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BIG STORY                                                          NOVEMBER 18, 2022  |      The Indian Eye                     4

                            INDIA-RUSSIA RELATIONS

           STRONGER & CLOSER

                      India’s External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar goes to Moscow for an important
             two-day trip and says India and Russia have strong and continuing contacts at various levels.
                    As the two countries eye $30-billion trade, the relationship is moving to next level

        OUR BUREAU
        Moscow/New Delhi

           n an important pronouncement,
           India’s External Affairs Minister
        IS Jaishankar said that India and
        Russia have strong and continuing
        contacts at various levels.
            Jaishankar arrived in Moscow on
        Monday as a part of his two-day visit
        to Russia, in continuation of the reg-
        ular high-level dialogue between the
        two sides. During his meeting with
        Russian foreign minister Sergey Lav-
        rov, he reviewed the entire gamut of
        the India-Russia relationship. Lavrov
        said  he  apprised  Jaishankar  about
        the course of a “special military oper-
        ation” in Ukraine, during talks with
        the Indian counterpart on Tuesday.
            Jaishankar and his Russian
        counterpart Sergey Lavrov on Tues-
        day held talks in Moscow covering a
        range of bilateral, regional and glob-
        al issues of mutual interests. In the
        opening  remarks,  Jaishankar  said,
        “As you noted, there have been strong
        and continuing contacts between our
        governments at various levels. Prime
        Minister Modi and President Putin               S Jaishankar holds talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow on Tuesday (ANI)
        met most recently in Samarkand in
        September. Our Defense Ministers   fashion a contemporary, balanced,   will address the overall global situa-  months has had a significant impact
        spoke to each other. My colleague   mutually  beneficial,  sustainable  and   tion and specific regional concerns.”  on global food security and has led to
        National Security Advisor Ajit Doval   long-term engagement. Especially as   He also said that India and Rus-  a sudden increase in crude prices.
        was in Moscow in August. Our Min-  our economic cooperation increases,   sia engage each other in an increas-  Notably, India has not con-
        ister for Chemicals and Fertilizers   this  is  a  significant  imperative.  We   ingly multi-polar and re-balanced   demned Russia since the start of the
        was in Russia in June. And at the   would be discussing how our shared   world. Meanwhile, Lavrov said, “We   conflict  and  has  maintained  its  in-
        official level, I think, our colleagues   goals are best achieved,” he added.  coordinate  our  actions  in  interna-  dependent position. On several UN
        have been in regular touch. And this   Jaishankar, who arrived in Mos-  tional organizations such as UNSC   forums, New Delhi has consistently
        is all very much in the spirit of our   cow on  Monday,  said,  “Where  the   where India is now a non-permanent   called for a cessation of violence and
        relationship.”                    international situation is concerned,   member... all this is enriching our   advocated peace and diplomacy.
            He further said that this is the   the last few years of the Covid pan-  agenda and I’m confident that today   India’s  relationship  with  Russia
        fifth meeting between both Foreign   demic, financial pressures and trade   we’re going to have a good conversa-  has worked to its advantage and New
        Ministers which shows their long-  difficulties; these have taken a toll on   tion about all this.”   Delhi would like to keep that going,
        term partnership. The minister also   the global economy. We are now see-  Since the start of the Ukraine   S Jaishankar said on Tuesday, as he
        said that today’s meeting is devoted   ing the consequences of the Ukraine   conflict earlier this year, India’s bilat-  reaffirmed strong ties with Moscow,
        to bilateral cooperation; exchanging   conflict  on  top  of  that.  There  are   eral ties with Russia have come under   describing  the  country  as  a  steady
        perspectives on the international sit-  also the more perennial issues of   the scanner of the West for a surge   and time-tested partner.
        uation and also interests. “Where bi-  terrorism  and  climate change,  both   in oil imports from sanctions-hit   Jaishankar made these remarks
        lateral ties are concerned, you would   of which have a disruptive impact on   Moscow. The war in Ukraine which   during a joint press conference along
        agree that it is our objective today to   progress and prosperity. Our talks   has continued for more than eight   Continued at next page... >>

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