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BUSINESS EYE                                                      NOVEMBER 22, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 30

         Reliance and Disney complete their US$ 8.5 billion

                        joint venture transaction for new brand

             The joint venture is home to the most iconic and engaging media brands

                                        in India across TV and digital platforms

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            ited, said, “With the formation of this
                                                                                                              JV, the Indian media and entertain-
                                                                                                              ment industry is entering a transfor-
              eliance Industries, Viacom 18                                                                   mational era. Our deep creative ex-
              Media  (Viacom18)  and  The                                                                     pertise and relationship with Disney,
        RWalt Disney Company (Dis-                                                                            along with our unmatched under-
        ney) on Thursday announced that                                                                       standing of the Indian consumer will
        following the approval by the NCLT                                                                    ensure unparalleled content choices
        Mumbai,  Competition  Commission                                                                      at affordable prices for Indian view-
        of India and other regulatory author-                                                                 ers. I am very excited about the JV’s
        ities, the merger of the media and                                                                    future and wish it all the success.”
        JioCinema businesses of Viacom18                                                                          Uday Shankar, Co-Founder of
        into Star India (SIPL) has become                                                                     Bodhi Tree Systems, said, “James
        effective, as per a joint statement put                                                               and  I  are  excited  to  be  partners  in
        out on Thursday.                                                                                      this journey to disrupt the media
            In addition, Reliance Industries                                                                  and entertainment industry in India.
        has invested Rs 11,500 crore (USD                                                                     The new organization is committed
        1.4 billion) into the joint venture for                                                               to delivering an unprecedented lev-
        its growth. The joint venture has al-                                                                 el of creativity, disruption and new-
        lotted shares to Viacom18 and Reli-                                                                   age consumer experience. As media
        ance as consideration for the assets                                                                  consumption continues to move to
        and cash, respectively.                                                                               an integrated TV-digital ecosystem,
            The transaction values the JV at                                                                  the merger of Viacom18 and Star
        Rs 70,352 crore (USD 8.5 billion). At                                                                 India offers a unique opportunity to
        the closing of the transactions, the                                                                  reorient the industry to better serve
        JV is controlled by RIL and owned                                                                     diverse cohorts of consumers across
        16.34 per cent by Reliance Industries,                                                                the country. Together, we aim to
        46.82  per  cent by Viacom18  and                                                                     build India’s largest integrated me-
        36.84 per cent by Disney.                                                                             dia platform which will deliver un-
            Nita M Ambani will be the                                                                         paralleled experiences in innovative
        Chairperson of the JV, with Uday                                                                      and exciting ways.”
        Shankar as Vice Chairperson provid-                                                                       The  JV  will  be  spearheaded  by
        ing strategic guidance to the JV, the                                                                 three CEOs who will lead the com-
        statement added.                                                                                      pany into a new era of ambition and
            The joint venture is home to                                                                      disruption. Kevin Vaz will head the
        the most iconic and engaging media                                                                    entertainment organization across
        brands in India across TV and digital                                                                 platforms. Kiran Mani will take
        platforms.                               Nita M Ambani, seen here with her daughter Isha, will be the Chairperson of    charge of the combined digital orga-
            The combination of ‘Star’ and                          the JV (ANI file photo)                    nization.
        ‘Colors’ on the television side and                                                                       Sanjog Gupta will lead the com-
        ‘JioCinema’ and ‘Hotstar’ on the dig-                                                                 bined sports organization. Togeth-
        ital front will provide an extensive   an viewers and the Indian diaspora   The  JV  holds a  portfolio of   er, they will leverage their unique
        choice of content across entertain-  globally,” the statement said.  sports rights across cricket, football   strengths to cultivate a bold, trans-
        ment and sports to viewers in India   The JV will be one of the largest   and other sports.           formative vision that challenges the
        and globally.                     Media & Entertainment companies       The Competition Commission    status quo and sets new standards in
           “The  formation  of  the  JV  will   in India with pro forma combined   of India (“CCI”) approved the trans-  the industry.
        herald a new era in India’s enter-  revenue of approximately Rs 26,000   action on 27 August 2024, subject to   In  a  separate  transaction,  Re-
        tainment industry for consumers.  crore (USD 3.1 billion) for the fiscal   compliance with certain voluntary   liance Industries has bought out
        This unique joint venture of Reli-  year ended in March 2024.       modifications offered by the parties.  Paramount Global’s entire stake of
        ance and Disney brings together the   The JV operates over 100 TV   Apart from the CCI, the transaction   13.01  per cent in  Viacom18  for  Rs
        companies’ content creation and   channels and produces 30,000+     has been approved by anti-trust au-  4,286 crore. As a result, Viacom18
        curation prowess, world-class digital   hours of TV entertainment content   thorities in the EU, China, Turkey,  is owned 70.49 per cent by Reliance,
        streaming capabilities along with a   annually. The JioCinema and Hot-  South Korea and Ukraine.      13.54 per cent by Network18 Media
        digital-first  approach  that  will  help   star digital platforms have an ag-  Speaking about the JV, Mukesh   and Investments Ltd. and 15.97 per
        the JV deliver unparalleled content   gregate subscription base of over 50   D Ambani, Chairman and Managing   cent by Bodhi Tree Systems, on a ful-
        choices at affordable prices to Indi-  million.                     Director of Reliance Industries Lim-  ly-diluted basis.

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