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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline OCTOBER 27, 2023 | The Indian Eye 30
Akshaya Patra Tri-State Gratitude Gala raises over 2 million
dollars for Midday meals at School Children in India
OUR BUREAU between public and private sector
in India. Dr. Bendapudi shared her
New York, NY
personal experiences growing up and
he Akshaya Patra Founda- underscored the importance of edu-
tion USA’s Tri-state volunteer cation and lauded Akshaya Patra as
Tchapter raised over $2,000,000 a vessel to fulfill that dream.
at its 2023 Annual Gratitude Gala “We are very grateful to the Tri-
on October 7, 2023. The event held State community for their incredible
at Newark Airport Marriott, was generosity. The funds raised will help
attended by over 500 business, non- Akshaya Patra continue its mission
profit and philanthropic community of unlimited food for education”,
leaders and professionals. said Roopa Makhija, Board Member
Dr. Rachana Kulkarni, Board of Akshaya Patra USA.
Member of Akshaya Patra USA The Akshaya Patra Foundation
and Chapter Chair for the Akshaya is the world’s largest NGO serving 2.2
PatraTri State Chapter shared with guaranteed both! Mr. Deshpande talked about million school children in over 20,000
the audience the impact of Aksha- The gala featured incredible Akshaya Patra’s vision of feeding 5 government schools from 67 kitchen
ya Patra’s mission that “No child in speeches by Mr. Desh Deshpande, a million children in the near future facilities in 14 states and 2 union ter-
India should be deprived of educa- well known philanthropist, the key- and impact of the generosity on gen- ritories across India. Akshaya Patra
tion because of hunger” is a power- note speaker Dr. Neelli Bendapudi, erations to come. He underscored USA is the US branch of Akshaya
ful weapon for the children of the President of Penn State University the use of innovation and technolo- Patra and raises funds and awareness
underprivileged society to break the and Consul General Mr. Randhir gy, highly mechanized and modern for the government school midday
cycle of poverty for themselves and Jaiswal. The speakers stressed the im- kitchens of Akshaya Patra to ensure meal program in India. The Akshaya
their families. She said that with the pact of education on various aspects safe food delivery to millions of chil- Patra Foundation USA has Volunteer
mid-day meal program the kids and of life and businesses and the need dren daily. Consul General Jaiswal Chapters in cities across the Unit-
their parents don’t have to choose for thoughtful philanthropy and the showcased Akshaya Patra as a great ed States that hold fundraising and
between food & education- they are role of Akshaya Patra in that space. example of a successful joint venture awareness events for the organization.
Celebrities Support “TORN” Film Premiere
Starring Alfonso René Freeman and Jordon Alexander
OUR BUREAU rests on the broad shoulders of Sheriff Mike Lewis.
Both men use each other as they aim to set
Charlotte, NC
their lives straight, but are continuously faced with
he film community here came out in full previous mistakes. Their friendship, born out of
force to pack the Charlotte Independent deceit and distrust may not survive Peter’s ob-
TPicture House on consecutive weekends for session with the local werewolf lore and eventual
the indie psychological thriller, TORN. Making its downward spiral but it won’t stop the Sheriff from
premiere during Charlotte’s film festival to a sold- genuinely wanting to ensure Peter’s well-being.
out crowd and then packing the same 105 seat audi- TORN is director Ryen William Thomas’
torium a week later for a private screening, TORN, third feature film and he masterfully weaves a cau-
marks the return of Alfonso René Freeman to the tionary tale of a man captivated by conspiracy and
big screen as the small town Sheriff Mike Lewis. ultimately unable to determine the difference be-
Produced by D Star Entertainment’s Mukesh tween reality and fantasy. The psychological dra-
Modi and Ashwin film’s Manoj Narula, TORN ma will keep the audience engaged long after the
follows a troubled father, Peter Stube (Jordon Al- credits roll as they discuss various theories of what
exander), who has purposefully chosen the small is and isn’t real.
Appalachian town of Bilford for its isolated loca- Not only starring as Peter Stube, Jordon Al-
tion, so he can disconnect and self-heal from the exander also co-wrote with first time screenwriter
wounds of his past. Confining himself within the by wolf population was only known for inspiring Benjamin Johnston. A tale 10 years in the mak-
four walls of a small hunting cabin forces him to some werewolf lore, but now with a dwindling food ing started taking shape during lunch breaks from
reflect on his former life, but without the proper source the wolves have encroached on the towns- their previous career as underwriters for an inter-
therapy, he ends up berating himself for his down- folk’s livestock and livelihood, inspiring panic and nationally known insurance company. Jordon Al-
ward spiral. fear. Without hunters renting out mountain prop- exander and Alfonso René Freeman star alongside
Unfortunately for Peter, Bilford is dealing erties, eating in the diners or shopping on Main reality star Hunter Thore, John Romanski, Paula
with some turmoil of it’s own. Previously, the near- Street, the blame for the sudden decline of the town Lacewell, Danielle Tarmey, and Danny.