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SOUTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            OCTOBER 277, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 35

        these  institutions.  Only  some  mas-
        ters are invited from time to time to
        preach. So, religiously and culturally,
        there is a lot of interest. There is a lot
        less political awareness about what is
        going on inside Tibet.  Many coun-
        tries like the US have now under-
        stood and learned the hard way to do
        business with China. Now, they are
        taking a firmer stand just like India
        is also taking a stronger stand. This
        is very important as China only un-
        derstands strength and not weakness.
            Now, Latin America has not been
        very favorable to the US because of
        their history and they are seeking in-
        vestment from China. But, I think,
        they fail to understand the real intent
        of the Chinese government. It is not
        just investment they will pour in; they
        will send in a lot more people. Now,
        most of the countries are undergoing
        studies about how much the Chinese
        government  is  infiltrating  into  the
        political fabric or  the  social  fabric
        of different  nations.  And  in  Latin
        America also they are quite deep. So,
        wherever we go we face a lot of pres-
        sure from the Chinese embassy not
        to meet with us. That depends on the               Penpa Tsering (fourth from right) meeting leaders at Sao Paulo state legislative assembly (Alesp)
        political leaders in these countries.
        Many of the countries I have visited I   lem. If it continues for another 15-20   are obviously more cautious because   lai Lama. There is apprehension that
        met with foreign ministry officials but   years, the whole new generation of   it can trigger anything. How India re-  when he is gone, the Chinese will try to
        here it is a little bit difficult. This is   Tibetans may not be able to speak   sponds to all this depends on how Chi-  appoint their own Dalai Lama. What
        my first visit to explore what can be   their language, forget about Tibetan   na deals with India. When it comes   kind of debate or discussion is going on
        done here now and, in the future, if   religion, etc.               to the US, the Chinese say they are   within the CTA or the Tibetan commu-
        it is any good to spend our time and   The objective of the Chinese   not treated as equal. But does China   nity to prepare for the situation?
        energy in the region.             government with regard to Tibetans,   treat every other country as equal,   The Chinese government is more
            As the Sikyong, you have travelled   Mongols, Uyghurs or any others is to   including India. They never did.   interested  in  the  15th  Dalai  Lama
        to many countries and met foreign lead-  change them into Chinese. All the   When a country becomes powerful   than in the living 14th Dalai Lama.
        ers. What kind of interest you see in the   rules and regulations that are being   it is confident of talking difficult ques-  They do not care about the 14th Da-
        Tibetan Issue as the West now seems to   amended are pointing  towards  this.   tions. Do you see any willingness on   lai Lama. They have been preparing
        be more focused on the Uyghurs than   Now China has become a hot topic   part of China to talk about such ques-  for the past 20 years for the demise
        Tibetans?                         around the world. People are under-  tions through backchannels or directly?   of  His  Holiness  and  finding  his  re-
            Any situation whether it is to   standing China or just beginning to   Right now, under President Xi   incarnation. That is why they even
        do with East Turkestan (Uyghurs)   understand China. The US under-  Jinping, it has become even more   passed an order in 2007 to control all
        or Mongolia or Tibet does not re-  stands China very well. Europe is just   difficult. You can see all the develop-  Living Buddhas. Within the diaspo-
        main the same all the time. I keep   waking up. Eastern countries like   ments in Hong Kong with the securi-  ra community, there is not much of
        telling my Uyghur friends also that   Japan say they started diversification   ty law and in Eastern Turkestan with   a debate as they consider it ominous
        not everything will remain the same.   since  2018.  Europe  only  started  af-  concentration camps and in Tibet   to discuss such things. Now people
        It is not a competition between Ti-  ter the Ukraine war. So, all this dy-  with colonial-style boarding schools.   talk about it as they are more realis-
        betans  and Uyghurs  or Mongols  or   namism is adding to understanding   It is not pointing to more freedom or   tic but generally you don’t talk about
        Hong Kongers or Taiwan as long as   China more, and we are one source   liberalism or a willingness or political   a lama’s death as it is considered in-
        the perpetrators of the crime is the   of information on China.     conviction to resolve the Sino-Tibet   auspicious. Within the community
        same. But that does not mean to say   India and China are members of   issue. We do have some backchan-  there is only one document about
        that the situation in Tibet has im-  many multilateral organizations like   nels and they are showing some in-  His  Holiness:  that  is  the  Septem-
        proved at all. I keep saying that we   Brics, SCO but they never directly talk   terests but their interest is not based   ber 2011 document, which says that
        are dying a slow death. China is like   about Tibet…                on equal terms. They are mostly dic-  when he reaches the age of 90, he will
        a python strangling us slowly, killing   When it comes to Tibet, His Ho-  tating their terms whether it is the   take some decisions on his reincarna-
        us. What I mean by this is the cultural   liness used to be asked about it and   US government or any other govern-  tion. So far, His Holiness has talked
        genocide that is happening with the   he would say India was over cautious.   ment. With the Tibetans also they do   about his reincarnation can even be
        Tibetan language where they have   Now I would say we can remove    the same thing. Right now, the way   a woman or can be a young person
        established colonial-style boarding   “over” but they are still cautious be-  the Chinese government is dealing   named even before his demise. So,
        schools. Of course, we are not against   cause you have this proximity of bor-  with their domestic issues, it does   all these possibilities are still open.
        education or bilingual education but   der which the US doesn’t have. Japan   not look very promising that they are   His Holiness has not decided that he
        when the whole education is aimed   has the maritime border with China.   ready to resolve the vexed issues.   will be reborn or he will be reincar-
        at destroying the identity of the local   The countries which have a land bor-  One difficult topic and question   nated. Some of our friends in India
        population then it is a serious prob-  der or maritime border with China   is  the  future  of  the  institution  of  Da-  believe  it  is a  very  wise  decision  as

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