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COVER STORY FEBRUARY 07, 2025 | The Indian Eye 4
The biggest gathering of humanity is not only attracting Indians but devotees from
across the world are flocking to Prayagraj to participate in the holy event which
happens every 144 years. What do they have to say about the event and India?
Prayagraj (UP)
ontinuing with the tradition,
more than 4.5 million pilgrims
Cvisited the Maha Kumbh on
Thursday, with more than a million
Kalpwasis present at the Sangam.
With this, the total number of devo-
tees who have performed snan (holy
bath) at the sacred confluence since
the beginning of the Maha Kumbh
has surpassed 275 million as of Jan-
uary 29 on the occasion of ‘Mauni
Amavasya’. Authorities have intensi-
fied arrangements to ensure smooth
crowd management and seamless fa-
cilities for the devotees.
On Wednesday, a stampede-like
situation arose at Maha Kumbh in
the early hours, resulting in several
deaths and injuries. Meanwhile, after
a brief halt due to the stampede-like Parmarth Niketan Ashram President Swami Chidanand Saraswati and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati along with other priests perform ‘Havan’
situation, saints continue to arrive,
though in smaller processions, at the with foreigners and his Indian disciples during the ongoing ‘Maha Kumbh’, in Prayagraj on Sunday (ANI)
Triveni Sangam for the second Amrit
Snan on the occasion of Mauni Am- Chris and Dakota came to India The remaining significant ‘snan’ this and we wish the Holy Land of
avasya. on January 16 for the band’s musical dates in Maha Kumbh are February India to prosper and to host as many
The biggest gathering of human- tour. Chris along with the members 3 (Basant Panchami--Third Shahi people as it can”.
ity which is expected to have more of ‘Coldplay’ had concerts lined up in Snan), February 12 (Maghi Purnima), She added that she had taken
than 450 million visitors in total is not Mumbai and Ahmedabad. Their last and February 26 (Maha Shivaratri). the holy dip at the Triveni Sangam
only attracting Indians but people show of the Indian leg of Music of the Devotees from across the world and added, “We’re very happy about
from abroad as well, including some Spheres tour was conducted at the are flocking to Prayagraj to partic- that it’s very nice and safe and beau-
top celebrities. Coldplay’s front- Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmed- ipate in the Maha Kumbh celebra- tiful and amazing and full of the Holy
man Chris Martin and his girlfriend, abad on Republic Day. tions and lauded the management Spirit”.
Hollywood actress Dakota Johnson, The Maha Kumbh, held every 12 for effectively organizing the grand- Larina, a French tourist attend-
arrived in Prayagraj on Monday eve- years, is being held in Prayagraj from scale event. Yulia from Moscow said, ing the Maha Kumbh Mela said, “I
ning. In visuals captured by agency January 13 to February 26. According “We’re here for the first time in the feel great here. The vibrations are ex-
lensmen, Chris and Dakota were seen to tradition, pilgrims flock to the San- Kumbha mela and we’re so fascinat- traordinary. The management here is
sitting in a car. The couple, dressed gam--the confluence of the Ganga, ed by the way it is arranged, the way amazing. There is a lot of help, sup-
in saffron-colored attire, appeared Yamuna, and Saraswati (now extinct) how many people we see and how port and security here.”
excited as they reached the holy city, rivers--to take the holy dip believed friendly all of them are to us. So, Jonathan from Hawaii said,
drawing attention as they made their to absolve sins and grant moksha (lib- thank you very much for having us “It’s unfathomable to imagine these
way through the crowd. eration). here. We will definitely never forget Continued on next page... >>