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EYE ON INDIA                                                      FEBRUARY 07, 2025        |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                             DELHI ELECTIONS 2025

                 How Dikshit versus Kejriwal

           fight turned AAP-Congress ties

                                         into a bitter feud

         A poster of “dishonest leaders” released by AAP on its social media handle further intensifies

          the tensions between the two parties that remain part of the INDIA bloc at the national level

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

              he Delhi Assembly elections will take place
              on  February  5,  with  the  counting  of  votes
        Tscheduled for February 8.A total of 699 can-
        didates are contesting for 70 seats in the Delhi As-
        sembly. The Congress party, which held power in
        Delhi for 15 years, has faced major setbacks in the
        past  two  elections,  while  AAP  has  secured  over-
        whelming victories in 2015 and 2020.
            Now  as  Congress  and  AAP,  which  are  both
        part of INDIA bloc, are face to face and their rela-
        tionship is turning a bitter feud.
            As the political atmosphere ahead of the as-
        sembly elections in Delhi heats up, Aam Aadmi
        Party (AAP) on Saturday launched an attack on
        all  opposition  players,  including  Prime  Minis-
        ter Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit
        Shah, and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, label-  Congress New Delhi Assembly constituency candidate Sandeep Dikshit addresses a press conference ahead of the Delhi
        ling them as “dishonest”.                                              Assembly Elections at party office in New Delhi (ANI)
            The poster released by AAP on its social me-
        dia handle further intensifies the tensions between   convenor Arvind Kejriwal for an open public de-  The remark came after Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)
        the two parties that remain part of the INDIA bloc   bate at Jantar Mantar on January 31. Dikshit is up   national convener Arvind Kejriwal levelled serious
        at the national level.                        against Kejriwal from the New Delhi seat in the   allegations against the Bharatiya Janata Party, stat-
            The  poster  labels  Congress  leaders  Rahul   Delhi Assembly Polls. Bharatiya Janata Party has   ing  that  the  BJP-ruled  Haryana  government  has
        Gandhi, Sandeep Dikshit and Ajay Maken as “dis-  fielded Parvesh Verma from the seat.     “poisoned” the Yamuna water supplied to Delhi so
        honest” while referring to AAP national convener   In a letter addressed to Arvind Kejriwal, Dik-  that “people die” and the blame comes on the AAP.
        Arvind  Kejriwal  as  being  “honest”.  “Kejriwal’s   shit said that ever since he had been declared a   Also,  just  after  Delhi  police  found  a  vehicle
        honesty will prevail over all the dishonest people,”  candidate of the Indian National Congress for the   near  Punjab  Bhawan  containing  pamphlets  of
        the poster read.                              New Delhi seat, he has constantly challenged Ke-  Aam Aadmi Party and multiple liquor bottles with
            Hitting back at Arvind Kejriwal, Rahul Gand-  jriwal on various claims that he is making regard-  cash, Congress candidate for New Delhi Assembly
        hi said, “He (Kejriwal) said he would clean politics,  ing his work as Chief Minister of Delhi and MLA   constituency Sandeep Dikshit attacked AAP, say-
        but  in  Delhi,  the  biggest  liquor  scam  happened.  from New Delhi.                    ing that the claims of AAP bringing in money from
        You must have seen photos of his house also. He   Dikshit on Tuesday took a dig at Aam Aadmi   Punjab has been “proven right.”
        stays in a palace -- ‘Sheesh Mahal’... he was not   Party  (AAP)  national  convenor  Arvind  Kejriwal   He also claimed that there is information that
        there even when riots happened here.”         over his allegation against the BJP-ruled Haryana   AAP has been using Punjab Bhawan as their par-
            Gandhi  further  stated  that  he  envisions  a   government of ‘poisoning’ Yamuna water. Dikshit   ty’s office, calling for the Delhi police to raid the
        country of love and harmony, not hatred.  “Arvind   accused the AAP leader of ‘lying’.     place and expose anything hidden. “Information
        Kejriwal  says  anything  that  comes  to  his  mind.   “This is a serious allegation ... Arvind Kejriwal   was  also  received  about  Punjab  Bhawan  being
        When he came, he said that he would bring a new   should explain what kind of poison was there (in   used as AAP’s office... Police should raid Punjab
        kind of politics. He had said that he would change   the water)... He is lying and still allowed to roam   Bhawan and see what they are hiding in the rooms
        Delhi but when the poor people were in need, he   free. If a common man alleges the government of   of Punjab Bhawan,” Dikshit added.
        was not there...”                             genocide, he will be in jail the very next day. I am   Punjab government has issued a clarification
            Meanwhile,  Sandeep  Dikshit,  Congress  can-  surprised that no action is being taken against him   on the vehicle containing AAP’s pamphlets and li-
        didate from the New Delhi assembly constituency   by Haryana Police or Delhi Police. Where is the   quor, saying that the register number of the car is
        has challenged Aam Admi Party (AAP) national   election commission?” the Congress leader said.  “forged and fake.”

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