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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 27, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 24

            River cruises in India take tourists

                                       to hidden treasures

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
           ndia has everything that you can
           imagine, it also has what  is be-
        Iyond imagination. India can not
        be  defined  in  words  but  can  be  ex-
        perienced with heart, “ said Prime
        Minister Modi. The recently held
        webinar by the Consulate General
        on ‘River Cruises in India’ on Satur-
        day,  October  14,  highlighted  India’s
        exquisite natural and cultural beauty
        and richness, which is absolutely be-
        yond imagination. The river cruises
        take you to hidden treasures of In-
        dia’s scenic delight, cultural nuances
        and rich traditions, which makes the
        experience extremely fulfilling.
            In India, river cruises are gaining
        popularity too. Randhir Jaiswal, the
        consul general said, “ India is a land
        of  mighty  rivers.  During  G20,  we
        saw meetings happening across the
        length and breadth of the country,
        there are immense possibilities now
        with regard to tourism.”
            Moderated by Varun Jeph, the
        Deputy Counsel General, the session
        was a breathtaking virtual journey
        into  the  beautiful  world  of  India’s
        river cruises.
            Ms Antara  Phoolkan, Director,
        Business Development  and Design,
        Assam Bengal Navigation Co & Jun-
        gle Travels India, the cruise operator
        on India’s Brahmaputra and Ganges
        rivers,  navigated these mighty wa-
        terways since 2003 was the keynote
            With its blue rivers that often re-
        semble the sea; green mountains that
        are home to leopards and elephants;
        and swathes of aromatic tea gardens
        forming the world’s largest tea-grow-
        ing region, it’s easy to understand why
        Assam is a very special place on earth.
            The  river  offers  a  snapshot  of   through country towns. With many   turally rich part of India, travelling   vessels but small cabins, a river cruise
        life in northeast India; a chance to   places almost inaccessible on foot, a   by boat opens up areas otherwise   has smaller ships with like-minded
        explore country towns and rural vil-  cruise is a leisurely, pleasurable way to   largely inaccessible to the traveller.  travellers. The rooms are luxurious,
        lages, the river island of Majuli and   experience the ‘real India’ in this of-  Lower Ganges cruises oper-  larger and the views simply breath-
        ancient temples, as well as spotting   ten overlooked corner of the country.  ate all year round, while cruises on   takingly beautiful as you may wake
        the  magnificent  One-horned  Rhino   Cruises on the Ganges and Lower   the Ganges operate in the winter   up each morning to a different facet
        on a jeep safari.                 Ganges (the Hooghly) offer a chance   months. Due to river conditions, we   of a village life, an island and its rich
            The banks of the mighty Brah-  to witness life as lived in riverbank vil-  can only cruise all the way up to Va-  biological  diversity.  Certainly,  India
        maputra boast riches galore, from   lages and towns, and marvel at ornate   ranasi in the months of August and   is  to be experienced through heart
        wildlife to tea gardens, walks through   historic temples and monuments. A   September.               since each of the hidden gem here
        tiny villages to cycle rickshaw rides   little-known but fascinating and cul-  While a ship cruise has a large   will resonate with you for long!

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