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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 27, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 32

                               KIRTI KULHARI & JIM SARBH

                 To Star in True Story around Muscular

                            Dystrophy titled ‘SACH IS LIFE’

        OUR BUREAU                            “Sach Is Life” stars 2023 Emmy   with immensely talented actors Kirti   Sarbh said he’s proud to be a part of
                                          Nominated Jim Sarbh (recognized   Kulhari and Emmy-nominated Jim    this film. “I am excited to be a part
        New York, NY
                                          for his work in Rocket Boys, also   Sarbh to bring this heartwarming   of this extremely heartwarming and
              ed Bison Productions, a NJ-  known for his roles in Made in Heav-  story to life.” - Romila Saraf Bhat,   inspirational story of resilience, dedi-
              based production house, an-  en and Mrs. Chatterjee vs. Nor-  Rahul Bhat (Producers – Red Bison   cation, and belief. Nothing moves me
        Rnounced their upcoming film      way,) and Kirti Kulhari (known for   Productions, Princeton, New Jersey)   quite like a story of a family coming
        SACH IS LIFE at a press event host-  her roles in Four More Shots, URI,   and - Harsh Mahadeshwar (Writer &   together to help one of their own
        ed at Goa Restaurant in New York   Pink, and Criminal Justice,) in lead   Director, Houston, Texas)   achieve their dreams.”
        City.  The film draws inspiration from   roles. Sach is Life is produced by Ra-  “I’m extremely excited to collab-  ‘Sach  Is  Life’  begins  filming
        an extraordinary true story about a   hul Bhat & Romila Saraf Bhat and   orate with a crew from the US and   around April 2024 and will be shot in
        mother and her 3-year-old boy suf-  written and directed by Harsh Ma-  to work in an environment that’s dif-  Kashmir, New Delhi, New Orleans,
        fering from multiple dystrophy. This   hadeshwar.                   ferent  from  how  it’s  done  in  India.   New Jersey, and New York.
        project entailed over two years of ex-  “We proudly introduce “Sach is   I’ll do my best to make it a film that   RED BISON PRODUCTIONS
        tensive research and has resulted in   Life,” a film based on extraordinary   we all are going to be proud of” said   is based in Princeton, New Jersey,
        an original story centered around a   true events. This is more than just   Kirti Kulhari, who will play the role   USA, and demonstrates a strong and
        family  who relocated from  Kashmir   a film, it’s a tribute to the invincible   of the mother.  “Sach is Life” also   enduring dedication  to  the South
        to the United States to save their son   human spirit and the infinite poten-  marks Kirti’s international debut.  Asian Diaspora. Their mission is to
        fighting a daily battle with death and   tial that resides within each one of   Calling “Sach is Life” an “in-  bring global true-life stories to world-
        uncertainty.                      us. We  are thrilled  to collaborate   credibly uplifting” story, actor Jim   wide audiences.

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