Page 46 - The Indian EYE 102723
P. 46

FUTURE this WEEK                                                     OCTOBER 27, 2023  |     The Indian Eye 46

          NUMEROLOGY PREDICTION                                                                  OCTOBER 20 TO OCTOBER 26, 2023

                                                                                       NUMBER 5 (MERCURY)
                                BY BUSINESS ASTROLOGER &
                                ASTRO STRATEGIST                                       (Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
                                                                                       You’ll soon find answers to the issues that are currently troubling you.
                                HIRAV SHAH                                             In the interim, have patience. Despite the anxiety, you must overcome
                                                                                       any obstacles that are put in your path.

                                Hirav  Shah  is  a  PIONEER  in  introducing  ASTRO    You should be in good health this week, according to your health
                                                                                       horoscope, locals. Your sleeping habits will improve, giving you more
                                STRATEGY for Business revolution to increase certainty in   energy to recover.
                                business success. He is the top influencer and advisor in the   • Avoid wearing Black
                                fields of Real Estate, Sports, Hollywood, Bollywood, Tourism,   • Lucky Days : Sunday
                                Corporate Business, Politics & more. He combines Business   • Lucky Color : Blue
                                Principles with Astrology and brings strategic solutions to the
                                table while maintaining absolute confidentiality. Hirav has
                                an astounding Global presence with his clients based across
                                various business sectors.                              NUMBER 6 (VENUS)
                                [email protected]  |          (Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)
                                                                                       You are the kind of person that puts more emphasis on plans and
                                                                                       projects that have a good probability of succeeding. The time is right
                 NUMBER 1 (SUN)                                                        for you to return to what you love, so take advantage of this opportu-
                                                                                       nity to excel in your job.
                 (Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)             Your health requires  attention  because of  the  problems with your
                                                                                       lower back. Please use caution and avoid neglect.
                 This week, Number 1 natives may find themselves in leadership/bigger   • Avoid wearing Cocoa
                 roles within their hierarchy. Embrace your designation with a strong   • Lucky Days : Monday
                 commitment to work-ethics, setting an example for other folks.        • Lucky Color : Off-White
                 To enhance spiritual development and focus, which will aid in your abil-
                 ity to make decisions, think about including fasting into your regimen.
                 Deep sleep is required too.
                 • Avoid wearing Scarlet                                               NUMBER 7 (NEPTUNE)
                 • Lucky Days : Thursday
                 • Lucky Color : Light Blue                                            (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
                                                                                       Stress from work is unavoidable. The good news is that you’ll use it to
                 NUMBER 2 (MOON)                                                       your advantage. Your leadership skills will be essential to finding solu-
                                                                                       tions to the current problems. Your health will be more favorable than
                 (Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month)             it was last week, and you’ll make an effort to discipline your routine.
                                                                                       Meal skipping is strictly prohibited.
                 For Number 2 folks, business growth and profitability is being forecast-  • Avoid wearing Maroon
                 ed.In all endeavors, maintain professionalism, as it will enhance your   • Lucky Days : Friday
                 reputation. Seek harmony in your set-up to foster your peace of mind.   • Lucky Color : Yellow
                 To navigate the week with emotional intelligence and serenity, embrace
                 lunar energy. Spend some more time with nature and in the lap of na-
                 ture.                                                                 NUMBER 8 (SATURN)
                 • Avoid wearing Obsidian
                 • Lucky Days : Sunday                                                 (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
                 • Lucky Color : Yellow
                                                                                       Time to harness the energy of Number 8 to excel in career/profes-
                                                                                       sional endeavors. This is going to happen by expanding your network.
                                                                                       Cultivate meaningful connections that can open pathways to success
                 NUMBER 3 (JUPITER)                                                    and prosperity.
                                                                                       Prioritizing restorative sleep will not only rejuvenate your body but
                 (Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month)             will sharpen your decision-making abilities, ensuring a productive and
                 To get things going, it’s time to be more interactive with your newly   prosperous week.
                 joined colleague or with your boss. It’s time to conduct yourself with     • Avoid wearing Khaki
                 utmost integrity. You’ll be content with your professional accomplish-  • Lucky Days : Tuesday
                 ments. To you, contentment will appear to be the most crucial factor.  • Lucky Color : Light Green
                 Your health will be great this week, according to your horoscope, dear
                 natives. To avoid needless health complications, stay away from junk
                 food and processed foods.                                             NUMBER 9 (MARS)
                 • Avoid wearing Ruby
                 • Lucky Days : Saturday                                               (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
                 • Lucky Color : Yellow                                                The pace of work will slow down because of persistent conflict with
                                                                                       coworkers. Focus on “your” initiatives rather than getting sucked into
                                                                                       other people’s issues.
                 NUMBER 4 (URANUS)                                                     The necessity for health care will arise from ongoing health problems.
                                                                                       Avoid consuming anything that will irritate your tummy.
                 (Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month)             • Avoid wearing Beige
                                                                                       • Lucky Days : Wednesday
                 Despite having great ideas at work, you choose to keep them apart.    • Lucky Color : Light Blue
                 Fortunately, you might have a brainstorm this week, which will enable
                 you to figure out how to put your thoughts & ideas into practice. Yes…  CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS OF THE WEEK
                 Your health will need attention this week due to some gut-related diffi-
                 culties, according to the health horoscope. Give your body some nutri-
                 tious, home-cooked organic food for a while.               October 20- Virender Sehwag     October 23- Prabhas
                 • Avoid wearing Red                                        October 21- Srinidhi Shetty     October 24- Anurag Thakur
                 • Lucky Days : Tuesday
                 • Lucky Color : White                                      October 22- Amit Shah           October 26- Raveena Tandon

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