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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           NOVEMBER 22, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 14

                                     Mayor Adams Announces

        Opening of Neighborhood Satellite Command

                                       in College Point, Queens

             109th Neighborhood Satellite Command Will Increase Personnel and Decrease Response

                      Times Throughout Flushing, College Point, and Whitestone Neighborhoods

        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY
              ew York City Mayor Eric Adams and New
              York City Police Department (NYPD) In-
        Nterim Commissioner Thomas G. Donlon
        have announced the opening of the 109th Neigh-
        borhood Satellite Command in College Point,
        Queens. The new neighborhood satellite command
        effectively divides the 109th Precinct into two re-
        sponse zones, enabling NYPD personnel to re-
        spond from a decentralized location — effectively
        allowing officers to more swiftly respond to emer-
        gencies and 911 calls as they help New Yorkers in
        need in high-demand locales. The satellite com-
        mand will utilize existing space at the NYPD’s Po-
        lice Academy and will have an additional 54 police
        officers and 12 supervisors assigned to it.
            “The community spoke, and we listened — and
        now, we are putting the needs of working people
        first with the opening of the 109th Neighborhood
        Satellite Command in College Point,” said Mayor
        Adams. “The launch of this neighborhood satellite
        command will help improve emergency response
        times in a precinct that faces unique challenges due
        to its geographic size and population density. By   response time committee that analyzed data, pat-  New York City and having this satellite subdivision
        adding additional personnel and enhancing opera-  terns, and trends related to emergency response.   will allow for police to respond more effectively
        tional capabilities, we are creating a safer environ-  The committee found that the geographic layout   and expeditiously to help lower the crime rate and
        ment for the residents of College Point, Flushing,   of the precinct — which spans a large area — ex-  keep our community safe.”
        and Whitestone, and showing that government can   acerbates response times and that the distance of-  “The new 109th Neighborhood Satellite Com-
        work for working-class New Yorkers. The satellite   ficers travel from the current precinct — located   mand  in  College  Point  reflects  our  commitment
        command not only reflects a commitment to com-  in Flushing — to the more remote College Point   to  efficient,  cost-effective  public  safety  service
        munity safety but demonstrates the importance of   and Whitestone neighborhoods, contributes to the   delivery,” said New York State Assemblymember
        how the community plays a pivotal role in keeping   delay in response.                     Jenifer Rajkumar. “After the community called
        the public safe.”                                Recognizing this critical challenge, the com-  for more law enforcement in the 109th Precinct,
            “The men and women of the 109th Precinct   mittee  proposed the  establishment  of a  neigh-  the city listened and is opening a second response
        are excited to broaden their reach in northern   borhood satellite command at the New York City   zone. The satellite precinct will supercharge
        Queens in support of the NYPD’s  overarching   Police Academy, located within the College Point   NYPD response times in a high-demand area,
        public safety mission,” said NYPD Interim Com-  neighborhood.                              allowing law enforcement to swiftly come to the
        missioner Donlon. “The creation of this new      “The 109th Police Precinct covers the city’s   aid of New Yorkers in their times of crisis. The
        neighborhood satellite command will enhance our   largest geographical area, and this new satellite   satellite precinct is also fiscally responsible, being
        ability to serve the community and contribute to   base will help ensure faster response times, in-  housed in existing NYPD space. Together, we will
        the ongoing decrease in crime and disorder, which   creased  visibility,  and  safer  streets  for  everyone   provide all the resources necessary to keep New
        has already seen a nearly 5 percent drop in this   in our community,” said New York State Senator   Yorkers safe.”
        command this year. We are grateful to the com-  John Liu.                                     “Long  before  I  assumed  office,  the  White-
        munity leaders who advocated for this solution, as   “I want to thank the NYPD and Mayor Adams   stone and College Point communities have des-
        we are confident that it will not only instill a sense   for  making  this  investment  in  our community,”   perately pled for an additional precinct to address
        of safety in New Yorkers, but also actively promote   said New York State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky.   increasing public safety concerns,” said New York
        their well-being.”                           “Public safety is a critical issue. Over the last two   State Assemblymember Sam Berger. “This satel-
            During a 2023 meeting with “We Love White-  years I have had numerous conversations with the   lite is a necessary step in the right direction, and I
        stone,” a local community organization, residents   administration about placing more resources in the   thank Mayor Adams for hearing the voices of resi-
        articulated their frustration of delayed emergen-  northern section of the 109th Precinct and I know   dents. I look forward to working with the city as we
        cy response times. As a result of that meeting,   the residents of Queens are grateful for this com-  advocate for more resources to what is currently
        Mayor Adams convened a dedicated 911 advisory   mitment. The 109th Precinct is one of the largest in   the densest precinct in New York City.”

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