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NATION                                                               OCTOBER 27, 2023  |     The Indian Eye                     8

                           ‘Cash for query’ controversy

                   engulfs TMC’s Mahua Moitra as

                          panel to look into allegations

          In a 3-page signed affidavit, businessman Hiranandani says that he resides in Dubai and came across

                               letters dated October 14, by Advocate Jai Anant Dehadrai to the CBI

                                                                                                              businessman Darshan Hiranandani,
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              alleging that “he was forced to sign a
        Kolkata/New Delhi                                                                                     white paper.”
                                                                                                                  The MP has also raised ques-
              hairman of the Parliamentary
              Committee of Ethics Vinod                                                                       tions over the credibility of the affi-
        CSonkar on Friday assured                                                                             davit that Hiranandani reportedly
                                                                                                              submitted to the Parliament Ethics
        that the Committee will reach a con-                                                                  committee, claiming that it is “nei-
        clusion after  examining everything
        related to the ‘Cash for Query’ scan-                                                                 ther on official letterhead nor nota-
                                                                                                              rized” and that the contents of the
        dal, that allegedly involves Trinamool                                                                letter are “a joke.”
        Congress MP Mahua Moitra. He fur-                                                                         Further, attacking the Bharatiya
        ther informed that the meeting of the                                                                 Janata Party (BJP), the TMC leader
        Ethics Committee has been called on                                                                   said, “Paragraph 12 claims that Dar-
        October 26 where TMC MP Mahua                                                                         shan gave in to my demands because
        Moitra will be also examined and                                                                      he was fearful of displeasing me.
        BJP MP Nishikant Dubey will also be                                                                   Darshan  and  his  father  run  one  of
        asked to be present with the evidence.
                                                                                                              India’s  largest  business  groups  and
                                                                                                              their recent projects in UP and Guja-
        Dubey had claimed that a                                                                              rat have been inaugurated by the CM
        Supreme Court lawyer had                                                                              of Uttar Pradesh and by the Prime
                                                                                                              Minister. Darshan accompanied the
        levelled allegations of bribe                                                                         PM abroad as part of his business

        exchanges between the TMC                                                                             delegation very recently. Why would
                                                                                                              such a wealthy businessman who en-
        MP and businessman Darshan                                                                            joys direct access to  every minister
        Hiranandani.                                                                                          and the PMO be coerced by a first-
                                                                                                              time opposition MP into giving her
                                                                                                              gifts and giving into her demands?”
            In  his letter  titled  “Re-emer-                                                                     In  his  3-page  signed  affidavit,
        gence  of  nasty  ‘Cash  for  Query’  in                                                              Hiranandani says that he resides in
        Parliament”, Dubey has alleged                                                                        Dubai and came across letters dated
        “’serious  Breach  of  Privilege’,  ‘Con-                                                             October 14, by Advocate Jai Anant
        tempt of the House’ and a ‘Criminal                                                                   Dehadrai to the CBI and to BJP MP
        Offence’ under Section 120A of IPC”                                                                   Nishikant Dubey where his name
        by the Trinamool Congress MP.             Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Mahua Moitra at the Parliament premises   figured prominently. He says he has
           “In his 3-page signed affidavit to                                                                 been following the events carefully.
        the Ethics panel, Darshan Hiranan-                        during in New Delhi (ANI)                       Hiranandani then claims that
        dani had admitted to his friendship                                                                   Mahua Moitra did share her Par-
        with the TMC MP Mahua Moitra          Hiranandani   had    further     “Chairman Ethics Committee     liament Login credentials with him.
        and claimed that the Lok Sabha    claimed  that  Mahua  Moitra  did   openly speaks to media. Please see  “She knew that Indian Oil Corpora-
        Member saw attacking the Adani    share her Parliament Login creden-  the Lok Sabha rules below. How   tion was getting into an arrangement
        group as a route to fame, She be-  tials with him.                  does  an  “affidavit”  find  its  way  to   with Dhamra LNG a joint venture
        came  Lok  Sabha  MP  in  May  2019.   “Everything will be examined by   media?  Chairman  should  first  do   of the Adani group..... She drafted a
        She was advised by her friends that   the  Committee  first,  TMC  MP  Ma-  an enquiry into how this was leaked.  few questions that she could raise in
        the shortest route to fame was by at-  hua Moitra will be also examined,  I repeat - BJP 1 point agenda is to   parliament that would have elements
        tacking Narendra Modi. She thought   and after all this, the Committee will   expel me from LS to shut me up on   to embarrass the Govt and target the
        that the only way to attack PM Modi   reach a conclusion,” he added.  Adani,” Moitra posted  on X (For-  Adani group. She shared with me her
        was by attacking Gautam Adani and     Meanwhile, Trinamool Congress   merly Twitter).                 email ID as MP, so I could send her
        his group as they both come from   MP Mahua Moitra alleged that the     Earlier, Trinamool Congress   information and she could raise the
        Gujarat,”  Hiranandani’s  affidavit   Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) agen-  MP  Mahua  Moitra,  in  a  two-page   questions. I went along with her pro-
        read.                             da is to expel me from the Lok Sabha.  statement, replied to the affidavit of   posal” he claims in his affidavit.

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