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NATION                                                             NOVEMBER 18, 2022  |      The Indian Eye                     6

                                               STATE ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS 2022

                  Priyanka Gandhi challenges BJP in

              Himachal as ruling party eyes victory

                      The oldest party in the country held rallies in all 68 assembly constituencies

                                  simultaneously in the state on the last day of the campaign

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            campaigning for the change of pow-
                                                                                                              er  in  Himachal  Pradesh on the last
        Shimla (HP)
                                                                                                              day of campaigning on Thursday with
               nion Home Minister Amit                                                                        the participation of star campaigners
               Shah  on  Thursday  appealed                                                                   including party general secretary Pri-
        Uto the people of Himachal                                                                            yanka Gandhi Vadra holding a door-
        Pradesh to vote the BJP back to pow-                                                                  to-door campaign in Shimla.
        er in the upcoming Assembly elec-                                                                         The oldest party in the country
        tions, saying “When you cast your                                                                     held rallies in all 68 assembly constit-
        vote on November 12, don’t do it to                                                                   uencies simultaneously in the state
        make Jairam Thakur your CM, but to                                                                    on the last day of the campaign. On
        make Himachal number one state in                                                                     Thursday, Congress took out “Vijay
        the country.”                                                                                         Ashirwad Rally” in all 68 assembly
            On a visit to the state on Thurs-                                                                 constituencies of Himachal. In this
        day, Shah addressed public rallies in                                                                 rally, the party’s star campaigners was
        Paonta Sahib town in the Sirmaur                                                                      seen campaigning at many places.
        and Kangra districts of Himachal                                                                          Star Campaigners like  Priyan-
        Pradesh ahead of the Assembly polls.                                                                  ka Gandhi Vadra, Bhupesh Baghel,
                                                                                                              Sachin Pilot and Rajiv Shukla cam-
        The senior BJP leader and star                                                                        paigned in the state.
                                                                                                                  Meanwhile, Congress released
        campaigner for the party also                                                                         its manifesto last week with ‘10 guar-

        took a swipe at the Congress                                                                          antees’.
                                                                                                                  Divulging the contents of the
        saying that it is not a democrat-                                                                     manifesto, chairman of Manifes-
        ic party. “Do you see anything                                                                        to  Committee  Dhani  Ram  Shandil
                                                                                                              said an attempt has been made to
        besides a mother and son when                                                                         address issues like price rise, unem-

        you look at the Congress?” he                                                                         ployment and issues concerning em-
                                                                                                              ployees. He said an effort has been
        said.                                                                                                 made to include the aspirations of
                                                                                                              women, youth, government employ-
            “Congress is not a democrat-     Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra addresses a public meeting for the   ees, ex-servicemen and women in the
        ic party, it is a party born out of dy-  upcoming Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections in Sirmaur on Thursday (ANI)  manifesto.
        nasty,” Shah said taking a jibe at the                                                                    The 10 guarantees of Congress
        Congress during a public rally at Pa-  He reminded people that the Prime   vacant posts for government jobs in   include the implementation of the
        onta Sahib town.                  Minister wore the traditional ‘Chola   the state while over 50 per cent of the   Old Pension Scheme, 1 lakh govern-
            He also addressed a mega public                                                                   ment jobs, as many as 5 lakh jobs for
        gathering in Palampur city of Kangra   Dora’ from Chamba on his visit to the   state’s youth is unemployed. “There   youth, Rs 680 crore Start-up fund for
        district on Thursday, promising vot-  Kedarnath temple.             are 30 lakh young people in Himachal   the youth, Rs 1,500 per month to the
        ers that the BJP would ensure imple-  But lashing out at the ruling   Pradesh and of them, 15 lakh are un-  women, and free electricity up to 300
        mentation of the Uniform Civil Code   Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in poll-  employed. This at a time when gov-  units of consumption.
        (UCC) if voted back. “We have men-  bound Himachal Pradesh on Thurs-  ernment posts lie vacant in the state.   The Himachal Pradesh election
        tioned in our manifesto that as soon   day, Congress general secretary Pri-  This government (BJP) has snatched   manifesto of  the  Congress  also  as-
        as the BJP comes to power in Him-  yanka  Gandhi  Vadra  said  the  state   jobs and increased inflation,” Priyan-  sured the people of the hilly state of
        achal Pradesh, we will implement   government has no intention of work-  ka claimed while addressing the pub-  four English-medium schools in each
        the Uniform Civil Code in the state,”   ing for development.        lic rally on the last day of campaign-  assembly, mobile clinics for free treat-
        Shah said.                            Addressing a public rally in the   ing for the November 12 state polls.  ment in each village, the cost price of
            Ahead of Himachal polls, BJP   Sirmaur district of Himachal Pradesh   Priyanka claimed the Congress   cow dung at Rs 2 per kilogram, pur-
        National President and star cam-  on Thursday, the Congress star cam-  will make provision for 1 lakh gov-  chase of 10 liters of milk from animal
        paigner JP Nadda said that Delhi is   paigner said the state is saddled with a   ernment jobs at its very first cabinet   keepers, and the farm owners will be
        far from here but the State is close   debt of Rs 70,000 crores. She further   meeting if voted to power in the state.  given the liberty to decide the price
        to  PM  Modi’s  heart,  on  Thursday.   claimed  that  there  are  over  63,000   The Congress was aggressively   for their farm produce.

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