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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           NOVEMBER 22, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 18

          Akhil Vishwa Hindi Samiti Hosts Vibrant Diwali Celebration

              with Poetry and Cultural Performances at Hindu Center

        OUR BUREAU
        Flushing, NY
           n keeping with a cherished tradi-
           tion that has been celebrated for
        Idecades, the Akhil Vishwa Hindi
        Samiti once again celebrated Diwali
        with a memorable evening of poetry,
        dance, and music. Under the leader-
        ship of Executive Vice President Shri
        Pradeep Tandon, this year’s celebra-
        tion featured a lively Kavi Sammelan
        alongside a vibrant cultural program,
        held at the Hindu Center Temple at 45-
        52 Kissena Boulevard, Flushing, New
        York, on Saturday, November 9, 2024.
            The evening began with social
        hours where guests enjoyed snacks
        and camaraderie before the program
        commenced. Dignitaries present in-
        cluded Dr. Bijoy K. Mehta, President
        of AVHS, Dr. Ravindra Goyal, Mr.   ly  exemplified  the  vibrant  future  of   entertained but also added a warm,   one present with a feeling of joy and
        Surender Kathuria, Professor Girija   Indian classical dance. Their mesmer-  personal charm to the Diwali celebra-  connection to the celebration.
        Shanker Dubey, Mr. Jitender Shar-  izing performances captivated the au-  tion, making the evening even more   In a special segment, Dr. Bijoy
        ma, Mr. Ravindra Kumar, Dr. K. L.   dience, showcasing both the enduring   memorable                  Mehta  honored Mrs.  Ragini  Srivas-
        Kantu,  Pt.  Ram  Niwas  Dixit,  Head   traditions and the innovative artistry   Dr. Usha Tandon did a marvel-  tava, Town Clerk of North Hemp-
        Priest Dr. K. P. Dixit, and others, set-  that continue to evolve our rich cul-  ous job as the anchor for the evening,   stead, presenting her with a shawl and
        ting a tone of honor and tradition as   tural heritage.             bringing a unique blend of humor,   bouquet of flowers. Mrs. Ragini Sri-
        they participated in the ceremonial   The event also showcased a series   wit, and charm to every segment.   vastava awarded citations on behalf
        lamp-lighting.                    of delightful singing performances by   With her lively personality, she seam-  of the Town of North Hempstead to
            Dr. Usha Tandon, the event’s co-  Amit Shrivastava, Vandana Kumar,   lessly guided the program, ensuring   four AVHS members: Professor Giri-
        ordinator and anchor, welcomed the   Lalit Shorey, Vinod Goyal, Vipul   that each part flowed smoothly and   ja Shanker Dubey, Mr. Jitender Shar-
        audience with a warm address, shar-  Sanghvi, Narinder Sarna, Mr. Negi,   captured the audience’s attention.   ma, Mr. Ravindra Kumar, and Dr.
        ing insights into AVHS’s work and   and Mrs. Manju Dubey. The singers   Her skillful coordination and spon-  Usha Tandon, in recognition of their
        outlining the evening’s schedule. The   infused the hall with energy, creating   taneous humor not only kept the   dedicated efforts in promoting Hindi
        program opened with a poetic recital   an unforgettable cultural experience   audience engaged but also brought   language and Indian cultural heritage.
        by Dr. Bijoy Kumar Mehta, followed   for the packed audience.       warmth and connection to the event.   The evening concluded with
        by captivating dance performances     Ashwani Kumar added a de-     Dr. Tandon’s vibrant energy and ap-  heartfelt thank-you, followed by a
        from young talents Esha Misra, An-  lightful touch to the evening with his   proachable style made each perfor-  delicious dinner that brought the
        ayah Desai, and Urvashie Kissoon.   humor, bringing smiles and laughter   mance and presentation memorable,   community together in celebration
        These dancers, displaying remarkable   to the audience. His witty remarks   creating an atmosphere that felt both   of  Diwali’s  spirit  of  unity,  culture,
        grace and exceptional skill, beautiful-  and lighthearted anecdotes not only   festive and intimate, leaving every-  and gratitude.

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