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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            NOVEMBER 18, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 20

                                                           FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS

                New York City Lincoln Hospital

                                          Celebrates Diwali

        OUR BUREAU

        New York, NY
               n October 27, NYCHHC Lin-
               coln Hospital celebrated the
        OIndia festival of Diwali (Fes-
        tival of Lights) with pomp and show.
        Lincoln Hospital truly exhibits how ac-
        commodating and accepting in regards
        to  cultural  diversity. The program
        started with the American national
        anthem sung by Pitique Desruisseaux
        and Indian national anthem sung
        by  Tara Shajan & Sukhdeep Hayer.
            The program was inaugurated
        and the lamp was lit by Chief Executive
        Officer Christopher Roker who in his
        speech mentioned that Diwali is “Per-
        sonally”  a  day  of  reflection,  it’s  also
        about  celebrations  and  “happiness,
        positivity, bringing people together.”
            Diwali is one of the major religious
        festivals in Hinduism, Jainism, and
        Sikhism. The name Diwali is derived
        from the Sanskrit term “Dipavali”,
        meaning “row of lights.” The festival
        generally symbolizes the victory of light
        over darkness. It is one of the most
        popular festivals with South Asian
        communities and Indian diaspora.
            The festival has secured a sturdy
        foothold far from the subcontinent
        in  places  with  significant  Indian  di-
        aspora population – like New York.
        NYCHHC Lincoln provides a mul-
        ticultural community setting to help
        the staff experience cultural diversi-
        ty through participation in different
        forms of art.
            The chief guest & keynote speaker
        at the event was Tom George Kolath,
        actor,  writer,  director,  film  producer.
        Addressing the audience, he stated:
        “Be the Change for others through
        showing the spirit of Diwali and it re-
        flect the light in other people’s life.”
            “That bigger picture of accepting
        and recognizing other cultures and
        festivals is always admirable. You
        healthcare workers are so awesome.
        I would like to inhale all your love &   Davinderpal Hanjan did a won-  Roshin Mammen entertained     was by Dr. Usha Venugopal who de-
        support and Exhale my gratitude.”   derful job being the Emcee and all   the audience with his performance   livered the vote of thanks. The dance
            Kolath also thanked our Mayor   staff  who  were  dressed  in  Indian   with drum beats to a Bollywood song.   floor  was  opened  with  Bollywood
        Eric Adams and Governor Kathy     clothes participated in a fashion   Sukhdeep Hayer, Tara Shajan, and   music & staff enjoyed dancing to that
        Hochul for taking that initiative and   show which was very interesting to   others  performed  a  catchy  perfor-  catchy music. The staff enjoyed the
        recognizing an Indian Festival to this   watch the different styles and dresses   mance of Bollywood dance and Indi-  Diwali sweets and food which was
        Empire state and also in NY City.   representing different states of India.  an fashion show. The closing remarks   served thereafter.

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