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OPINION OCTOBER 277, 2023 | The Indian Eye 11
yen, and the key foci here are the im- tional governments. On defense and
plementation of a Risk Management security cooperation, the document
Framework (RMF), introduction primarily lists out the JSDF’s partic-
of so-called ‘zero-trust’ systems and ipation in international exercises and
system network management tools. defense talks; it is the only item in the
Strengthening Japan’s capabilities in document that does not attach mone-
the electro-magnetic domain have tary value to any of its activities. The
also been given prominence, with a section concerning countermeasures
wide spectrum of lethal hardware, against the effects of climate change,
including new F-35A and B variants on the other hand, proposes to set
of fighter planes, network electronic aside 5.3 billion yen to ‘climate-proof’
warfare systems (NEWS), RC-2 elec- base facilities, and a further 10.5 bil-
tronic information collection aircraft lion yen to ‘disaster-proof’ them. The
and unmanned platforms envisaged document also requests 27.4 billion
for purchase. yen towards ensuring the health and
Command and control and infor- safety of members of the JSDF against
mation-related functions have an out- climate-related issues.
lay of 686.2 billion yen, with the lion’s Initiatives towards efficiency are
share of the funds to be diverted into grouped into the eighth item of the
setting up a new Joint Force Com- Initiatives towards efficiency are grouped into the eighth item of the budget document (File photo) budget document, and include new
mand which will report to the Chief of initiatives to eliminate waste and lack
Joint Chiefs of Staff, theoretically tak- include 12 provisions relating to (1) R&D, and carries the hefty price tag of planning when ordering equipment
ing over command of all three services new rules for early equipment induc- of 835.8 billion yen. A major share of or parts. Personnel retentions are cov-
in the event of an emergency. tion; (2) Strengthening the defense these funds is expected to be diverted ered by the next two sections, with
The budget emphasizes hard- production base; (3) research and de- into a new defense R&D organization recruitment and retention targets set
ened networks providing real-time velopment; (4) supporting elements of on the lines of DARPA in the United up for each service. A total of 537 new
information to streamlined command defense capabilities; (5) measures re- States, which will aim to set ambitious service-members are to be induct-
structures, which are simultaneously lated to strengthening the Japan–U.S. goals, provide a hub for experts and ed into the three services, the largest
capable of maintaining total aware- alliance and harmonizing with local human resources from the Japanese contingent of which 185 members are
ness of troop movements as well as communities, etc.; (6) strengthening civilian domain as well as from abroad to be recruited in the services’ logis-
protected against information warfare security cooperation; (7) initiatives and provide speedy decision-making tics, R&D and administrative arms
strategies of hostile armies. It further against climate change; (8) efforts at and production schedules for prom- in order to implement changes in
gives importance to the setting-up of a optimization; (9) organization of the ising technologies. Additionally, the the command structure of the JSDF.
centralized command structure (23.2 Self-Defense Forces; (10) recruitment document mentions R&D efforts in The second highest, 93 members, are
billion yen), procurement of informa- of new and maintenance of current stand-off weapons, hypersonic glide expected to contribute to durability
tion collection and analysis systems Self-Defense Forces personnel; (11) vehicles, unmanned assets, High-Pow- and resilience functions, while 81 per-
(267.4 billion yen) and OSINT (Open- increase in number of administrative er Microwave (HPM), next-genera- sons are to be inducted in informa-
Source Intelligence) capabilities (67 officers, etc.; and (12) request for tax tion fighter jets (in collaboration with tion-gathering and intelligence arms.
billion yen). reform. Some of these concerns are the United Kingdom and Italy), rail Finally, thFo the armed forces against
Mobile deployment and civilian discussed below. guns, new-generation armored vehi- the levy of consumption tax, as well as
protection capabilities are focused on The first item on this list provides cles and EMP devices as targets for establishing a permanent exemption
the need to create a system for rapid for new rules in order to enable early investment. from taxes on imported fossil fuels.
deployment of troops across the coun- induction of useful technologies into Concerning the factors affecting The new supplementary budget
try, as well as the augmentation of the the armed forces, with a special focus defensive capabilities, the document issued by the Japanese Ministry of
armed forces’ capabilities in transport on drones. The document proposes primarily targets the recruitment, re- Defense clearly indicates the country’s
and logistics, so as to enable the evac- that promising technologies would tention and advancement of human sincerity in rebuilding its military ca-
uation of civilians from a disaster or be inducted within one to five years resources within the JSDF (which pabilities. Its focus on the acquisition
conflict zones. Under this heading, of the initial assessment. It identifies has historically been an organization of new hardware (through industrial
the MSDF has requested 17.3 billion transport drones, optical data relays with high-turnover and low recruit- cooperation and R&D), investment
yen to procure three mobile troop for geosynchronous satellite orbits ment numbers). Here the focus is on in military infrastructure and human
transport ships. Funds for transport and OSINT technology capable of an- making the JSDF a more inclusive resources, and the formulation of a
helicopters such as the UH-47J Chi- alyzing social media data in real time environment for female officers and new command-and-control system is
nook and the UH-2 Blackhawk have as initial projects for which funds are other ranks, as well as creating an en- a welcome step in the right direction.
also been requested. to be allotted. vironment that is conducive to their
The seventh key pillar, on sus- The document proposes to spend advancement. It also includes expens- Dr Arnab Dasgupta is a Research Analyst
tainability and durability, has three 97.8 billion yen on strengthening the es for medical, healthcare and other in the East Asia Centre at the Manohar
sub-sectors for which budget requests supply base for lethal hardware and benefits to be extended to those in Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies and
have been made: the procurement of technology. Key focus areas include uniform, including a substantial rise in Analyses (MP-IDSA), New Delhi
ammunition such as artillery shells supply chain resilience, production childcare expenditure (in line with the Views expressed are of the author and
and missiles (930.3 billion yen); the efficiency, cybersecurity measures and Japanese government’s implementa- do not necessarily reflect the views of the
procurement of equipment (2.3 tril- continuation of businesses through tion of paternal leave policies). Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the Govern-
lion yen); and the hardening of ex- succession policies, with the addition The item on the US–Japan alli- ment of India.
isting infrastructure against attack of supply chain survey database cre- ance mainly concerns the improve-
(804.3 billion yen). ation as a key priority. This also con- ment of base facilities located in The full version of this article first
Under the section ‘Common bas- tains international presence building Okinawa Prefecture, including the appeared in the Comments section of
es’, the document outlines pre-exist- as a line item, requesting 300 million (controversial) Henoko Base, the con- the website ( of Manohar
ing priorities for the JSDF for which yen for that purpose. struction of which has been delayed by Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies and
additional funds are requested. These The third key concern focuses on a legal tussle between the local and na- Analyses, New Delhi on October 18, 2023