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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           NOVEMBER 22, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 22

         Emmy-nominated filmmaker Tirlok Malik’s ‘On Golden Years’ Receives

                   Resounding Applause at Teaneck International Film Festival

        MURTAZA ALI KHAN                                                                                      Festival, added, “It was an honor to
                                                                                                              present On Golden Years at the 19th
              mmy-nominated    filmmaker                                                                      Teaneck International Film Festival.
              Tirlok  Malik’s  heartfelt  film                                                                The message of this film reminds us
        EOn Golden Years made a                                                                               to love each day you are given and
        memorable impact  at  the  Teaneck                                                                    live  each  day  you’ve  got  —  leading
        International Film Festival’s 19th an-                                                                with love and compassion. I hope this
        nual celebration. Held on November                                                                    film will uplift and inspire others to
        10, 2024, the screening drew a warm                                                                   be kind to each other and take care
        response  from  the  audience,  ending                                                                of one another.”
        with resounding applause and a pow-                                                                      The screening concluded with a
        erful message of love and resilience.                                                                 lively Q&A, where Malik expressed
            The  film  resonated  deeply  with                                                                his gratitude, made everyone laugh
        viewers,  who  praised  both  its  story-                                                             in his trademark style, and left every-
        telling and its reflection of the immi-                                                               one with a final, uplifting message to
        grant experience. Sanjay Modi called                                                                  love oneself and live every moment
        it a “truly good story and well por-                                                                  of life to the fullest. This sentiment,
        trayed on the big screen,” adding he                                                                  capturing the spirit of the film, left a
        planned to see it again with his wife.   (left to right): Actor Farokh Daruwala, Snehal Batra, Esq , David H.Nachman, Esq, Actor and   lasting impression on attendees and
        Harry Shah remarked that it carried                                                                   reinforced the power of cinema to
        a “great message of love” and noted   Filmmaker Tirlok Malik , Actor Prof Indrajit S Saluja. Photo: Ray Turkin Photography  bring people together and  inspire a
        how it reflects “a reality which we im-                                                               love for life.
        migrants have been living.” Pam and  Zimovcak (NPZ) Law Group, P.C.  missions and messages. Congratula-  Murtaza Ali Khan is an award-winning
        Lall Kawatra also expressed their ap-  shared: “Thank you for giving us the  tions to Tirlok Malik for providing   film critic who has served on the jury of the
        preciation, saying, “We loved the film;  opportunity to sponsor such an excel-  attendees with  exposure  to a truly   69th and the 70th National Awards. He
        congratulations to Tirlok Malik!”  lent film with such an important mes-  timeless film.”             has been covering cinema, arts, and cul-
            David Nachman, Esq., Manag-   sage at a critical time. The NPZ Law   Jeremy Lentz, Executive Direc-  ture for the last decade and a half. He can
        ing Attorney at Nachman, Phulwani,  Group is pleased to support TIFF’s  tor of the Teaneck International Film   be reached at [email protected].

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