Page 16 - The Indian EYE 102723
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             OCTOBER 27, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 16


        to all of us that we must push away  Abha Deavrajan, president Kalin-
        the darkness wherever we see it and   di Bakshi & V.P Neetu Jindal from
        bring light. That is what the festival   World Vegan Vision and other ven-
        of lights is about. It’s more than light-  dors brought a wide range of flavors
        ing the candle, it’s more than lighting   and experiences to the event.
        oil. It is lighting up our lives. Add   In particular, Nitin Vyas, Public
        there is so much darkness that we are   Relations Director, played a major
        seeing every day.”                instrumental role in facilitating the
            Several Indian vendors also par-  connection  between  Mayor’s  office
        ticipated in the celebration, show-  and the Indian vendors. His efforts
        casing the richness of Indian culture   helped establish a strong collabora-
        and introducing attendees to various   tion to ensure the seamless partici-
        aspects of Indian cuisine. Bru Coffee   pation of these vendors in the Diwali
        (Unilever) Market, managed by Ltfa   celebration.
        Kaushik  Vyas, Salman  Ali  Vaqar,    The Diwali reception at Gracie
        Janet Tinsay, Tejash Shah, Vadilal   Mansion served as a platform for
        Industry USA, managed by Ashwin   unity,  promoting  intercultural  un-
        Pandya and Jigar Gandhi, Govinda   derstanding and respect. The event
        kitchen  (ISKCON  BROOKLYN)       was a true testament to the City of
        managed by Hansrupa Prabhu &      New York’s commitment to inclusivi-
        Pragnesh Prabhu, Butala Emporium   ty, where all communities are valued
        managed by Kilol & Bhadra Butala,  and celebrated.

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