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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 27, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 28

                        IAPC honors Vinay Mahajan

              with Lifetime Achievement Award

        OUR BUREAU                        MBA from premier institutes, Maha-  across the United States in 8 months   • Dr. SAMPAT SHIVANGI (Com-
                                          jan is a serial entrepreneur with over   after he assumed office, Mr. Maha-  munity service, medicine). A phy-
        Stamford, CT
                                          40  years  of  industry  experience  in   jan was instrumental in achieving   sician, he is a veteran leader of
              inay Mahajan, the national   leadership,  marketing,  finance,  and   membership  to  newer  heights  with   AAPI, recipient of the PBD Sam-
              President of ITServeAlliance   engineering, creating and building   more than 700+ New members add-  man  Award  in  2016  and  Ellis  Is-
        VInc.,  an  association  of  2200   multiple entities. Entrepreneurial   ed in 2023. Two new Chapters were   land Medal of Honor 2008.
        + SME US IT companies, was hon-   expertise  through  100+  Communi-  launched under his leadership. He   • SHAJAN SKARIAH (Excellence
        ored with the prestigious Lifetime   cation/IVR/Call  Centers  software   strengthened STEM Education pro-  in Journalism). He is a promot-
        Achievement Award during the 9th   projects across India, and Health-  gram by adding STEM Training and   er and editor of the online portal
        annual Gala and Awards ceremo-    care Practice Management Software   Internship programs and enhancing   “Marunadan Malayali”.
        ny organized by the Indo-American   in the United States.           STEM scholarships program.        • Dr. RENU ABRAHAM VAR-
        Press  Club  on  Sunday,  October  8,   Mr. Mahajan received the award   “IT Serve Alliance is led by high-  UGHESE  (Excellence  in  Elder
        2023 at the Stamford Hilton, CT.  from IAPC Chairman Mr Kamalesh    ly talented individuals, phenomenal-  Care). She is an Associate Profes-
            Vinay Mahajan is the President   Metha.  In his address, Mr. Mahajan   ly successful entrepreneurs, and In-  sor  at  the  School  of  Health  and
        & CEO of NAM Info Inc, a software   highlighted the many  noble initia-  novators who are enthusiastic about   Natural Sciences, Mercy Universi-
        services firm dealing in software con-  tives  undertaken  by  ITSErve  since   giving back to the community,” Mr.   ty, NY.
        sulting and ongoing software devel-  its  inception  in  2010.  “ITServe  has   Kahajan said.              IAPC was formed to unite the
        opment projects, As the head of this   grown and strengthened in its mis-  Others  who  were  bestowed  with   Indian diaspora media fraternity
        multi-national company, Mahajan   sion in protecting members interest,   Lifetime Achievement Awards during   across North America under one
        led the development team for ap-  enhancing  membership  benefits,   the Gala included;               umbrella to work together, support
        proval of two patents for SAFE, a fire   empowering local employment, em-  • H.R. SHAH (Media & Arts),   one  another,  and  provide  a  unified
        safety APP for high rise buildings.   powering local community through   Chairman & CEO of TV Asia    voice in front of the mainstream me-
        Current projects under development   various  CSR  programs  including   Group.                       dia and the larger community. Every
        are AI application APAR and brows-  STEM  education,  and  empowering   • MEERA  GANDHI  (Philanthro-  year IAPC hosts media conferences
        er based universal communication.   ecosystem of innovation and thus   pist). She is the founder of the   bringing together renowned journal-
        He recently acquired a company in   maintaining the leadership of US in   Giving Back Foundation and a re-  ists and media professionals from
        Telecom Services space.           Technology,” Mr. Mahajan said.      cipient of the Ellis Island Medal of   various countries around the world,
            An  Engineering  Graduate  and    Travelling to all the 21 Chapters   Honor (2015).               and hosts workshops and seminars.

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