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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 22, 2024 | The Indian Eye 13
The evening’s agenda continued FIA Team 2025 with Founder Chairman Sunil Shah, current President Pratibha Jairath and President Elect Anu Malhotra,
with a keynote from President Prati- Office Bearers and all the Directors
bha Jairath, who highlighted FIA’s key
accomplishments throughout 2024.
President Pratibha Jairath delivered a shelters, and highlighted how FIA has Joint Secretary Falguni Sukhad- As the formalities concluded, the
recap of the year with an impressive become a valuable networking plat- ia offered the closing vote of thanks, festivities continued with a vibrant
line-up of events. Highlights included; form for its members, committed to acknowledging the leadership of evening of dinner, karaoke, and danc-
Nine major events, with one more, lending a hand to anyone in need. Founder Chairman Sunil Shah, ing. Emcees Shradha Marathe and Ji-
a Coat and Toy Drive, scheduled for In a spirited acceptance speech, Vice-Chairman Neil Khot, President tendra Bulsara kept the energy alive,
December, the popular Windy City President-elect Anu Malhotra shared Pratibha Jairath, and the Advisory inviting a line-up of singers to the
Bulls event, which drew over 400 at- her vision for the year ahead, com- Board. She affirmed the New Secre- stage and encouraging more guests to
tendees and featured 85 performers, plete with a month-by-month event tarial Team’s commitment to Pres- dance in a already jam packed dance
a Holi festival with free T-shirts and a calendar. Events range from Republic ident-elect Anu Malhotra’s vision floor. The October and November
lively cultural program, a record turn- Day in January to Diwali celebrations for 2025. The meeting adjourned birthdays were celebrated with a spe-
out of 1,200 participants for Inter- in November, with Mother’s Day, with a round of applause, followed cial cake-cutting ceremony, of over 23
national Yoga Day and a grand Star Holi, International Yoga Day, and by group photos of the new lead- individuals.
Awards Night, featuring Bollywood Independence Day in between. One ership teams and the FIA family. -- Asian Media USA
star Jaya Prada and honoring India’s being congratulated by the Founder
Blind Cricket Team, where 100 nomi- Chairman, Anu Malhotra said “Lead-
nations received in 19 Categories and ership to me is not about being in
25 Awards were presented to com- charge – it is about caring deeply for
munity leaders. FIA’s marquee event those in your charge.” She concluded
Republic Day celebrations had many with a rousing rendition of Lakshya
mayors attend where FIA gave schol- (Goal) (Lakshya to har haal mein
arship to 6 students after evaluating paana hai…), reaffirming her com-
more than 50 applications. mitment to unity, success and brining
Vice-Chairman Neil Khot reflect- the 2025 vision to life.
ed on FIA’s core mission, emphasizing Treasurer Suresh Bodiwala pre-
its role in community service and sup- sented the annual financial report, not-
port, especially during the COVID-19 ing the account balances and expens-
pandemic. He noted FIA’s outreach es and an increase in membership and
efforts to provide food, oxygen, and events organized in 2024. He encour-
essential supplies to those in need, aged members to come forward with
including orphanages and homeless sponsorships to support FIA’s growth.