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BIG STORY                                                          NOVEMBER 18, 2022  |      The Indian Eye                     5

        with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey
        Lavrov in Moscow. Answering a
        question about India’s increasing oil
        import amid western outcry, he said,
        “There is stress on the energy market
        created by a combination of factors.
        But as the world’s third-largest con-
        sumer... a consumer where the level
        of income is not very high, it is our
        obligation to ensure that the Indian
        consumer has the best possible ac-
        cess to the most advantageous terms
        on the international market.”
            “ that respect, the In-
        dia-Russia relationship has worked
        to my advantage. If it works to my
        advantage, I would like to keep that
        going,” he added.
            But Jaishankar on Tuesday also
        raised concern about the conse-
        quences emanating from the Ukraine
        conflict that has affected energy and
        food security around the world. “We
        are seeing growing concerns on the
        energy and food security, emanating
        from the conflict, that are coming on
        top of severe stresses created by two   S Jaishankar meets Sergey Lavrov    The External Affairs Minister meets Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov
        years of Covid,” he said.                   in Moscow (ANI)              during Inter-Governmental Commission meeting in Moscow on Tuesday (ANI)
            Also, Russian Deputy Prime
        Minister Denis Manturov held talks   countries - 30 billion USD,” the Rus-  the development pace of our polit-  more than 130 per cent compared
        with Jaishankar on Tuesday and they   sian embassy said in a statement.  ical dialogue with India. Our com-  to the same period last year, almost
        noted bilateral trade turnover may    Denis Manturov, who is also   prehensive and multifaceted ties in   reaching the USD 17 billion mark.
        reach USD 30 billion by the end of   Russia’s Minister of Industry and   trade and investment are develop-  We  are  confident  that  the  goal  set
        this year.                        Trade, said relations with India can   ing successfully, and industrial co-  by our leaders - to bring trade turn-
            The talks between Manturov and   be described as a special privileged   operation between our countries is   over up to USD 30 billion - will soon
        Jaishankar were held in the format   strategic partnership and they are   growing in a broad range of areas,”   be achieved,” Lavrov was quoted as
        of India-Russia Inter-Governmental   of prime importance to Moscow. He   Manturov said.               saying by Sputnik during a joint press
        Commission on Trade, Economic,    added that despite pressure from      Lavrov also said that both    conference.
        Scientific,  Technological  and  Cul-  Western countries, both nations are   countries soon reach the target of   It is a sign of both sides welcom-
        tural Cooperation (IRIGC-TEC).    able to maintain the intensity of bi-  increasing their trade turnover to   ing the positive dynamics of bilateral
        “A dynamic growth of bilateral trade   lateral cooperation.         USD 30 billion.                   trade. India and Russia are taking
        turnover was noted, which, by the     “Despite Western pressure,  we    “We welcomed the positive dy-  their relationship to the next level
        end of this year, may come close to   have maintained intensive bilater-  namics of bilateral trade. By Septem-  despite pressure on India from the
        the goal set by the leaders of the two   al interaction and are satisfied with   ber, trade turnover had increased by   West which is not working at all.

          Jaishankar discusses India-US-Israel relations with diaspora groups

               xternal Affairs Minister, S   tion. From city halls to Capitol Hill,   India’s soft power and in developed   first Indian Prime Minister to visit
               Jaishankar on Wednesday    at the UN and in world capitals, AJC   countries, it acts as an effective play-  Israel. His itinerary did not include
         Ediscussed the strengthening     works to impact policy and opinion   er in impacting the dynamics of these   Ramallah  (Palestine). The  signal
          of India’s relationship with the US   on some of the most important issues   countries.             was that India had “de-hyphenated”
          and Israel in a meeting with the   facing the Jewish people.          The diaspora’s ability to spread   the  Israel-Palestine  relationship,
          delegation of the American Jewish   The Indian Diaspora has evolved   Indian soft power, lobby for India’s   and would deal with each separately.
          Committee and the Indian diaspora.  over three phases firstly Indian peo-  national interests, and contribute   India and Israel have a Joint
             “Glad to meet a delegation of   ple were taken by colonial powers to   economically to India’s rise is now   Working Group on Counter-ter-
          the American Jewish Committee   work as plantation workers (like in   well-recognized.              rorism and the two countries also
          and the Indian Diaspora in South   Sri Lanka, Caribbean islands, Fiji,   30 years ago, full diplomatic re-  share real-time intelligence to deal
          Block today  morning. Discussed   etc.), secondly, in search of better   lations were established between In-  with the menace.
          strengthening India’s relationship   economic opportunities, many In-  dia and Israel. Since then, India and   The Jewish diaspora in India
          with the US and Israel. Appreci-  dians went to countries like the US   Israel have successfully steered the   remains unique because like other
          ated their suggestions on promot-  and many European countries and   relationship forward.          communities, it coexisted peace-
          ing community-based activities,”   thirdly to gulf countries as skilled and   Under Prime Minister Narendra   fully in India for hundreds of years
          tweeted Jaishankar. American Jew-  semi-skilled labourers.        Modi, India decided to take full own-  but maintained  its  Jewish  identity
          ish Committee (AJC) is the leading   Today, the Indian diaspora is   ership of the relationship with Israel.   despite long isolation from other
          global Jewish advocacy organiza-  both  agent  and  the  instrument  of   In February 2018, Modi became the   Jewish communities.

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