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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline OCTOBER 277, 2023 | The Indian Eye 27
Thomas Abraham, Founder and rience from his role as the former
Chairman of GOPIO International Dean of the School of Business at
and advisor to GOPIO Manhattan, in the University of Albany, effectively
collaboration to which the event took bridging the corporate and academic
place, who addressed the gathering. realms.
Dr. Abraham said, “Around 50 years The panel also featured Dr. Mo-
ago, when I arrived in New York as hini Mukherjee, the Executive Direc-
a student at Columbia University, tor of International Student Services
communication with our homeland at Rutgers, who offered insights into
was very limited and expensive. Mak- the academic perspective.
ing an international call could cost Additionally, Mr. Debasis Sahu,
up to $3 and take a whole day to Partner Price Waterhouse Cooper
connect. Back then, foreign students (PwC), shared his corporate exper-
were assigned host families. Howev- tise, drawing from his over 25 years of
er, in today’s networked world, we experience in the United States. He
are all connected through platforms shed light on what companies seek
like WhatsApp and social media. when hiring graduates. Ms. Prashan-
There are now 4.5 million people Speakers at the Panel Discussion L to R: Dr. Mohini Mukherjee, Debasis Sahu, Dr. Nilanjan thi Reddy Esq. provided valuable
of Indian origin living in the United guidance on immigration-related
States, ready to support and guide Sen, Prashanthi Reddy Esq. and Suruchi Saini matters, guiding students on tran-
you. Since 2018, we’ve organized a sitioning from F1 to CPT/OPT and
program to welcome new students Harvard. The United States is a fan- such institutions in the last 50 years, ultimately to the coveted H1B status.
with a dinner event in Stamford, tastic country that provides oppor- including the Federation of Indian Last but not least, Ms. Suruchi Saini,
Connecticut. We shared this idea to tunities for all. You can pursue any Associations (FIA) New York I initi- Founder Holistic Bonfire LLC, a
do a program in New York ‘ve had path, whether it’s a career in a large ated in 1976.” Board certified licensed profession-
support from the Consul General of corporation, managing an invest- GOPIO Manhattan Board al counselor and tele mental health
Indian, even though we had to skip ment fund, scientific research, teach- Member Raj Panjabi introduced the provider, addressed the challenges of
2020 due to the COVID-19 pandem- ing, or entrepreneurship. Personally, moderator and panelists. Dr. Nilan- managing stress and anxiety, particu-
ic. Now, in 2021 and beyond, we’ve I’m involved in advanced materials jan Sen, Ph.D., CFA, a Professor of larly in the academic context.
resumed these welcome programs. and nanotechnology consulting, but Finance) in the School of Business at This report was prepared by
This marks the fourth one, and we’ve my true passion has been building the University of Albany, State Uni- NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering
invited students from colleges in the community institutions since I ar- versity of New York was the moder- student Priya Kundu
New York area, including some from rived in 1973. I’ve established seven ator. He brought a wealth of expe-