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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           NOVEMBER 22, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 12

           Federation of Indian Associations

                         Lights Up Diwali with New

           Leadership and a Vision for 2025

        OUR BUREAU                         FIA’s new Board of Executive VP, VPs with Founder Chairman Sunil Shah, current President Pratibha Jairath and President Elect Anu Malhotra

        Chicago, IL
                                              Festivities started promptly at   Shah offered an inspiring message   ship is very much sought after by all.
           t was an evening of lights, laugh-  3:30 pm with a lively social hour that   about FIA’s growth and its commit-  FIA Founder Chairman Sunil
           ter, and a whole lot of Diwali   was as much a photo op as it was a re-  ment to preserving Indian culture,   Shah then invited Advisory Board
        Icheer as  the  Federation of Indi-  union. Members mingled and smiled   particularly  during  significant  cele-  members Brij Sharma, Dr. Suresh
        an Associations (FIA) gathered for   for countless photos and videos, prov-  brations like Diwali. Now FIA is one   Reddy, Sanhita Agnihotri, Keerthi-
        its Annual General Body Meeting at   ing that while some may call it the   of the largest Indian association with   kumar Ravoori, Pinky Thakkar, Dr.
        Ashyana Banquets. The FIA commu-  digital age, the FIA calls it the “Docu-  300+ board members. In a lively intro-  Anuja Gupta, Dr. Bhupinder Beri,
        nity turned up in style, ready to cele-  ment Everything” age!      duction, Sunil Shah rolled out the wel-  Lakhvir Sahota, Dr. Harjinder Khaira
        brate new beginnings, acknowledge     Secretary General Nilabh Dubey   come mat for FIA’s newest members,   and Syed Hussaini to the stage. Their
        past accomplishments, and cheer in   formally opened the meeting with a   a group of ten dynamic individuals   remarks ranged from inspirational to
        their new Executive Board for 2025.   high-energy welcome, after the per-  ready to contribute. In an unexpect-  downright witty, with some gems and
        The event featured a series of presen-  mission to commence proceedings   ed twist, two on-the-spot recruits—  memorable anecdotes about their ex-
        tations, speeches, and recognitions   from FIA Founder Chairman Sunil   Khushbu Bansal and Madhuri Thak-  cellent experiences with FIA’s contri-
        to honor the organization’s achieve-  Shah and current President Pratibha   kar—joined the FIA family, proving   bution to community at large.
        ments and upcoming initiatives.   Jairath. Founder Chairman Sunil   that, when it comes to FIA, member-      Continued on next page... >>

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