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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           NOVEMBER 22, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 26

                                 DR. BINA JOE                               Juie grew up in rich cultural diversity and was surrounded by a fascinating en-

            Hypertension Researcher wins                                    vironment of socioeconomic, cultural, religious and gender differences - per-
                                                                            fect habitat for birthing curiosity about the human condition. She moved to
                                                                            America for graduate school and found herself to have a natural connection
        Award from American Heart Asso.                                     to the field of consumer insight and strategy.
                                                                                In her last seven years at DDB, she has worked on multiple accounts
                                                                            spanning Insurance, Telecom and QSR. Over the last 4 years, she has been
                                                                            leading strategy efforts for the US Army and is working on an extraordinary
                                                                            assignment to reintroduce the oldest brand in America to the youngest gen-
                                                                            eration of Americans.
                                                                                “We are honored to welcome Juie Shah into the community,” said Scott
                                                                            Gerber, founder of Forbes Councils, the collective that includes Forbes Fi-
                                                                            nance Council.
                                                                                As a member of the Council, Juie will have access to a variety of exclusive
                                                                            opportunities designed to help her reach peak professional influence. She will
                                                                            connect and collaborate with other respected leaders in a private forum and
                                                                            have the opportunity to share her expert insights in original articles and con-
                                                                            tribute to published Expert Panels alongside other experts on
                                                                                Juie said, “It is an absolute honor to have been selected to be a part of the
                                                                            Forbes Communications Council. I am looking forward to collaborating with
                                                                            the Forbes publishing team and getting to know fellow peers in the industry
                                                                            who are hoping to drive meaningful change.”
                                                                                Forbes Councils is a collective of invitation-only communities created in
               r. Bina Joe, a trailblazing hypertension researcher whose work established   partnership with Forbes and the expert community builders who founded the
               the link between gut bacteria and blood pressure regulation, was recently   Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC). In Forbes Councils, exceptional busi-
        Drecognized with a major award from the American Heart Association.  ness owners and leaders come together with the people and resources that
            Joe, a Distinguished University Professor and chair of The University of   can help them thrive.
        Toledo Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, received the Excellence
        in Hypertension Research Award last month.                                               AKHIL REED AMAR
            Joe said, “Bringing this award home is a very big recognition not only for
        me but for our institution as a place that continues to contribute to the field   AASL awards 2024 Barry Prize
        of hypertension internationally.” The award is the highest honor bestowed by
        the AHA Council on Hypertension and one of the most prestigious awards in                to Professor
        all of hypertension research.
            Joe, who joined UToledo in 2001, has devoted her career to studying the
        mechanisms of hypertension — a disease that affects nearly half of all Amer-  terling Professor of Law and Political Science Akhil Reed Amar ’84 has been
                                                                                 awarded one of 10 Barry Prizes from the American Academy of Sciences
        ican adults and more than 1.2 billion adults worldwide.             Sand Letters. The citation for Amar praised his contributions and influence
            Beginning with her work in the genetics of hypertension, Joe’s interna-
        tionally recognized research has focused on unraveling potential causes of   across the academy, the legal profession, government, and popular discourse.
                                                                                “Akhil Reed Amar has deepened America’s understanding of its consti-
        hypertension that go beyond one’s diet and exercise routine.        tutional system of government,” the citation reads. “The combination of ex-
            In 2015, she was the first to publish a scientific paper detailing the link
        between gut microbiota and hypertension. That paper helped to launch a new   traordinary erudition and his gift for enlightening audiences has established
                                                                            him as one of the most-cited legal scholars of all time as well as a leading
        field of study that has exploded over the past few years.           contributor to public understanding of constitutional law.”
            “It took a while for the hypertension community to realize the impor-
                                                                                The prize recognises his “intellectual excellence and courage,” according
        tance of this research, but it is becoming central to how we look at hyperten-  to an announcement from the Academy. The award was conferred by Acad-
        sion,” Joe said. As per her research, humans are an ecosystem with one organ-  emy President Donald W. Landry of Columbia University and Board Chair
        ism and many microbes, resulting in change in thinking about new medicines,   Sanjeev R. Kulkarni of Princeton University in a ceremony at the Library of
        treatments and resetting the ecosystem within us.                   Congress in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 23.
            Joe’s  lab-published  research  paper  in  2023  was  the  first  to  show  the
                                                                                Amar teaches constitutional law at both Yale College and Yale Law
        feasibility of leveraging gut bacteria to treat hypertension. It showed the   School. His work has won awards from both the American Bar Association
        blood-pressure-lowering potential of boosting the body’s supply of beta hy-  and the Federalist Society, and he has been cited by Supreme Court justices
        droxybutyrate, a chemical produced predominantly by the liver.      across the spectrum in more than four dozen cases.
                                  JUIE SHAH                                 notably “The Bill of Rights” (1998), “America’s Constitution” (2005), “Amer-
                                                                                He has written more than 100 law review articles and several books, most
         Forbes Communications Council                                      ica’s Unwritten Constitution” (2012), “The Constitution Today” (2016), and
                                                                            “The Words That Made Us: America’s Constitutional Conversation, 1760–
                     accepts SVP director                                   1840” (2021). He also hosts a weekly podcast, “Amarica’s Constitution.”
                                                                                The Barry Prize for Distinguished Intellectual Achievement is the Acad-
                                                                            emy’s premier initiative to promote excellence in scholarship, honoring out-
             uie Shah, SVP Group Strategy                                   standing contributions to humanity’s understanding and cultivation of the
             Director at DDB Chicago has                                    good, the true, and the beautiful.
        Jbeen accepted into  the  Forbes                                        The American Academy of Sciences and Letters promotes scholarship and
        Communications Council, an invita-                                  honors outstanding achievement in the arts, sciences, and learned professions.
        tion-only community for executives
        in communications, marketing, and                                     To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
        public relations.                                                                     our website
            Originally from Mumbai India,

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