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BIG STORY                                                          OCTOBER 277, 2023  |      The Indian Eye                     5

              Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to the President of Palestinian Authority    Women hold placards in solidarity with Israel during the ongoing Israel-Palestine war in
                             Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday (ANI)                                       Ahmedabad on Monday (ANI)

        mer Prime Ministers of India have   countries. Taking to social media   “India has never supported Is-  rights of the Palestinians, withdrawal
        taken a firm stand supporting Pales-  platform X, the AICC leader said   rael. We  have  supported  Palestine   of all Israeli illegal settlements & oc-
        tine, Prime Minister Narendra Modi   that the killing of thousands of inno-  only. Whichever country is being   cupation of Palestinian lands & im-
        supported Israel in the ongoing Isra-  cent civilians, including children in   oppressed, we need to support that   plement the 2 Nation State solution”,
        el-Hamas conflict.  In his reaction to   Gaza and the Hamas’ killing of inno-  country only, that is the right thing to   he said in a post on X.
        Pawar’s statement on India changing   cent Israelis are crimes and must be   do. That is the policy of non-aligned   CPI(M) State Secretary M V
        its stand on the Israel-Palestine issue,   condemned.               countries,” A Raja said while speak-  Govindan also expressed concern
        Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minis-       “The killing of thousands of in-  ing at an event in Chennai on Tuesday.  for the Palestinians. “Illegal immi-
        ter Devendra Fadnavis said that the   nocent civilians, including children in   While BJP has criticized A Ra-  gration of Jews into Palestinian land
        country has never changed its po-  Gaza and the collective punishment   ja’s statement and called it “sad and   is still happening. The Palestinians
        sition  on  this  issue  but  has  “always   of millions of people by cutting off   shameful”.        now hold only 13 per cent of the land
        strongly opposed terrorism”.      their food, water and electricity are   “It is very sad, shocking and   which was earlier divided into a 60:40
                                          crimes  against  humanity.  Hamas’   shameful. I am really astonished by   ratio. This is being done with the full
        “India  has never  changed  its   killing of innocent Israelis and taking   the way A Raja has said. Israel has   support of the Israeli government,”
                                          of hostages is a crime and must also   been  our  friend  for  more  than  70   he said.
        position on the Israel-Palestine  be condemned,” Rahul Gandhi said   years now. No doubt we are friendly   In a sign that there is growing
        dispute. However, at the same     in the post.                      with Palestine also,” Tamil Nadu BJP   anger in the country, some wom-
                                                                                                              en  in  the  Saidabad  area  of Hyder-
                                              “The cycle of violence between
                                                                            vice president Narayanan Thirupa-
        time, India has been consis-      Israel and Palestine must be brought   thy said while speaking to ANI.  abad gathered at a Dargah ground
        tently  against  and has  always   to an end,” he added.                In a related development, the   to demonstrate solidarity with Pal-
                                              Also, Dravida Munnetra Ka-    Communist Party of India (Marx-   estine.  “For  13  days,  Israeli  forces
        strongly opposed terrorism in  zhagam (DMK) leader TKS Elang-       ist) on Thursday extended support   continue to shed Palestinian blood.
        any form and against anyone,”     ovan on Wednesday defended party   to Palestine in the ongoing war be-  They target old people, infants, mas-
                                          MP A Raja in his statement on Isra-  tween Hamas and Israel. While at-  jids and schools. They have not left
        Fadnavis said in a post on ‘X’.  el-Hamas war and said that when a   tending the meeting organized by   the hospitals. We want to ask where
        Reminding the NCP chief of the    small country is put under pressure,   the CPI(M) in support of Palestine,   is security council, where are the
                                          naturally all non-aligned countries
                                                                                                              well-wishers of the children’s. No one
                                                                            CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram
        Mumbai terror attacks, Fad-       should support it. Following MP Ra-  Yechury said, “Palestine has been   can see the blood of the people of
        navis requested Pawar to rise     ja’s statement urging to support op-  reduced to a minuscule. There are   Gaza. The culprits of this war are US
                                          pressed in Israel-Hamas war, DMK   more Palestinians living outside Pal-  President Joe Biden and Israel Prime
        above “vote bank politics” and  leader TKS Elangovan said, “We      estine than there are inside Palestine.   Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,” said
        “strongly condemn terrorism”.     had accepted Palestine when it was   Egypt has correctly said that we have   one of the women supporters.
                                          formed earlier, UN has accepted Pal-  no problem providing refuge to Pal-  “We are standing here against
                                          estine and India was one of the coun-  estinians, but once Israel succeeds in   the cruelty of Israel. We gathered at
            “Mumbai  has  suffered a lot   tries in the UN to support Palestine   pushing them into the Sinai Peninsu-  a Dargah ground to demonstrate sol-
        due to the terror attacks. Especially   that was what he has told.”  la, they will never allow Palestinians   idarity with Palestine,” another wom-
        during 26/11, Mumbai had lost many    “Even what he says is right when   to go back.”                 en supporter said.
        citizens. My request to Sharad Pawar   a small country is put into pressure,   “The whole of the land will be   With India going to elections
        ji is to not think about vote bank pol-  naturally all non-aligned countries   taken by Israel. That is the conspira-  next year, no party wants to alienate
        itics, but to strongly condemn terror-  should support that country maybe   cy,” he said. Yechury also condemned   the vast sections of the population
        ism,” he said.                    that is what he meant,” he added.   the attacks and counter-attacks in the   who are sympathetic to the Palestin-
            Meanwhile, amid the Israel-Pal-  DMK  MP  Raja  earlier  pointed  out   ongoing Israel-Palestine war. “Con-  ian cause. As the war continues in
        estine conflict, Congress leader Ra-  that India has always supported Pales-  demn these attacks & counter-at-  the Middle East, the Indian govern-
        hul Gandhi on Thursday called for   tine and emphasized that supporting   tacks. UN must enforce a stop to   ment will have to perform a difficult
        the end of violence between the two   the oppressed is the right thing to do.  this. UN must ensure the legitimate   balancing act.

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