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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 18, 2022 | The Indian Eye 18
AAPI members to meet in Visakhapatnam
(Andhra Pradesh) for 16th conference
GHS and Pre-GHS/CME Family Tour to Vietnam, Cambodia and Kuala Lumpur Registration is Open and Filling up fast
Chicago, IL
he registration for AAPI’s
16th annual Global Health-
Tcare Summit 2023 at the at
the prestigious Novotel Visakhapat-
nam Varun Beach, Andhra Pradesh,
India from January 6th to 8th, 2022
and the Pre-GHS/CME tour to ex-
otic destinations, Vietnam, Cambo-
dia and Kuala Lumpur is filling up
fast,” Dr. Ravi Kolli, President of the
American Association of Physicians
of Indian Origin announced here.
“Physicians and healthcare pro-
fessionals from across the country
and internationally will meet and
participate in the scholarly exchange Sreeni Gangasani and Academic
of medical advances, to develop Chair Dr. Sharma Prabhakar, some
health policy agendas, and to en- of the topics for the CMEs will in-
courage legislative priorities in the clude Psychiatry, Ophthalmology,
coming year. We look forward to Pediatrics, Oncology. “In our efforts
seeing you in Visakhapatnam!” said to realize the core mission of AAPI,
Dr. Ravi Kolli which is to share the best from lead-
The GHS 2023 by AAPI is be- ing experts from around the world,
ing organized in collaboration with to collaborate on clinical challeng-
Andhra Medical College Alumni es, the GHS in Visakhapatnam will
Association, Andhra Medical Col- have clinical tracks that are of vital
lege, Indian Medical Association, to healthcare in India,” Dr. Gana-
AP, Association of Telugu Medical gasani said.
Graduates in the USA and Ranga- Dr. Lokesh Edara and Dr. Brah-
raya Medical College Alumni Asso- attend this convention have excelled to showcase the AAPI initiatives in ma Sharma, who are the co-chairs
ciation and the Government of the in different specialties and subspe- India, TB Eradication in India and of International medical education
State of Andhra Pradesh. cialties and occupy high positions as recognition of AAPI Award winners will conduct a high-powered panel
While elaborating on the faculty members of medical schools, will make this Summit unique,” Dr. discussion by International Medical
themes and areas that are going to heads of departments, and executives Ravi Raju, Chair of GHS-India said. Education experts including CEOs
be covered during the Summit, Dr. of hospitals and pharma companies. In addition to offering over 10 of ECFMG, WFMC, and Nation-
V. Ranga, Chair of AAPI BOT, says, “The AAPI GHS offers an op- hours of cutting-edge CMEs to the al Medical Council officials. Dr. B
“The GHS 2023 will focus on Men- portunity to meet directly with these physicians, the event will have prod- K Kishore, an academic expert will
tal Health and Physician Burnout, physicians who are leaders in their uct theaters/promotional opportuni- lead discussions on research meth-
Rural Health Initiatives, Infant and fields and play an integral part in ties, plenary sessions, multi-segment odology and scientific writings.
Maternal Health issues as well as the decision-making process regard- CEOs Forum, women’s leadership Dr. Sampath Shivangi, AAPI
Medical Jeopardy, Research Poster ing new products and services,” Dr. forum. The convention will be ad- Legislative Committee Chair said,
presentations by medical students.” Anajan Sammader, President-Elect dressed by senior world leaders, in- “We are collaborating with senior
Dr. Prasad Chalasani, Chair of of AAPI said. cluding celebrities from the enter- leaders from leading healthcare or-
AAPI GHS-USA says, “With hun- The preliminary program is in tainment world, said Dr. Sudhakar ganizations including pharmaceuti-
dreds of physicians from the United place, the major attractions include Jonnalagadda, Chief Advisor of the cals, device and medical equipment
States, the Summit is expected to 12 hours of cutting-edge CME with GHS 2023. manufacturers and major medical
be attended by nearly 400 delegates renowned speakers, CEO Forum, Dr. Kolli expressed gratitude to teaching institutions, hospitals and
from around the world. AAPI Glob- Innovation Forum, Entrepreneur all the Chairs and members of var- the Ministries of Health, External/
al Healthcare Summit (GHS) will Forum, Women’s Forum, Product ious Committees who are working Overseas Affairs and regulatory
have many new initiatives and also Theaters to highlight the newest hard to put together a great Summit bodies to attend and coordinate
will be carrying the torch of ongoing advances in patient care and med- and to enable members to return with AAPI with an ultimate goal to
projects undertaken by AAPI’s past ical technology. Alumni meetings home with memories that will last a providing accessible and affordable
leaders.” for networking, also an AAPI-In- life time. high-quality healthcare to all people
Many of the physicians who will dia Strategic Engagement Forum According to CME Chair Dr. of India.”