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BUSINESS EYE                                                         OCTOBER 27, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 40

                                                              TECH T@LK

        Slack retires its X account about updates and outages

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                                Meanwhile, according to The
                                                                                                              Verge,  On  Tesla’s  Q3  earnings  call,
        San Francisco, CA
                                                                                                              CEO Elon Musk said people who
             lack is retiring its status account                                                              work from home take advantage of
             on X that previously shared up-                                                                  the people who cannot work from
        Sdates about issues and outages                                                                       home and are “detached from real-
        on  the  platform,  the  company  an-                                                                 ity.” In the middle of talking about
        nounced on Thursday. “We made the                                                                     rising interest rates and their effect
        decision to retire the @SlackStatus                                                                   on the affordability of vehicles, Musk
        account in order to consolidate our                                                                   launched into a discussion about
        communications around incidents                                                                       “Marie Antoinette” vibes of the per-
        and focus resources on those most                                                                     son he describes asking why doesn’t
        widely used by our customers,” Kevin                                                                  everyone work from home.
        Albers, VP of customer experience                                                                         “Like... what about all the peo-
        at Slack, said in a statement to The                                                                  ple that have to come to the factory
        Verge.                                                                                                and and build the cars? What about
            The account was a useful way                                                                      all of the people that have to go to to
        to  be  notified  when  Slack  was  in-                                                               the restaurant and make your food,
        vestigating problems, especially for   also happy to answer any questions   mex account private and began tell-  and deliver your food? It’s like, what
        those of us at The Verge who end   related to incidents from our main   ing customers it was inactive as early   are you talking about...”
        up writing about those issues. (It was   account, @SlackHQ.” You can also   as August 1st. Air France, according   Musk carried on, saying “Why
        also a good account to monitor with   get  alerts  by  subscribing  to  Slack’s   to an April message, no longer does   did I sleep in the factory so many
        TweetDeck — which is now called   RSS and Atom feeds, according to   customer service over X direct mes-  times? Because it mattered,” refer-
        XPro and is only available to paying   The Verge.                   sages  “since  Twitter  has  changed   ring to lowering the costs of a Tesla.
        X Premium subscribers.) If you want                                 their conditions” (perhaps referring   He’d  been  asked  how  he  thought
        to keep tabs on Slack’s status moving   Other companies have also reduced   to X’s API pricing tiers it implement-  about price  elasticity in the current
        forward,  Albers  pointed  to  Slack’s   their investment in X. American Ex-  ed earlier this year), according to   macroenvironment, according to
        main status page and said that “we’re   press, for example, made its @AskA-  The Verge.               The Verge report.

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