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BUSINESS EYE NOVEMBER 22, 2024 | The Indian Eye 31
Google Photos launches new “updates” page to track activity in shared albums
OUR BUREAU people collaborating on albums or
group chats within Google Photos.
San Francisco, CA
In addition to the ‘Updates’ sec-
oogle Photos is rolling out a tion, users will now be able to access
new feature aimed at enhanc- their shared albums directly from the
Ging how users track and engage newly launched ‘Collections’ section.
with changes in their shared albums. This provides a central location
The new ‘Updates’ section, which for managing all albums, both person-
is currently being introduced on both al and shared, making it easier to nav-
Android and iOS, will allow users to igate through photos and collabora-
easily stay on top of activity in shared tions with friends, family, or colleagues.
albums and conversations, ensuring a While the feature is rolling out
more organised and seamless experi- now, availability might vary by region
ence, according to The Verge. and device.
The ‘Updates’ section replaces If you don’t see the ‘Updates’ sec-
the old sharing button, which previ- tion yet, the Photos team advises users
ously allowed users to share albums to check back “over the coming weeks”
with others. In addition to the ‘Updates’ section, users will now be able to access their shared albums as the feature continues to expand.
Now, according to The Verge, directly from the newly launched ‘Collections’ section (Agency photo) According to The Verge, the ‘Up-
users will see a bell icon that directs dates’ section is currently available
them to a feed of recent notifications. to filter events by time periods such A Google support post mentions, on both the Android and iOS Goo-
According to Google, this feature as “today,” “yesterday,” “this week,” “We want to streamline how you can gle Photos apps, but some users may
is designed to help users better follow “this month,” or “last month.” view recent activity with an interface not have it just yet. As is typical with
updates to shared albums, comments, This timeline will provide clear, that makes albums, groups, and con- phased rollouts, not all users will re-
and group conversations within the easy-to-read notifications about any versations more accessible.” ceive the feature immediately, though
Google Photos app. new changes or actions taken within This addition is designed to offer it should become more widely accessi-
The ‘Updates’ page organises ac- shared albums and conversations, as greater transparency and control, es- ble in the coming weeks.
tivity chronologically, allowing users per The Verge. pecially when dealing with multiple (With agency reports)