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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           NOVEMBER 22, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 25

        U.S. Government accountable to “WE THE PEOPLE.” Their work will con-  “As a nuclear power with more than 1 million troops, a growing navy, a top-ti-
        clude no later than July 4, 2026 - A smaller Government, with more efficiency   er space program, and a proven history of economic and military cooperation
        and less bureaucracy, will be the perfect gift to America on the 250th Anniver-  with the United States, India would make a strong ally. It would enable the
        sary of The Declaration of Independence. I am confident they will succeed!”   United States to form a real deterrent to potential terrorist threats in Afghan-
        he added.                                                           istan as well as counter China”.
            In response to Trump’s announcement, Musk shared a post on X and    He has emphasised the role of India in preventing the situation from spi-
        wrote, “Department of Government Efficiency The merch will be fire”  ralling out from Afghanistan too. “We now only have one partner who can
            Ramaswamy, who had also been a presidential candidate before halting   effectively keep a watchful eye on Afghanistan. It’s the same partner that can
        his candidacy in January this year to back Trump  also shared a post on X,   keep track of China’s southern flank: India.”
        tagging Musk and wrote, “We will not go gently, @elonmusk.”             Expressing faith and confidence in the relations of the two countries, In-
            Ramaswamy separately responded on X with a slogan he often used   dia is seen as an indispensable ally for the US by him to “give China pause
        during his presidential campaign to call for the elimination of federal agen-  before further expanding into Central and Southern Asia”.
        cies, writing: “SHUT IT DOWN.”                                          As early as in June 2023, before attending the Independence Day celebra-
            “Americans gave President Trump a decisive mandate to end illegal immi-  tions in India, Waltz along with US Congressmen Ro Khanna, Raja Krishna-
        gration. He’s going to do it” he said.                              moorthi, Andy Barr and Marc Veasey had introduced bipartisan legislation to
                                                                            fast-track U.S. weapon sales to India. The introduction of the legislation was
                                 MIKE WALTZ                                 seen as a means to expand security cooperation between the United States
                                                                            and India by adding India to the list of partners included in the Arms Export
                 Trump selects Pro-India                                    Control Act.
                                                                                “By deepening the U.S.-India defense partnership, this legislation will but-

          Republican as National Security                                   tress India’s role as a key provider of security in Asia”, the leaders had noted.
                                                                                               AKSHAY KHANDELWAL
                                 Advisor                                          Doctor appointed as Gerald

                                                                                        E. McGinnis Chair in

                                                                                    Cardiovascular Medicine

                                                                                  kshay Khandelwal, MD, has
                                                                                  been appointed to the Gerald
                                                                            AE. McGinnis Endowed Chair
                                                                            in Cardiovascular Medicine at Al-
                                                                            legheny Health Network (AHN), a
                                                                            $2 million endowment from the Mc-
                                                                            Ginnis family supporting Dr. Khan-
                                                                            delwal’s vision of advancing cardiac
                                                                            therapies and reducing the burden of
                                                                            cardiovascular disease among all pa-
              resident-elect Donald Trump has named Michael Waltz, a Florida Re-  tient populations.
              publican, as his national security adviser, according to a source familiar   Dr. Khandelwal, a practicing in-
        Pwith the developments.                                             terventional cardiologist, specializes
            Mike Waltz has time and again reiterated the importance of India for the   in treating heart disease with cathe-
        United States.                                                      ter-based techniques; his areas of expertise include complex coronary inter-
            Last year, Waltz had also led a bipartisan American Congressional dele-  ventions, such as angioplasty, stent procedures, and diagnostic cardiology.
        gation and had travelled to India to take part in the Red Fort address of Prime   “On behalf of the Cardiovascular Institute and Allegheny Health Net-
        Minister Narendra Modi on the country’s Independence Day celebrations.   work, I want to extend our sincere thanks to the entire McGinnis family for
        During his visit to India in 2023, Waltz praised PM Modi.           their remarkable generosity and support to help us continue advancing the
            Waltz appreciated PM Modi’s vision of a fully developed India by 2047   frontier of cardiovascular medicine. This endowment is another fitting tribute
        and said that US and its industries would work with India in tandem for the   to the incredible legacy of Jerry McGinnis and everything he accomplished in
        Make in India initiative by the Government of India.                his remarkable life and career,” said Dr. Khandelwal.
            Speaking upon the sustained high level interactions between the two   Since joining AHN in 2023, Dr. Khandelwal has overseen a robust team
        countries, Waltz had said, “Meaningful engagements from both countries   of AHN physicians, fellows, residents and other clinicians to ensure the pro-
        speaks to how strong the relationship is becoming”.                 vision of advanced, high-quality cardiovascular care across AHN’s hospitals,
            He commented on the rising aggression in the Chinese behaviour at   outpatient facilities and physician practices.
        the hands of the CCP which poses threats to India from fronts such as Pa-  Stephen Bailey, MD, Chair of the AHN Cardiovascular Institute said, “I
        kistan, the Indian Ocean and the Line of Control. “We’re seeing aggression   can’t think of a better recipient of the Gerald E. McGinnis Endowed Chair
        all around, so we need to work together in every aspect to deter that type of   than Akshay Khandelwal.”
        aggression”.                                                            Dr. Khandelwal is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. He
            Waltz, who is the co-chair of India Caucus has also been a defence policy   is a member of the American College of Cardiology. Dr. Khandelwal has been
        director for defence secretaries Donald Rumsfeld and Robert Gates and was   named “Top Cardiologist” by Detroit Hour Magazine for multiple years in a row.
        elected to Congress in 2018. He is the chair of the House Armed Services   Dr. Khandelwal went to medical school at Bangalore University, Sri De-
        subcommittee overseeing military logistics and also on the select committee   varaj Urs Medical College in Karnataka, India. He did his residency in inter-
        on intelligence.                                                    nal medicine and his fellowship in cardiology and interventional cardiology at
            Seeing India as an integral partner for security, Waltz had previously said,   Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan.

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