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North                      The Indian Eye

         14                                                                                                              OCTOBER 27, 2023


                        RECEPTION CELEBRATING DIWALI

             Hundreds of thousands of individuals from across the globe witnessed this historic celebration, which

                                  marked unveiling of the largest Hindu mandir in the United States

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY

                 ayor Eric Adams of the
                 City of New York wel-
        Mcomed  more  than  1,044
        attendees to a vibrant reception in
        honor of Diwali at Gracie Mansion
        on October 17, 2023. This auspicious
        occasion was an opportunity for di-
        verse communities to come together
        and celebrate the Festival of Lights,
        an important festival in the Indian
        culture. The highlight of the event
        was the presence of World Vegan
        Vision founded by H.K. Shah and
        Malti Shah, a major coordinator and
        supporter, who provided plant-based
        vegan mithai (sweets) and savory
        delicacies. The conscious decision to
        offer vegan options was aligned with
        the  event’s  theme  of  promoting  en-
        vironmental sustainability and plant-
        based lifestyles.
            Speaking at the occasion, Dep-
        uty Commissioner Dilip Chauhan,
        Trade, Investment and Innovation,
        Mayor’s  Office  of  International  Af-
        fairs said: “I would like to introduce   Eric Adams gave a promise during  “Diwali is a time of joy, illumination,  Councilperson Brewer, a longtime
        two people who made New York City   the Diwali celebration at Brooklyn   and  unity.  It is a  celebration  that   friend, former borough president.
        Diwali declared as a holiday in pub-  Borough Hall, when I will become   brings people  from  different back-  Councilman Krishnan, Councilmem-
        lic schools. We were waiting since last   the mayor, I will make sure, Dilip,  grounds together to embrace cultur-  ber Lee, and all of our state and assem-
        20 years. You all have worked hard to   your  daughter  doesn’t  need  to  go   al diversity and strengthen our com-  bly lawmakers who assisted, particu-
        recognize  this  celebration.  Without   to school on your celebration. Your   munity. We are honored to host this   larly Assemblymember and Speaker
        further ado, I would like to just say   friends’ daughter and son, they don’t   event and share the spirit of Diwali   Carl Heastie and Majority Leader
        two words about our Assemblymem-  have to go to the school during your   with New Yorkers.”           Andrea StewartCousins for getting
        ber Jenifer Rajkumar.”            celebration.”                         Speaking at the event, Mayor   this bill through and making this
           “Jenifer Rajkumar, she’s a proud   Assemblywoman Jenifer Raj-    Eric  Adams,  said:  “I  want  to  really   holiday happen,” the mayor added.
        Hindu  American  Assemblymember   kumar  said:  “Today  I  am  proud  to   thank our Assemblywoman who has   “And so, years ago when I was
        from the State of New York. We all   stand before the whole world and say   been a real partner in moving this   in  India,  I’ll  never  forget  going  to
        are very proud of Assemblymember   that from now on and forever Diwali   important holiday to the forefront. I   the home of Mahatma Gandhi and
        Jenifer Rajkumar. She’s the principal   will be a school holiday in New York   remember last year hearing so many   seeing his last steps. They  were
        to introduce this bill in the New York   City. And today our government says   people  who  wanted  this  holiday  as   permanently  in  the  sidewalk  in  the
        State Assembly, and the result of   to  over  600,000  Hindus,  Buddhists,  we moved around the city. And she   pavement. And it’s symbolic that the
        that, right now we can see Diwali is   Sikhs and Jains, we see you, we rec-  took that energy to Albany and en-  bullet took his life, but it’s up to us
        declared as a holiday in public school.  ognize you, we hear you — and Di-  sured that we will live up to the com-  to continue the journey. His physical
        Let’s  have  a  big  round  of  applause   wali is an American holiday.”  mitment and promise of this import-  transformation through that murder
        for Jenifer Rajkumar,” he added.      Mayor Eric Adams emphasized   ant holiday.”                     should not stop the spiritual journey,”
           “Now, I just mentioned a few   the importance of celebrating diver-  “But I also want to thank my part-  said  Adams. “And  Diwali  is  more
        minutes before that this mayor, when   sity and fostering a sense of belong-  ners who are here in government as   than just a holiday. It is a reminder
        he was Brooklyn borough president,  ing in the City of New York, stating,  well. Assemblymember Grace Lee,   Continued on next page... >>

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