of the City Commitment to

               Make New York City Best, Most Affordable Place to Raise a Family

        OUR BUREAU

        NEW YORK, NY
               ew  York  City  Mayor  Eric
              Adams  this  week  celebrat-
        Ned  that  New  York  City  has,
        once again, set another record for an
        all-time high total number of jobs in
        the city’s history, with 4,770,981 total
        jobs, according to new data released
        by the New York State Department
        of Labor. This is the eighth time the
        Adams administration has broken the
        all-time high jobs record since Mayor
        Adams entered office. Included in the
        all-time  high  jobs  number  is  an  all-
        time  high  private-sector  job  record
        with 4,197,501 jobs.
           “Today,  our  administration  did
        my favorite thing: break records. For
        the  eighth  time  since  I’ve  entered
        office,  we  have  broken  the  all-time
        jobs records in our city,” Mayor Ad-
        ams. “Since day one, our administra-
        tion has been committed to making  ic security and allows New Yorkers to   an economic impact of $2 billion and   proposal,  a  set  of  citywide  zoning
        our city more affordable; to ensuring  find their passion. Together, our ad- help create over 14,000 jobs. To en-  changes  the  Adams  administration
        opportunity  reaches  every  borough,  ministration is going to help put New   sure that every New Yorker has the   introduced that will further fuel New
        block,  and  neighborhood;  and  to  Yorkers  back  to  work,  continue  to   chance to compete for city business,  York  City’s  economic  recovery  and
        giving  working-class  New  Yorkers   grow our economy, and ensure that  the  Adams  administration  awarded   pave  the  way  for  a  more  inclusive
        access to good-paying, fulfilling jobs.  prosperity  touches  every  zip  code  a  record  $6.4  billion  in  minority-or  and prosperous future for New York
        We’re  building  a  pipeline  to  ensure  as we make New York City the best  women-owned  business  enterprise   businesses.  Together,  the  proposed
        our young people and disadvantaged   place to raise a family.”      (M/WBE)  contracts  in  Fiscal  Year  set  of  changes  will  help  businesses
        communities  are  on  pathways  to    In October 2023, the Adams ad- 2024 and ensured the highest agency  find  space  and  grow,  support  en-
        training  opportunities  and  sustain- ministration  first  broke  records  for  utilization of M/WBEs in city history.  trepreneurs  and  freelancers,  boost

        able,  full-time  jobs.  We  know  that  the most jobs in city history — one   Under  the  Adams  administra- growing industries, and enable more
        our city’s shared economic prosperity  year ahead of schedule. Since break- tion,  New  York  City  has  a  record   vibrant streetscapes and commercial
        must hit every zip code and that no   ing  that  first  record,  the  administra- 183,000  small  businesses,  with  one   corridors  —  all  helping  contribute
        New  Yorker  should  be  left  behind.  tion  has  gone  even  further  to  help   in five current small business formed   to more jobs in New York City.
        That’s  why  we  are  closing  the  gap   create jobs, including by connecting   since the start of the Adams admin-  As of November of 2024, the Ad-
        and bringing jobs directly to the com- nearly  8,500  job  seekers  to  employ- istration. The administration’s Small  ams  administration  had  connected
        munities  still  facing  unemployment.  ment,  free  training,  and  workforce  Business  Opportunity  Fund  has   young New Yorkers to over 15,000
        Finally, New York City will continue   development through its “JobsNYC”  awarded  more  than  $85  million  in  apprenticeship  opportunities,  more
        to  lead  the  way  in  being  a  hub  for  initiative. The Adams administration   capital to over 1,000 small businesses   than halfway to the administration’s
        new,  emerging  sectors  —  from  life  also  unveiled  the  Green  Economy   since launching in 2023, while store- moonshot  goal  of  30,000  appren-
        sciences and health care to tech and  Action Plan to support nearly 400,000   front vacancy rates have dropped for  ticeships by 2030 ahead of schedule.
        AI — our city will create the jobs of  “green-collar”  jobs  by  2040  and  se- four consecutive quarters.    Additionally,  in  2024,  more  than
        tomorrow,  starting  today  because  a   cured the 2026 FIFA World Cup Fi-  In  June  2024,  Mayor  Adams  100,000  young  people  participated
        job  is more than a paycheck  —  it’s   nal and other matches for the New  celebrated  the  passage  of  his  “City  in the city’s Summer Youth Employ-
        the bedrock of financial and econom- York-New Jersey region that will have   of  Yes  for  Economic  Opportunity”  ment Program.

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