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P. 14
North The Indian Eye
14 NOVEMBER 18, 2022
Indian American candidates create
history with big wins across the country
A record 35 Indian American candidates ran in the high-stakes midterm elections from Arizona to Wisconsin
New York/Washington, DC
his year has been the best for
Indian American candidates,
Tcutting across party lines, all
over the country. The four current
members of the all-Democrat Samo-
sa Caucus, Ro Khanna and Ami Bera
(California), Raja Krishnamoorthi
(Illinois) and Premila Jayapal (Wash-
ington) easily cruised to re-election,
and they have added a new member,
Shri Thanedar, to their group.
In the states, at least 16 Indi-
an American candidates have won
their critical midterm elections and
are making history across the coun-
try. “Once again, we saw that Indian
American and South Asian American
voters are one of the fastest-growing
voting blocs in the nation, emphasiz-
ing what we already know: our power
is growing,” said Neil Makhija, Ex-
ecutive Director of Indian American
“On Nov 8, we once again made
history. Thank you for helping us The Samosa Caucus at Capitol Hill
provide critical support and get our
candidates over the finish line. We the nation what a small but mighty “There’s no place I’d rather be tation policy, domestic violence, and
couldn’t have done it without you, state can do when democracy is on the than with voters! Our community has STEM education, among others.
and we look forward to continuing to ballot,” tweeted Miller Wednesday as pushed us to be our best selves this Miller, an engineer by training,
make history in future elections,” he networks projected the pair winner campaign and I cannot even begin to learned English while in the public
added. in a keenly watched race. “You chose put my gratitude into words for your school system, graduated high school,
ARUNA MILLER unity over division, expanding rights commitment and support,” Miller and attended college at what is now
over restricting rights, hope over tweeted earlier as voting was under- called Missouri University of Science
runa Miller made history as she fear,” she wrote. “You chose Wes way. and Technology. She has worked as a
became the first Asian Ameri- Moore and me to be your next Gov- When he chose Miller, a former transportation engineer for local gov-
Acan and the first immigrant ernor and Lieutenant Governor.” Maryland House delegate for two ernments in California, Virginia, and
elected lieutenant governor of Mary- “Ever since I came to this coun- terms, as his running mate after win- Hawaii. She moved to Maryland in
land with Army veteran and best-sell- try in 1972, I’ve never stopped being ning the Democratic primary in July, 1990, where she worked for 25 years
ing author Wes Moore becoming the excited for the promise of America,” Moore said he was “absolutely ecstat- for the Montgomery County depart-
state’s first Black governor. The Dem- wrote Miller who came to the US with ic and humbled to go on this journey ment of transportation.
ocratic pair of Moore and Miller, 58, her parents as a seven-year-old child. with Aruna Miller.” Aruna is married to Dave Miller,
defeated Trump-backed Republican “I will never stop fighting to First elected to the Maryland with whom she has three daughters.
Dan Cox and Gordana Schifanelli. make sure that promise is available House in 2010, Miller has spent four She currently resides in Montgomery
With Moore-Miller win, for the first to everyone,” she added. “And this years on the House Ways and Means County.
time both the top two positions in a promise begins with a commitment to Committee and four years on the Ap- Miller, a former executive direc-
state will be held by racial minorities. deliver a Maryland where we Leave propriations Committee, working on tor of Indian American Impact, was
“Maryland, tonight you showed No One Behind.” issues like paid family leave, transpor- Continued at next page... >>