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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 22, 2024 | The Indian Eye 28
If You Cannot Take Care of Your Parents,
So How Do You Take Care of Your Business?
Time is one of the most valuable assets in the business world.
Effective time management is crucial for productivity, innovation, and achieving business goals
Gaining Blessings Without
• Caring for your parents is a source of
immense satisfaction and blessings.
• This act of selflessness and respect
brings emotional rewards that go
beyond material success.
• When you take care of your par-
ents without expecting anything in
return, you receive their blessings,
which can positively influence your
personal and professional life.
• These blessings often manifest as
increased clarity, motivation, and
Hirav Shah a sense of purpose in your business
s a business strategist, I un- Conclusion
derstand the relentless drive • The relationship between taking
Arequired for success. Long care of your parents and running
hours, unwavering dedication, and a Investing in your business is essential, but it should not come at the expense of neglecting a successful business is deeply in-
laser focus on growth are often the other financial responsibilities (File/Agency photo) tertwined. By dedicating time and
hallmarks of an entrepreneur’s jour- money to your parents, you culti-
ney. • However, dedicating time solely to development to employee salaries. vate values of empathy, respect,
In the fast-paced world of busi- and gratitude. These values not
ness, it’s easy to get caught up in the business can lead to neglecting oth- • Investing in your business is essen- only enhance your personal life but
er essential aspects of life, includ-
tial, but it should not come at the
relentless pursuit of success. ing family. expense of neglecting other finan- also translate into better business
Entrepreneurs and business lead- practices. As business leaders, it’s
ers often dedicate countless hours Importance of Time for Parents cial responsibilities. essential to recognize that true suc-
and significant financial resources to • Spending time with your parents is Value of Money for Parents cess encompasses both profession-
growing their ventures. However, an not only a moral responsibility but • Even if your parents are financially al achievements and fulfilling per-
important question arises: also a source of emotional fulfill- sound, it’s important to contribute sonal responsibilities. By balancing
• If you can’t take care of your par- ment. to their well-being. the two, you create a foundation
ents, how can you truly take care of • Just as you dedicate time to your • If you are investing or spending 1 for sustained growth and holistic
your business? business, it’s vital to allocate time lakh rupees a month on your busi- well-being.
• The answer lies in a delicate dance to your parents. ness, consider giving at least 5% of Exercise: Start Today
between time and money, two pre- • If you are giving 10 hours to your that amount, or 5,000 rupees, to • Time Exercise: Starting today,
cious resources that shape both our business, consider devoting at least your parents each month. spend at least 10 minutes a day with
professional and personal lives. 5% of that time, which amounts to • This act of giving reinforces the val-
• This article explores the symbiot- 30 minutes, to your parents each ues of gratitude and respect, show- your parents. This can be a phone
call, a visit, or simply sharing a meal
ic relationship between caring for day. ing that you appreciate their role in together. Gradually increase this
your parents and running a success- • This small but significant gesture your life and are willing to support time to 30 minutes as your sched-
ful business, highlighting the value can strengthen family bonds and them as they have supported you. ule allows.
of time, money, and the profound provide emotional support, re- LESSONS LEARNED • Money Exercise: Begin giving your
lessons learned along the way. minding you of the importance of parents a small monthly allowance
THE VALUE OF TIME balancing personal and profession- Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone as a token of appreciation. Start
• Taking care of your parents while
al life.
Importance of Time in Business THE VALUE OF MONEY managing a business teaches you to with 5,000 rupees or an amount
• Time is one of the most valuable step out of your comfort zone. that you find comfortable. This
practice not only provides financial
assets in the business world. Ef- Value of Money in Business • It challenges you to balance multi- support but also shows your respect
fective time management is crucial • In the realm of business, financial ple responsibilities and develop a and gratitude.
for productivity, innovation, and investment is crucial for growth holistic approach to life.
achieving business goals. and sustainability. • By prioritizing family, you learn The writer is a well known Business
• Business leaders often allocate ex- • Entrepreneurs often allocate sub- to manage time and money more Turnaround Specialist, Astro Strategist,
tensive hours to planning, strategiz- stantial funds to various aspects of effectively, skills that are directly and BestSelling Author.
ing, and executing their vision. their business, from marketing and transferable to your business. [email protected]