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SPORTS                                                             OCTOBER 277, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 49

        totals, but I think having won all the
        four matches while chasing, I think it’s
        a great way to have that momentum
        with us in those big games that we willl
        have moving forward.”
            Gill said that it was disappointing
        to miss the first two games but is glad
        to get some game time now.
            “Obviously felt nice (on getting a
        fifty). When I was a little sick, I was
        feeling a bit disappointed about miss-
        ing out on those opportunities, but
        definitely felt nice to get some game
        time,” said Gill.
            On learning from Rohit and Vi-
        rat, Gill said that he is trying to learn
        how they play in big games.
            “To see them how they go about
        their business in World Cup and in
        big games is what I always try to learn
        from them. I think there’s a fine line
        between sometimes being too aggres-
        sive or going in the shell, especially
        playing big games. But I think the
        way they play, the way their mindset is
        playing those big games in the World
        Cup is what I try to learn from them,”
        said Gill.                                     Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli and Ravindra Jadeja celebrate the wicket of Bangladesh’s Mushfiqur Rahim (ANI)

            Ben Stokes confirms his       sion here in Mumbai. [I will] give it a   they are excited to be.   a back anchor out and the innings go
          availability for crucial clash   good push but, yes, I think everything   “We would love to get our sec-  nowhere because they are both well
                                          is pretty good. I am in a good place,”   ond win here. South Africa have been   and truly stable.”
             tar  all-rounder  Ben Stokes   said Stokes.                    performing really well so far and are a   “It’s  fine  to  have  one  stabilizer,
             confirmed that he is fit to play   Stokes said that England has a   good team. It is exciting as well being at   I think it’s really important to have a
        SEngland’s  crucial  ICC  Cricket   long way to go into the tournament   the Wankhede, the first game there [of   mind like Steve Smith at the top of the
        World Cup clash against South Afri-  and the team has to deal with its loss-  the World Cup]. It is generally a nice   order when you start to set totals or
        ca. England will take on South Africa   es quickly since it will happen to ev-  place to bat in particular. Hopefully, it   chase totals, you need that comput-
        on Saturday.                      eryone.                           can be one of those games for us where   er mind, but when you have two of
            Though England bounced back       “We are only three games into a   we go out and click,” said Stokes.   them in a row I think it creates pres-
        after a nine-wicket loss to New Zea-  tournament. There is still a long way                           sure through the top six so I’d make a
        land in the tournament opener with a   to go. It [the loss to Afghanistan] was   Hayden wants Cameron Green   change there,” he added.
        win over Bangladesh, they succumbed   disappointing at the moment, but    to open for Australia           Green was dropped after the first
        to Afghanistan in Delhi in a shocker.   at the end of the day, we have lost a                         game against India due to his lack of
        South Africa also had started off well   game of cricket in a World Cup. Ev-  ormer Australian batter Mat-  form with the bat, but Hayden claimed
        with wins against Sri Lanka and Aus-  eryone is going to lose games and it’s   thew Hayden feels that Austra-  the opening may free him up from the
        tralia, but became victims of an upset   one of those things we had to deal  Flia should make a shift in the   shackles, with Mitchell Marsh moving
        against Netherlands, who had made it   with quickly, understand that we did   top order and give batting all-round-  to No. 3 and Smith to No. 4.
        to the tournament through qualifiers.  not perform well but move on, and   er  Cameron  Green  the  flexibility  to   “Give him a license, Cam Green
            Stokes did not feature in the first   understand we have a lot more cricket   play as an opener in place of Marnus   at the top. To me he’s a kid who hasn’t
        three matches of the side due to a hip   left to play,” said Stokes.  Labuschagne, who is now batting at   necessarily  found  his tempo in  any
        niggle. He had come out of ODI re-    Most of the English players have   number four.                 format of the game but what we saw
        tirement to help England defend the   been joined by their partners and   The  five-time  champions  have   here during the IPL is that Mumbai
        title. Stokes being in playing eleven   children. The team had two full days   problems throughout their lineup, as   Indians just sent him out and said, kid,
        will no doubt be a boost for England.  off after arriving in Mumbai. Stokes   numerous batters have  struggled  to   just smash it,” he said.
            Stokes said that it was frustrating   said that this little off has given them   create good innings after two efforts,   “He’s got huge levers, got great
        to face a niggle before the tourna-  a great chance to recharge their bat-  and questions persist about their se-  scoring abilities. Not so good when
        ment started.                     teries.                           lection of three frontline quicks.  it comes to playing spin through
            “It was a frustrating little niggle to   “It has been a good chance to   Australia’s scores of 199 and 177   the  middle  but  by  that  stage  if  he’s
        get before the tournament starts. But   rest and get fired up and ready for the   against India and South Africa re-  smashed  Pakistan  for  70  or  80  he’s
        I have worked very hard to get back to   game against South Africa. The fam-  spectively, highlight the struggle they   done  his  job.  Mitch  [Marsh]  won’t
        where I am and making myself ready   ilies have arrived now which has been   have had to put up runs on the board   like to come down to three because
        to be available for selection,” said   really good for some people. We have   in the ongoing ICC World Cup.  he’s had great success in his ODI ca-
        Stokes as quoted by ESPNCricinfo to   been out here for three or four weeks,   Talking about whether pairing   reer  opening  but  soon  enough  you
        BBC.                              so it’s been a good chance to recharge   Steve Smith and Labuschagne togeth-  are going to get [Travis] Head back in
            Stokes said that he is currently in   our batteries,” said Stokes.  er works, Hayden told ESPNcricinfo,   there so ultimately Mitch is going to
        a “good place”.                       Stokes said that the team would   “I  don’t  think  it  does.  I  don’t  think   bat three, so make the change, create
            “We have had a few days off since   like to register their second win at   they’ll  change  things  either.  To  me,   the initiative, do something different
        the last game and the first training ses-  the iconic Wankhede Stadium, where   they have got a front anchor out and   rather than sit and wait,” Hayden said.

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