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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              OCTOBER 27, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 20

                       CGI in New York Hosts Panel

               Discussion on Reimagining STEM

                Education and Research in India

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
               n  October  12,  the  Con-
               sulate General  of  India  in
        ONew York, in collaboration
        with Plaksha University, U.S.-India
        Strategic Partnership Forum (USI-
        SPF),  and  Indiaspora,  organized  a
        thought-provoking Panel  Discussion
        on the topic “Reimagining STEM
        Education and Research in India.”
        The event emphasized the critical
        need to transform STEM education
        in India and explored opportunities
        for collaboration between Indian and
        US educational institutions.
            Plaksha University is a not-for-
        profit  private  research  university
        situated in Mohali, Punjab, India.
        Founded by visionary businessmen
        and  tech  entrepreneurs  from  India
        and USA. Plaksha University is ded-  Chancellor of Plaksha University   shared their insights on promoting   tiatives in strengthening the knowl-
        icated  to  creating  a  revolutionary   and NEC Distinguished Professor   STEM education in India and ex-  edge & research ties between the two
        higher education model that com-  of Electrical Engineering and Com-  panding opportunities for diverse   nations and fostering innovation and
        bines academic excellence with in-  puter Sciences at the University of   STEM-related courses. The event   excellence in STEM education.
        dustrial relevance.               California, Berkeley; Ms. Chandrika   highlighted the possible ways to re-  The  event  marked  a  significant
            At the event, Mr. Neeraj Aggar-  Tandon, Founder and Chair of Tan-  shape the educational landscape and   step toward redefining the future of
        wal, Chair of the Board of Trustees   don Capital Associates, and Chair of   foster greater collaboration between   STEM education in India and foster-
        at Plaksha University and Chair for   the Board at NYU Tandon School of   educational institutions in India and   ing international partnerships that
        Asia Pacific at the Boston Consulting   Engineering; and Mr. Mukesh Aghi,   the United States.        will contribute to the advancement
        Group, moderated the panel discus-  President and Chief Executive Offi-  Consul General Mr. Randhir   of knowledge and skills in science,
        sion. Esteemed panelists included   cer of the USISPF.              Jaiswal,  addressing  the  attendees,   technology,  engineering,  and  math-
        Prof. S. Shankar Sastry, Founding     During the discussion, panelists   expressed the importance of such ini-  ematics.

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