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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 18, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 15

                Shri Thanedar               Aruna Miller               Nabeela Syed               Kumar Barve               Vandana Slatter

        endorsed by the organization working   civic engagement initiatives such as   tor as an entrepreneur. For over 25
        for greater Indian-American repre-  mobilizing voters, curbing sexual as-  years, Thanedar built small business-  AND THE WINNERS ARE
        sentation at all levels and several oth-  sault on college campuses, and en-  es and created thousands of well-pay-  GEORGIA
        er prominent Indian-American orga-  hancing gender equity, according to   ing jobs that helped families. He is a   • Nabillah Islam, Democrat, Senate
        nizations.                        her official website.             three-time recipient of the “Entrepre-  District 7
                NABEELA SYED                  She is also active in her religious   neur of the Year” award by Ernst and   • Farooq Mughal, State House, Dis-
                                          community at the Islamic Society of   Young.
              nother Indian American wom-  Northwest Suburbs and advocates      Thanedar supports progressive    trict 105, elected
              an who had a big win is Na-  interfaith dialogue and aims to em-  solutions, including the $15 minimum      MARYLAND
        Abeela Syed. The 23-year-old      power young Muslim women to lead,   wage, because he knows how import-
        Indian-American Muslim woman has   according to her website.        ant it is for Michigan families to have   • Kumar Barve, Democrat State
                                                                                                                 House, District 17 reelected.
        made history by becoming the young-       SHRI THANEDAR             opportunities to earn a good-paying
        est person to win a House seat in Illi-                             wage with one job instead of needing          MICHIGAN
        nois. Syed, a Democrat, also becomes   n another big victory for the   two or three jobs to make ends meet,   • Sam Singh, Democrat, State Sen-
        the first South Asian in the state leg-  community, Indian American   according to his website.          ate, District 28 beat Daylen How-
        islature.                         Ientrepreneur-turned-politician       A record 35 Indian American      ard, Republican
            In winning the 51st House district   Democrat Shri Thanedar has become   candidates ran in the high stakes
        in the Nov 8 midterm elections, Syed   the first person of Indian descent to   midterm elections from Arizona to   • Ajay V. Raman, Democrat, Oakland
                                                                                                                 County Commissioner, elected.
        also  flipped  Republican-held  sub-  be elected to the US Congress from   Wisconsin. At the federal level, eight   • Ranjeev Puri, Democrat, State
        urban district defeating incumbent   Michigan state in upper Midwestern   Indian American candidates ran for   Senate District 21, reelected
        Chris Bos. An elated Syed took to   United States.                  seven House seats with incumbent
        Twitter to shared her happiness over   Thanedar’s win, who ran unsuc-  Democrat Ro Khanna engaged in a             ILLINOIS
        her election. “My name is Nabeela   cessfully for the Democratic party   contest with Republican Ritesh Tan-  • Kevin Olickal, Democrat, State
        Syed. I’m a 23-year-old Muslim, Indi-  nomination for governor in 2018,   den.                           House, District 16 beat Vince Ro-
        an-American woman. We just flipped   would add a fifth member to the ‘Sa-  A dozen Indian Americans also   mano, Republican
        a Republican-held suburban district,”   mosa caucus’ – as the Desi lawmak-  ran for State assemblies in Florida,   • Nabeela Syed, Democrat, State
        she tweeted noting, “I will be the   ers in the Congress have nicknamed   Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland,   House, District 51, elected
        youngest member of the Illinois Gen-  themselves.                   Michigan, New Hampshire Ohio and
        eral Assembly.”                       Thanedar’s win represents a   Pennsylvania.  Six  more  are  trying           IOWA
            Syed contended that she won   quintessential rags-to-riches story,   their luck in State Senates in Arizona,
        the election because she engaged in   having arrived in the US in the 70s   Michigan, Vermont and Washington.   • Megan Srinivas, Democrat, State
                                                                                                                 House, District 30, elected
        a conversation with people – to give   with just 20 dollars in his pocket. Af-  Nine others are vying for elective of-
        them a reason to get involved in our   ter losing his father, Shri Thanedar   fices  with  Republican  Harry  Arora   PENNSYLVANIA
        democracy and hope for better lead-  worked as a janitor to support his   running for State Treasurer in Con-  • Dr Arvind Venkat, Democrat,
        ership that represents their values.  studies and family, before working as   necticut and Sim Gill for District At-  State House, District 30, elected
            “When  I  announced  for  State   a scientist at the Bhabha Atomic Re-  torney in Salt Lake County, Utah.
        Representative, I made it a mission   search Centre in Mumbai.          All but three or four of the 35 In-  • Tarik Khan, Democrat, House
                                                                                                                 District 194, elected
        to genuinely engage in conversation   A proud Maharashtrian, Tha-   dian American candidates in the fray
        with people – to give them a reason   nedar who grew up in Belgaum in   are Democrats.                             TEXAS
        to get involved in our democracy and   Karnataka, came to the US in 1979   As Indian Americans are almost   • Monica Singh, Harris County
        hope for better leadership that rep-  in search of the American dream and   4.5million in population with a high   Judge, elected
        resents their values.” she wrote on In-  now wants to serve the community he   concentration in critical competitions   • KP George, Democrat, Fort Bend
        stagram. “We won this race because   lives with. A PhD scientist, Thane-  and swing states spanning Florida,   County Commissioners Court
        we engaged in that conversation.”  dar grew up in a working-class family   Georgia, Arizona, Virginia, New Jer-  • Juli  Mathew,  Democrat,  Fort
            Born and raised in Illinois, Syed   that  suffered  financial  hardship  He   sey, Texas, and California, they want
        graduated from the University of Cal-  paid for his education by working as   their voice be heard on important is-  Bend County Court at Law No. 3
        ifornia with a degree in Political Sci-  a teacher’s assistant, according to his   sues and policy matters.      WASHINGTON
        ence and Business and served as the   official bio.                     By all accounts, Indian American   • Vandana Slatter, Democrat, State
        president of a pro-bono consulting    During that time, he earned   voters turned the tide for Democrats   House District 48, reelected.
        organization that helped local busi-  just $300 a month and sent $75 each   in 2020 in key battleground states and
        nesses.                           month to his family, who were dealing   helped Joe Biden come to power.         WISCONSIN
            She currently works for a     with  financial  hardship,  so  that  they   Now, they might have done the same
        non-profit,  helping  them  in  digital   could put food on the table.  in the midterm by joining the blue   • Josh Kaul, Democrat, Attorney
                                                                                                                 General, reelected.
        strategy and supporting a myriad of   He then entered the private sec-  wall to stop the so-called red wave.

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