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NATION                                                            NOVEMBER 22, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    7

            Meanwhile, in another major
        development, Jalandhar Rural Po-
        lice dismantled two separate crim-
        inal gangs, including a UK-based
        extortion syndicate, and arrested 10
        hardcore criminals after recovering
        seven pistols along with 18 live car-
        tridges and 10 magazines from their
        possession, said Director General of
        Police (DGP) Punjab Gaurav Yadav
        here on Thursday.
            Police teams have also impound-
        ed a car, a scooter, a motorcycle and
        a scooter being used by the arrested
        persons to carry out criminal activi-
            DGP Gaurav Yadav said that
        preliminary  investigations  have
        revealed the syndicate’s complex
        cross-border operations, with key fig-
        ures in the UK, Greece and Manila
        directing extortion and shootings in
            Additionally, Jalandhar Rural
        has also uncovered a weapons pro-
        curement  network  operating  from
        Madhya Pradesh, he said.
           “With busting of two modules,
        Punjab Police has successfully traced
        at least 14 cases of extortion and   Members of Hindu Sikh Global Forum stage a protest against the attack on a Hindu Temple in Canada, near the Canadian Embassy in New Delhi (ANI)
        shootings,  significantly  disrupting
        foreign-backed crime in the state,”  zines during the search of their car.  gang was found involved in three   Ahmedpur, Dalwinder Singh alias
        he said.                              Those arrested have been identi-  major criminal incidents, including   Guri  of  Dhaliwal  Dona,  Sarabjit
            The DGP said that further in-  fied as Amandeep Singh alias Aman   a shooting incident to target a Bho-  Singh alias Punjab alias Kaka of
        vestigations are going on to establish   of Billi Baraich, Jagwinder Singh   lath-based businessman on the direc-  Athola, and Harpreet Singh alias
        backwards and forward linkages in   alias Shani of Mulewal Khaira, and   tions of Jagdeep alias Jagga, recovery   Shera of Katni Gate.
        this case.                        Jaskaran Singh alias Sara of Sidhwa   of weapons and procuring weapons   SSP Khakh said that during in-
            Senior Superintendent of Police   Dona.                         from Madhya Pradesh.              terrogation, this gang confessed to
        (SSP) Jalandhar Rural Harkamal        The SSP said that during inter-  “This operation has dealt a signif-  having committed multiple crimes
        Preet Singh Khakh, while addressing   rogation, the accused revealed that   icant blow to the international crime   including a shooting and extortion at
        the press  conference, said  that  the   their operations were being orches-  syndicate operating in our region,”  Blair Khanpur, an armed assault and
        first breakthrough came when a po-  trated by UK-based kingpin Jagdeep   said SSP Khakh.              shooting at a grocery shop owner,
        lice team led by SHO Police Station   Singh  alias  Jagga,  with  financial   In another  parallel  operation,  armed robbery near Leather Com-
        Lohian Yadwinder Singh intercept-  support from Greece-based Param-  the SSP said that CIA Staff Jaland-  plex, extortion of Rs 25,000 from
        ed a car near Giddarpindi Toll Pla-  jit Singh alias Pamma and logistical   har Rural led by Inspector  Pushap   migrant labourers, and multiple mo-
        za and arrested three suspects after   coordination by Manila-based Man-  Bali apprehended four members   torcycle thefts. They also revealed
        recovering two .32 bore pistols along   jinder Singh alias Mani.    of  another  dreaded  gang  identified   connections to a local drug traffick-
        with  six  live  rounds,  and  five  maga-  He said that this notorious   as  Harvinder  Singh  alias  Raju  of   ing network, he added.


         OUR BUREAU                                      The UK High Commissioner also inaugurated a   shorter times for picking up their passports as well
                                                     refurbished UK visa application center as part of a new   and that’s part of what I’m here today to see.”
         New Delhi
                                                     agreement between UK Visas and Immigration and   Cameron also discussed the UK-India Free
                n the diplomatic row between India and   VFS to expand visa application services across India.  Trade Agreement (FTA) and noted that both
                Canada, British High Commissioner Lin-   Expressing her thoughts on the launch, Camer-  countries are actively working on it with great po-
         Ody Cameron on Tuesday said hope “our       on said, “I’m delighted to be here and watching the   tential for mutual growth.
         friends” can find a way forward, and that the “in-  refurbished Visa Application Center. It’s one of the   “The Labor government was very clear in
         vestigation” will help resolve the issue. Cameron   18 that we have around India which helps us to make   their manifesto; they were committed to an FTA.
         said that Britain takes “sovereignty and the rule of   sure that we give fantastic service to all the hundreds   And the Foreign Secretary, when he was here,
         law seriously.”                             of thousands of people who want to apply for a UK   just three weeks after the government was formed,
             “We take sovereignty and the rule of law ex-  visa. We issued over 800,000 visas last year, and it’s   was really clear about the scale of his ambition to
         tremely seriously. We hope that our friends and   really important to us that we’re able to process the   the partnership. We think that there’s real poten-
         partners, India and Canada, can find a way through   vast majority of those within three weeks, and real-  tial to get even more for both UK growth and In-
         this and the investigation will help to resolve it,”   ly make sure people get the customer service that   dian growth for this partnership, and we’re work-
         Cameron said.                               they want, shortening the times for applying and the   ing on that at the moment,” Cameron said.

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