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SOUTH AMERICAN Newsline OCTOBER 27, 2023 | The Indian Eye 36
Penpa Tsering in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tibetan and other people suffering.
China can’t handle unpredictability. dependent nature of our existence. of the world is the responsibility of Tomorrow it can be other people. So,
Once His Holiness decides and they So, the message of His Holiness and the people in the free world because if right-thinking people support the
know it, then they have the resources the ancient Indian wisdom is oneness people in the free world can also have right-thinking people elsewhere, it
to spread their propaganda. of humanity. So, if we understand the the same problem if they do not have could be a force against authoritar-
But the Central Tibetan Ad- concept of oneness of humanity then the right leadership. We have to keep
ministration, as any government has anybody who is suffering in any part supporting each other. Today, it is ianism and dictatorship. Otherwise,
they become too strong and then
protocols like blue book, we are also whole world is going to suffer – not
preparing to look at logistics and pos- just one country, not just Tibet. Bra-
sibilities when that time happens. His zil has to be very smart about invest-
Holiness keeps assuring us that he ments from China. Please study the
will live for another two decades or situation in Asia where China spent
more. His knee is bad but his health a lot of money in its Belt and Road
is good. I joke with my Chinese initiatives and other investments,
friends that whether the Communist creating debt economies and if Bra-
Party outlives the Dalai Lama or the zil, Venezuela and other countries
Dalai Lama outlives the Communist are asking for investments and they
Party. In the future, if you have two are not careful you can also land up
Dalai Lamas it is going to be a life- in the same situation as Asian coun-
long problem. And then in the next tries like Pakistan and Sri Lanka and
20-30 years, how much China is go- Cambodia and others.
ing to change we do not know. I think we have to be very smart
Tibet House has been here since
2016 and has been very active. What and strategic in our approaches and
also value the freedom that we so
message you would like to give to the enjoy here like democracy and free-
Brazilian people about Tibetan cul- dom – the freedom that you take
ture, identity and politics? for granted. It doesn’t exist in China
Of course, we do realize that His
Holiness has the largest following particularly in regions like Tibet and
Eastern Turkestan. It is the responsi-
in Latin America. That shows there bility of the whole world to support it.
is interest in the message of peace So, my message to the leaders
and compassion and love which are in Latin America especially Brazil,
essentially ancient Indian wisdom which is the biggest country in the
which we are carrying through. region and a middle power interna-
On the political front, we are
half the world away from each oth- tionally, it has a lot of leverage to
play. So, we have to make the gov-
er and political relationship between ernments who are not sticking to the
Tibet and Latin America has not basic freedom of their people the ac-
been there in the ancient times and countable. If that thinking goes the
they have just happened over the last whole world is going to be suffering.
50-60 years. But as Buddhists, we
also believe in interdependence and To read the full version of the interview,
the world is also realizing the inter- Penpa Tsering at Alesp
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