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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                      OCTOBER 27, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 12

         Investing in clean, green public space

               for all New Yorkers across the city

         We will be adding over 60 miles of bikeways and walkways that will connect every corner of our city

           with new transportation options and transform the ways New Yorkers live, work, and get around

                   ERIC ADAMS

             o much of New York City’s his-
             tory was about changing the
        Snatural environment – cutting
        it  down,  clearing  it  out,  paving  it
            But going forward, we know
        that the future is about working with
        nature, building a greener, cleaner,
        safer city for all. From parks and
        playgrounds to streets, sidewalks,   For far too long, New Yorkers in the outer boroughs have not had the same level of access to bike lanes and greenways that people in Manhattan
        bike lanes and even beaches, our                            have, and our Administration is determined to change that (File photo)
        Administration is committed to in-
        vesting in the quality and cleanliness
        of our public spaces all across the   city with new transportation options   lanes on Third and Tenth Avenues in   containerization program that will
        five boroughs.                    and transform the ways New York-  Manhattan, new protected bike in-  get trash bags off the streets and into
            This past week, we announced   ers live, work, and get around.  frastructure in the Bronx on Sound-  specially designed wheelie bins. No
        two major initiatives that will trans-  These greenways will ultimately   view  and Lafayette Avenues; the   more piles of black bags that impede
        form what it feels like be outside in   cover 16 miles of Queens waterfront,  longest-ever protected bike lanes in   sidewalks and attract rats – we are
        New York City: A historic expansion   connect Coney Island to Highland   East New York, and the expansion   taking our trash directly into the fu-
        of our greenway network, and an   Park  and  Randall’s  Island  Park  to   of our protected bike lane network   ture. This program is modeled after
        ambitious citywide trash container-  SUNY Maritime, as well as linking   in Long Island City.         systems that have been successfully
        ization effort that will revolutionize   the  Goethals  Bridge  to  the  Verraz-  Cycling ridership in New York   implemented in so many global cit-
        the way we keep our streets clean.  zano on Staten Island. It will also   City has reached an all-time high,  ies – and will now improve life in our
            For far too long, New Yorkers   connect  the  Spring Creek  Park  to   with  2  million  annual  trips  taken   city, too.
        in the outer boroughs have not had   Brookville Park in Southern Queens   by bike this year. We want to make   More bikes, more paths, more
        the same level of access to bike lanes   and JFK Airport.           sure people who want to ride can get   parks – and less trash and garbage.
        and greenways that people in Man-     This expansion of our existing   around this city safely and smoothly.  That is what we want for our city –
        hattan have, and our Administration   greenway network will begin with   We also want to make sure that   and what our administration is
        is determined to change that.     a collaborative, community-driven   our city streets are as clean as pos-  working hard to deliver. Working
            That is why we have announced   process  –  so  that  every  New  York-  sible – and that means changing the   together, we can clear the way to a
        a historic expansion of New York   er can have a say in the future of   way to put out and pick up our trash.  more equitable, beautiful, and con-
        City’s greenway corridors in our out-  our  city.  And  it  will  build  on  the   Earlier this year, we mandated   nected city.
        er boroughs. We will be adding over   improvements we are already mak-  later set out times for residential
        60 miles of bikeways and walkways   ing in cycling infrastructure all over   trash pickup, and beginning in 2024,   Eric Adams is
        that will connect every corner of our   our city, including double-wide bike   we will be implementing a citywide   the Mayor of New York City, NY

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