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North The Indian Eye
10 NOVEMBER 22, 2024
Asian American Republican Coalition
celebrates Trump’s huge victory, highlights
the role of coalition in elections
AARC President highlighted the significant presence of the Asian American community in the
United States, with approximately 15 million eligible voters
OUR BUREAU less crimes, end of wars etc. AARC In light of the recently conclud- is showing signs of becoming a po-
worked very hard to spread the mes- ed 2024 Election Results in which tential swing state with continuous
New York, NY
sage to vote for President Trump and American voters heavily favored Re- engagement and efforts from AARC.
sian American Republican Republicans. AARC promotes the publican party for the majority in the He also outlined AARC’s plans
Coalition, popularly known as Republican Party agenda and to work Senate, close to majority in the con- to expand its presence into more
AAARC, held a press conference together for growth, as we are com- gress, overall, more popular votes for states across the country and invited
on Friday, November 8, 2024 to con- mitted to making America a greater the party to gain 312 electoral votes like-minded individuals to join hands
gratulate President Donald J Trump nation in the future.” with a strong mandate given to Presi- with AARC.
on his historical, unprecedented and dent Trump for the resounding, land- Sanjiv Pandya, President, PR &
landslide victory by securing a strong slide and resilience victory in over- Media and one of founding members
mandate of American people to be He further stated that AARC come with all the adversity to be the concluded the press conference by
the 47th President of the United State started in 2015 and formal- 47th President of American is a proof stating that the Chairman Hemant
of America and to highlight the role that voters agree with the message” Bhatt’s leadership, National Presi-
which Asian American Republican ized 2018, has been tirelessly Make America Great Again”. dent, Sridhar Chillara’s vision and
Coalition popularly known as AARC working to educate, empower AARC National President Sri- AARC’s Team’s efforts are ensuring
has played to win these Elections by dhar Chillara highlighted the signif- AARC’s impressive growth and its
President Trump and Republicans. and engagement of Republi- icant presence of the Asian Ameri- recognition as a leading force in Re-
AARC Founder and Chairman, can Party’s conservative values, can community in the United States, publican Party’s supporters.
Hemant Bhatt was excited and ex- estimating around 25 million mem- This AARC press conference
pressed his enthusiasm stating, “We freedom of speech and free- bers, with approximately 15 million was attended by Founders and Ac-
are extremely pleased with this year’s dom of Religion and beliefs for eligible voters. He emphasized that tive Members, such as Samir Raval,
election results” and congratulated AARC’s supporters nationwide, es- Nimesh Patel, Dilip Bhatt as well
President Trump and Republicans to social, economic and political pecially in key swing states, have the as Women wing President, Ms. Ta-
win these elections which would pro- awareness to Asian American potential to make a decisive impact rang Soni, Women wing coordina-
vide a direction to our great nation in upcoming elections. Mr. Chillara tor, Ms. Manisha Bhatt and Youth
America for robust economy, Legal communities nationwide. noted that New Jersey, with a margin Wing President, Parth Patel as well
Immigration, controlling inflation, of less than 5% in the last elections, as many volunteers.