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IMMIGRATION NOVEMBER 22, 2024 | The Indian Eye 33
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humanitarian programs may stand to Mexico” policy appears likely, as does former chair of the Committee on Immigration and Nationality Law of the New York
suffer even more severely under a sec- the termination of TPS designations City Bar Association. He is a frequent speaker and writer on various immigration-re-
ond Trump administration. Trump has for many country, DACA, and hu-
vowed to “bring back” the infamous manitarian parole programs. lated issues, including on ethics, and is also an adjunct professor of law at Brooklyn
travel bans INA 212(f), ban refugees Notwithstanding the challenges Law School, where he teaches a course entitled Immigration and Work. Mr. Mehta
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from Gaza, and carry out mass de- that Trump’s return is likely to bring, received the AILA 2018 Edith Lowenstein Memorial Award for advancing the practice
portations. He has also threatened to immigration lawyers are prepared to of immigration law and the AILA 2011 Michael Maggio Memorial Award for his out-
invoke the Enemy Aliens Act of 1798, vigorously defend noncitizen clients. standing efforts in providing pro bono representation in the immigration field. He has
which allows for the detention and His prior presidency provided insight also received two AILA Presidential Commendations in 2010 and 2016. Mr. Mehta
deportation of noncitizen nationals of into the types of policies that are like-
an enemy country during wartime, as ly to return, and allowed advocates to is ranked among the most highly regarded lawyers in North America by Who’s Who
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a justification for widespread depor- gain experience in combatting these Legal – Corporate Immigration Law 2019 and is also ranked in Chambers USA and
tations. His administration will seek harmful measures. Chambers Global 2019 in immigration law, among other rankings.
to increasingly use expedited removal Even if Trump got a popular
INA 235(b)(1)(A)(iii) without an im- mandate that does not give him li-
migration court hearing for nonciti- cense to ignore the law and act out-
zens who are within the border of the side the Constitution and Bill of
US and cannot prove that they have Rights. Immigration lawyers are all
been in the US for more than two set to defend immigrants to preserve Start Watching IndiaLife TV 24 Hours LIVE
years. The return of family separation the foundations upon which the
and reinstatement of the “remain in country is built.
Cyrus D. Mehta, a graduate of Cambridge University and Columbia Law School, is the
Managing Partner of Cyrus D. Mehta & Partners PLLC in New York City. Mr. Mehta
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is a member of AILA’s Administrative Litigation Task Force; AILA’s EB-5 Committee;
former chair of AILA’s Ethics Committee; special counsel on immigration matters to
the Departmental Disciplinary Committee, Appellate Division, First Department, New
York; member of the ABA Commission on Immigration; board member of Volunteers
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for Legal Services and board member of New York Immigration Coalition. Mr. Mehta
is the former chair of the Board of Trustees of the American Immigration Council and
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