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NATION                                                               OCTOBER 27, 2023  |     The Indian Eye                     6

                                     FROM BAD TO WORSE

                      Canadians skip P20 meeting as

           41 diplomats recalled from New Delhi

        India recently suspended visa operations to Canada and called for a reduction in Canadian

                    diplomats in India, calling for ‘parity’, owing to the ongoing diplomatic row

        OUR BUREAU
        Ottawa/New Delhi

           n an largely symbolic gesture,
           Canada Senate Speaker Ray-
        Imonde  Gagne skipped the  9th
        G20  Parliamentary  Speakers’  Sum-
        mit (P20) and Parliamentary Forum
        that got underway in New Delhi last
        week. Canada is a prominent mem-
        ber of the G20 and its Prime Minis-
        ter, Justin Trudeau, had attended the
        G20 Leaders summit in Delhi in Sep-
            Canadian Senate Speaker Ray-
        monde Gagne’s decision to skip the
        G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit
        (P20) in New Delhi from 12-14 Octo-
        ber was the latest development in the   Paramilitary personnel deployed at Canada High Commission as the security increases after India expelled a senior Canadian diplomat to India
        ongoing diplomatic spat between In-
        dia and Canada. Neither the Canadi-               in a reciprocal move to Canada expelling a senior Indian diplomat, in New Delhi on Tuesday (ANI)
        an Senate Speaker nor any dignitary
        from  the  G20  member  country  was   said, as she confirmed the departure   Surrey’s Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara.   Commission in Delhi. And you can
        named in the programme list of the   of Canadian diplomats.             However,  India  has  outrightly   still also do that in person by phone
        inaugural day of the P20 Summit on    This comes after India suspend-  rejected the claims, calling it ‘absurd’   and by email,” she added.
        Friday.                           ed visa operations to Canada and   and ‘motivated’. Notably, Canada has   Stating  that  India’s  focus  is
            Ministry of External Affairs   called for a reduction in Canadian   yet to provide any public evidence to   achieving  ‘parity’  in  terms  of  diplo-
        (MEA), however, has clarified earlier   diplomats in India, calling for ‘parity’,   support the claim about the killing of   matic presence, the Ministry of Ex-
        that all G20 members were extended   owing to the ongoing diplomatic row   Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was a des-  ternal Affairs had called for a reduc-
        invitations. Prime Minister Narendra   between the two nations.     ignated terrorist in India, was gunned   tion in Canadian diplomats in India
        Modi  inaugurated  the  P20  Summit   Canadian Foreign Minister said,   down outside a Gurdwara, in a park-  citing their continued “interference”
        on October 12 with an address to dig-  “...we have facilitated their safe de-  ing area in Canada’s Surrey, British   in New Delhi’s “internal matters”.
        nitaries of participant countries.  parture from India. This means that   Columbia on June 18.            Addressing  the  press  briefing
            On Thursday, in another sign   our diplomats and their families have   Meanwhile, along with Immigra-  earlier, MEA spokesperson Arindam
        that India-Canada relations are going   now left diplomatic immunities. Keep   tion, Refugees and Citizenship Minis-  Bagchi said, “Given the much higher
        down the hill, Canada Foreign Min-  diplomats safe, no matter where   ter Marc Miller, the foreign minister   presence of diplomats or diplomatic
        ister Melanie Joly announced that   they’re from and where they’re sent   made the announcement about the   presence here...and their continued
        Canada  has  removed  41  diplomats   to. Immunities allow diplomats to do   development “on the situation with   interference in our internal matters,
        and  their  42  family  members,  from   their work without fear of reprisal or   India” and how it will affect the level   we have sought parity in our respec-
        India over the ongoing row between   arrests from the country they’re in.”   of service delivery Canada can offer   tive diplomatic presence. Discussions
        the two countries. “As of now, I can   The crisis began when Canadian   following the withdrawal of diplo-  are ongoing on the modalities of
        confirm that India has formally con-  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau re-  mats.                        achieving this”.
        veyed its plan to unethically remove   cently alleged that the Indian govern-  She  said,  “There’s  no  question   On being asked if the reduction
        diplomatic immunities for all but 21   ment was behind the fatal shooting   that India’s decision will impact the   in the number of Canadian diplomats
        Canadian diplomats and dependents   of Nijjar. Trudeau, during a debate in   levels of services  to citizens in both   could see a
        in  Delhi  by  tomorrow,  October  20.   the Canadian Parliament, claimed his   countries. Unfortunately, we have to   He  further  added  that  India’s
        This  means  41  Canadian  diplomats   country’s  national  security  officials   put a pause on all in-person services   primary focus is on two things; hav-
        and  their  42  dependents  were  in   had reasons to believe that “agents of   in our consulates in Chandigarh,   ing an atmosphere in Canada, where
        danger of having immunity stripped   the Indian government” carried out   Mumbai and in Bangalore.”   Indian diplomats can work properly
        on an arbitrary date. And this would   the killing of the Canadian citizen,   “Canadians  who  need  consul-  and in achieving parity in terms of
        put their personal safety at risk,” Joly   who  also  served  as  the  president  of   ar assistance can still visit our High   diplomatic strength.

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