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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline OCTOBER 27, 2023 | The Indian Eye 18
Dr. Avinash Gupta is elected as new president
of Federation of Indian Associations
OUR BUREAU objectives. He intends to champion the interests
and well-being of the Indian diaspora in the Unit-
New York, NY
ed States. This will involve promoting cultural
enowned Indian-American cardiologist exchange and understanding, advocating for the
Dr. Avinash Gupta has been elected as the community’s needs, solidifying FIA’s role as a
Rnew president of the Federation of Indian non-profit grassroots umbrella organization, and
Associations (FIA), a major non-profit organiza- making our motherland India proud. Further-
tion serving the Indian diaspora in the US. more, Gupta has articulated his dedication to so-
Dr. Gupta was elected at FIA’s annual gen- cial welfare projects and humanitarian initiatives.
eral body meeting last week in Edison, New Jer- These efforts will not only support the Indian dias-
sey. FIA’s board of Trustees, Senior Advisors Mr. pora but also benefit the broader local community.
H.R. Shah & Dr. Sudhir Parikh, and the Executive Dr. Gupta currently holds the positions of
Team were present on the occasion. Chief of Cardiology, President of Medical Staff
The newly unveiled executive team for 2024 at Monmouth Medical Center-Southern Campus,
includes Saurin Parikh as Executive Vice Presi- Member of the Ocean County Board of Health,
dent, Smita Miki Patel as Vice President, Deepak and Executive Vice President of FIA. Dr. Gupta is
Goel as 2nd Vice President, Priti Patel as General very active in community service and has served as
Secretary, Mahesh Dubal as Joint Secretary, San- President of the Monmouth Ocean County Asso-
jeev Singh as Treasurer, and Haresh Shah as Joint ciation of Physicians from India (MOCAAPI) and
Treasurer. istered vaccinations to 3,500 Indian Americans re- Bihar Jharkhand Association of North America
Dr. Gupta has been working in the fields of siding in Ocean County, New Jersey. (BJANA).
social welfare and healthcare for decades in the Moreover, Dr. Gupta provided virtual medical FIA Chairman Ankur Vaidya expressed his
US and India. “Being involved with community assistance to distressed Indians who found them- appreciation for the hard work of the 2023 exec-
groups and helping others has always been my pas- selves stranded in the U.S. during the pandemic. utive team and welcomed the incoming team. Dr.
sion. Community service is very rewarding and ful- He went above and beyond by arranging medi- Gupta, reflecting on his experience as the FIA
filling. It has enriched me as a person,” Dr. Gupta cations for those individuals who lacked medical Vice President, described it as a valuable learning
said after being elected. insurance coverage. He also serves marginalized curve. He expressed his commitment to guiding
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Gup- and impoverished individuals in the tribal regions FIA to new heights during his tenure as president.
ta assumed leadership of a team comprising 50 of Jharkhand in India by providing free medical Collaborating with his new team, Dr. Gupta aims
doctors and healthcare professionals based in the healthcare. to reinforce India-US relations.
United States. Together, they successfully admin- Dr. Gupta’s vision encompasses several key