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OP-ED NOVEMBER 18, 2022 | The Indian Eye 11
Castes, quotas and the welfare issues
Views and opinions from the top commentators in Indian media
ust last year a constitution bench
had unanimously found a Maha-
Jrashtra law benefiting Marathas
and taking total quotas in the state
beyond 50%, unconstitutional. But,
as deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis
has indicated, that reservation ini-
tiative will be pushing ahead with
new confidence now. As will Chhat-
tisgarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka and
Jats, Gujjars, Vokkaligas … Even the
call for reservation proportionate to
population is gaining strength. The
politics that has given oxygen to all
this vehement jostling will find itself
balancing conflicting interest groups
endlessly. Whole new cans of worms
are also being opened for reserva-
tions in local body elections in dif-
ferent states. Perhaps courts should
simply get out of the way.
The persistent legislative ef-
forts to press through new quo-
tas are more about solidifying
vocal caste vote banks than al-
leviating deprivation – whether
historical, economic or over-
lapping. People hold placards during a protest against caste-based exploitation at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on Tuesday (ANI)
India will pay a cost for all the en- achieve that level of representation FREE WELFARE? nerable individuals can provide some
ergy spent on this disingenuous wel- in services and in educational insti- relief in case of loss of employment,
fare route rather than the means-test- tutions while the upper castes are t a time when India is debating the benefit levels are usually too low
ed programmes that uplifted China. already overrepresented in these sec- free welfare schemes, inade- to ensure minimally adequate living
Until politics, communities and tors. Aquate investment on a basic, conditions for the beneficiaries.
courts remain more invested in ex- Parliament failed in its duty when universal social protection system is Moreover, registration and qual-
panding reservation rather than good it altered the constitutional philoso- making millions of lives vulnerable ification for these programmes can
education and jobs, capture of scarce phy to redress discrimination without and unequal. be slow or only available at specific
opportunities by creamy layers will deliberation: Neither did a parlia- In its latest World Social Protec- times, leaving many workers unpro-
persist. mentary committee discuss the 103rd tion Report, 2020-2022, the Interna- tected. These gaps in the existing
amendement nor a House commit- tional Labor Organization has listed programmes must be examined to
-- Editorial, The Times of India
tee effectively consider its provisions. a few areas of concern for countries strengthen India’s social protection
THE ECONOMIC FACTOR The issue in this case is whether the lagging in investments in social pro- system.
category of “social and education- tection to its needy population. Until the country includes ev-
y providing an economic ba- al backwardness”, devolved by the Owing to the relatively low in- ery single citizen in its social protec-
sis for reservation, Parliament founders of the republic, could be vestment in social protection, the tion system (from the current 24%),
Bhas tried to deprive social de- altered to “economic backwardness” amounts transferred under non-con- ending free welfare schemes will be
mocracy and democratic rights to all without any scientific basis or any ma- tributory benefits are usually too low counter-productive and stand as a big
sections of the society. The savarnas terial that demonstrates changes in to provide adequate protection. For hindrance to building an equal India.
or upper castes, who constitute 10 to the social conditions. The Supreme instance, India’s and Bangladesh’s
--Sachi Satapathy,
15 per cent of the total population Court ought to have also discussed disability benefits are equivalent to The Telegraph (India)
are already represented in 45 to 50 the constitutional question of “delib- only about 5% of GDP per capita and
per cent of the total services, where- erative democracy”, since Parliament non-contributory old-age pensions Every week, we look at what the top
as the SCs, STs and OBCs constitute had not adhered to it while passing in India, Thailand and Sri Lanka are commentators in the Indian media are
the majority of this country, and are the amendment. even lower. talking about and bring to you a slice
only provided 49.5 per cent reserva- -- KS Chauhan, The Indian Express Even though social assistance of their opinions and comments
tion. The latter, however, are yet to programmes targeted at poor or vul-