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ENTERTAINMENT EYE                                                  OCTOBER 277, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 43

                   Bollywood Gup-Shup

          ADAH SHARMA                                                       TWINKLE KHANNA

          Actor reunites with ‘The Kerala Story’ makers for new film        Author announces her fourth book ‘Welcome to Paradise’
                  fter  making    headlines                                                                     uthor Twinkle Khanna, on
                  for ‘The Kerala Sto-                                                                          Thursday, announced her
          Ary’,  producer  Vipul                                                                        Afourth book, ‘Welcome To
          Amrutlal Shah, director                                                                        Paradise’. Twinkle shared some pic-
          Sudipto Sen, and actress                                                                       tures of  some quotes that she had
          Adah Sharma are all set                                                                        written in her book and a photo of
          for their next project ti-                                                                     herself with her book on Instagram.
          tled ‘Bastar: The Naxal                                                                            Sharing  the post, she wrote,
          Story’.                                                                                         “Welcome  to  Paradise,  my  4th

              With Mahurat puja,                                                                          book,  is  a collection of stories
          they started the shoot-                                                                          that explore the depths of heart-
          ing of their upcoming                                                                            break, relationships, and  decep-
          project. It  was attended                                                                        tion. Some of these characters
          by Vipul Amrutlal Shah,                                                                           have lived inside my head for the
          Aashin A Shah from Sunshine                                                                       last five years, and now they are
          Pictures, director Sudipto Sen and                                                                ready to meet all of you:)
          actress Adah Sharma.                                                                                  As soon as she dropped the
              Just after the puja, Adah shot her first shot on the loca-                                     post, actor Huma Qureshi re-
          tion. As the shoot for the film commenced, the actress deliv-                                      acted to the post.
          ered her first dialogue for the film.                                                                 “I spotted Huma on one of
              She was seen wearing military-style trousers, a black com-                                   the slides .. they say to be immor-
          mando t-shirt and a commando-style bandhana.                                tal you must become friends with a writer. I can’t wait to
              Previously, Shah’s Sunshine Pictures, the banner behind       read this already,” Huma commented.
          the upcoming movie, shared the announcement on its Twitter


          Singer to star in ‘Shahkot’ as actor
          S    inger Guru Randhawa, who is now trying his hand at acting, will soon be seen in a

               film titled ‘Shahkot’.

                   In the film, Guru will be seen essaying the role of Iqbal Singh, a passionate
          Punjabi youth who is determined to venture abroad to fulfill his dreams.

              Rajiv Dhingra, best known for his projects like ‘Love Punjab’ and ‘Firangi’, has come
          on board to direct the film.
              Excited about ‘Shahkot’, Rajiv Dhingra said, “We endeavour to create a film that not
          only entertains but also resonates with audiences on a global scale. It’s a story that speaks
          to the heart, exploring the timeless dilemma of love versus duty.”

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